500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 18 Feeling A Bit Jostled

The city of Northwall was alive and bustling as we rode down what seemed to be the center street. There were businesses of all sorts like Shoe stores, Armorers, Clothing stores, craft shops, and many more.

Looking at the place, nothing really stood out that said women-only kinds of stores, but I did see two undergarment stores. I guess that would be the craziest thing since I didn't think I would find any moon flow pad stores.

"This must be a big change from the village, especially if you have no memories. I am sure that you thought that there were going to be tents on the other side of the wall," Senna said quietly from the horse beside us.

"This is true mostly, but I didn't think there were tents here. I really wasn't sure what to expect, but I should have learned by now. This place just keeps surprising me at every step," I said, looking around at the fine craftwomanship all around me.

"Just be careful around Lady Katarina. It will take more than your scariness to bring this on to heel," Senna warned, and I nodded.

"Just try not to cause too much trouble right away. At least make it progressive. We don't want the city up in arms, and if you get rid of Lady Katarina, we will both have to stay here," Eliza also warned.

"I get it. I will just listen, but you have to remember that I really haven't acted until someone was at risk of getting hurt," I reminded them, and both women went silent.

Almost every woman we passed, young and old, waved to the little Countess in my lap and congratulated her. Whenever I looked down, she looked pleased, and that was something else the people commented on.

I guess she must have been pretty solemn before this for people to take this much notice, or this was just a woman thing. Whatever it was, I was glad she was happy, but I was concerned about this Katarina.

'Succubus, you awake in there?'

[Always, but my name is Xieus! I am a Succubus!]

'Sorry. I guess that I should be aware of that, not like you are just a run of the mill monster. Xieus is a pretty name, though.'

[Oh… Umm, apology accepted! What can I help you with?]

'What is your view on this, Katarina? How do you think I should handle her? I think this is manipulating my Partner, but I haven't met her yet.'

[Hmm, hard to say without her being near you. Sounds like she is a bit greedy, but I am sure that you should be able to figure something out. You did say that you would go deal with the Lich Queen, so that can be a bargaining chip.]

'Good, but what about Eliza? Do you think that she will be safe?'

[If you are that worried, lock this Lady up! I am sure that we could find a Demonologist that would also have sealing crystals. Usually, you would need a powerful sorceress to use something like that, but I can sense that you understand far more than you should about the magic here. Far more than any woman on the Twelve Islands.]

That was an interesting idea, and I would consider it if it came down to me worrying about Eliza's safety.

I looked ahead and could see a big fancy red mansion up ahead; we still had about six blocks to go, but now all the buildings were just housing. I decided that I might as well probe Xieus a bit more.

'What do you know of the Lich Queen?'

[Morgana? I have met her a couple times, and she is a charming lady, but she can't seem to catch a break from the undead. They act like her children, and they are constantly hanging off her.]

'That is what I heard, but can you tell me what she likes?'

[Likes? Hmmm, when I was there, there was a garden of Midnight Bellflowers that she loved watching, but the undead tended to wreck them. When she showed me them, we stood on a cliff out of reach from the undead.]

I couldn't imagine living in a world where the undead constantly followed me, trying to kill anyone that got close. I could understand why the Lich Queen was losing hope, but I would change that.

Now that I had a bit of info on what I could do, I started to work on a plan. Since I would be the only one going, I would have to hold nothing back, and I could go wild with magic sword arts, but I would have to acquire some special weapons and armor to be able to channel into.

"What are you thinking about? You have one of those smiles like you are thinking about fighting or something," Eliza said, looking up at me, and I shrugged.

"Just thinking about how I can solve the Lich Queen problem. That seems to be the biggest problem around right now, so if I deal with that, things should calm down, right? We could probably find you a replacement if you want to come on a journey with me," I explained, and Eliza's eyes lit up.

"You are just doing this all so you can take me away with you?!" Eliza asked excitedly, and I shrugged.

That was part of the truth, but my hunger for epic battles was the heavier part, but I would keep that to myself.

"I mean, yes, but it is about more than that. If I solve the problem, people will be safe, right? Fewer people getting hurt and dying is always number one in my books; if and when I had books, I am sure it was at the top of the list," I said with a bit of confusion.

A Lot of these things that came to me seemed like things I would say or do, but I had no memories to connect them to. It left me feeling a bit jostled and estranged sometimes.


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