2000 Years Of Magic History In My Head

Chapter 92

Episode 92: The Way Two Civilizations Fight (6)

Following the duel with him, Kang Min-hyuk had reflected upon Chris Kyle’s prowess: how did he compare to wizards of the reinforced civilization? The fifth circle was a notable grade there, but in Klinssman’s world, its destructive power was different. Higher and harder, somehow. Would warriors beat Kyle in their dimension? It was hard to tell. Lee Jun-ho, and perhaps others of the golden generation, would have a chance, but those of lesser talents were ambiguous. That was what made Chris Kyle impressive to Kang Min-hyuk – he represented the best in his field as a student, just like Lee Jun-ho, in a world where the balance of power was flipped. His fighting style was a little immature, but his powerful chain attacks could easily destroy a reinforced warrior.

Taking Chris Kyle’s stats into account, what, then, did that make of Dominic Green? He was at least the same level as the golden generation, and in all likelihood, higher.



Flame magic erupted. Evasion had to be swift if it was to be successful.

Mana burst forth like an active volcano, pumping out magic. It became apparent why each step beyond the fifth circle has deemed another world of ability. Access to third circle magic without the need to cast provided a great advantage – with it, Green pushed Min-hyuk into a corner without moving an inch from his initial position. Thanks to mana, the spell’s impact wasn’t too bad, but it prevented Kang Min-hyuk’s approach toward Dominic Green…he had to make a gap.


Aura swirled about his sword. A fragment of mana targeted the gap in Dominic Green’s barrier, and at the same time, Kang Min-hyuk concentrated his mana on his leg and hit the ground.



When Dominic Green stepped on the ground with great strength, a stone bounced upward in the effect of a ground wave. They expertly blocked the fragments of mana. It was elaborate control to the point of admiration, and the shaking land stopped Kang Min-hyuk’s approach.

Beyond the barrier, Dominic Green had faced numerous monsters. As a result, his mind became immovable and could not be shaken. His use of magic was so intuitive that his opponent couldn’t figure out its pattern. While the opponent was fascinated, trying to work around the obstacles his spells presented, he set the scene for victory. His use of illusory magic disposed of the fear of being hit by enemy attacks, so he had time to think. Beyond the wall, he risked his life every time. To be a war mage – to take the lives of many – the fear of death had to be dispelled.



Explosions of magic burst forth.

Green never utilized moving to cast – the technique was unnecessary. Why should he run away? He was under no threat of attack! He maintained a fixed position and cast static. His use of magic was so quick and efficient that even if the enemy approached, they would be demolished before they got close. Even if they can endure the bombardment, they’d be pushed back over and over until exhaustion dealt the final blow that would knock them to the ground.

Kang Min-hyuk broke through the magic again. As he swept away, Dominic Green’s eyes shone sharply.

‘Only a steel heart can win and lose at the same moment; the magic space of the wizard brings hell to the opponent!’

Pasa Sasak!

Dominic Green’s body was scattered.

“Giga Lightning.”


Once again, the sixth Circle magic exploded on Kang Min-hyuk.

* * *

Dominic Green was strong; it was an undeniable fact. The fortified civilization would recognize his skills. Yet, he was used to fighting monsters…he didn’t know what a true warrior from the world of warriors could accomplish. Kang Min-hyuk knew wizards well. Since he walked the magical path himself, he knew the power the wizard was using. Strength in reinforced warriors was rare in magical civilization – because of this, Green made the mistake of comparing Min-hyuk to a monster and battling him with that in mind.

Beyond the barrier, many monsters would exercise strong physical power like Kang Min-hyuk. There may be monsters stronger than Kang Min-hyuk, but they would not use traditional techniques with a history of success like Kang Min-hyuk. The history of reinforced civilization was much shorter than that of the magical civilization. However, it could not be said that the guardian swordsmanship, which was born following many blood sacrifices, was unconditionally weaker than that.

Pasa Sasak-!

Min-hyuk saw Dominic Green disappearing.

He was convinced that Kang Min-hyuk was thoroughly trapped and fell by the upcoming sixth circle magic.

“Giga Lightning.”

The spell was dangerous, but the expected outcome didn’t occur. Kang Min-hyuk wasn’t an easy opponent.

‘Sword screen.’


Kang Min-hyuk deliberately jumped into Giga Lightning. There is a point when the power of magic is amplified.

However, he entered before that point, and Giga Lightning caused a premature explosion.

Mana explosion!

The electric shock was not as strong as intended. Nevertheless, Giga Lightning’s power was strong enough to pierce the sword, but Kang Min-hyuk did not step back. Instead, he stepped forward and used steel, the guardian gate’s secret, to prevent the electric shock from entering his body.

His in-depth knowledge of magic allowed him to make the judgment. He broke through the impact of Giga Lightning and swung his sword toward Dominic Green, who couldn’t compute what was happening.

As he broke through the sparkling web of electricity, Kang Min-hyuk seemed to Green like a reaper of hell. The attack was fast.

“Great shield!”


He used engraving magic, and a blue light exuded from Dominic Green’s forearm and transformed into a huge shield. Kang Min-hyuk’s attack was blocked just in time. Kan Min-hyuk tried to counterattack but was suffering from an electric shock and couldn’t do much. By the time he overcame the paralysis, Dominic Green had disappeared. He had used Blink and sacrificed his pride for victory.

* * *


Dominic Green was desperate. He had fought beyond the barrier many, many times and had only had to use Magic Space once, against an opponent he couldn’t defeat with his own strength. But the duel was a different scenario. Klinssman wasn’t as strong as a super-evolved monster, yet an outrageous attack almost finished him. Without the great shield, he would have collapsed.

Kang Min-hyuk’s gaze was fixed. The moment Dominic Green experienced a profound thirst for victory, he pushed his pride aside, and he resorted to a different strategy.

“Lightning lance!”

His opponent had been fully exposed to Giga Lightning so that any electrical damage would be significantly higher. Dozens of lightning lances appeared and were aimed at Kang Min-hyuk, who had still not fully recovered from paralysis.



Dominic Green was no longer sticking to Magic Space. He began to actively use moving casting and Blink because Kang Min-hyuk could beat him if he were a little off guard.


Kang Min-hyuk’s intuition was activated. Information from the surroundings was sucked in through the transcendental vision, and Kang Min-hyuk followed Dominic Green with predatory steps. It was a breathtaking sight. The audience roared as Klinssman narrowly avoided all of the magic. Moving like a beast, Kang Min-hyuk exceeded human limitations.

The surprise attack was a gamble. In its failure, Kang Min-hyuk suffered considerable damage. Nevertheless, he reacted quickly because both brains processed the information received by the supersense quickly.

A bundle of electricity, bright enough to illuminate the world, was launched. Kang Min-hyuk grasped all trajectories from which it was launched and processed it to find the safest way.

“Eat this, dog.”

Dominic Green swore. Mana flew out in swarms. He was concerned about being caught off-guard. If the fight continued as it was, the wizard with the limitations of mana would be disadvantaged.

Dominic Green’s expression turned harsh. In an urgent situation, he knew how to swallow his prey.



Fleeing wasn’t an option, so he cast quickly and waited for his opponent to tackle.


Kang Min-hyuk responded to his intentions. The moment Kang Min-hyuk reached the point, Dominic Green’s magic appeared.

“Giga Lightning.”

Strong electricity blazed to the degree that even Kang Min-hyuk would not be able to withstand.



Kang Min-hyuk’s body was blurred as his speed increased to incredible levels. Mana exploded, and just before the Giga Lightning fell, Kang Min-hyuk appeared in front of Dominic Green, with a surprise attack using steel.

The attack was bait in disguise, attempting to dispose of the other person’s defense. The duel would end if it worked, but it was Kang Min-hyuk’s best option, even if it didn’t work.

Dominic Green could not counter the super-fast attack that penetrated space.

“It’s over.”


Dominic Green’s face contorted in the colossal effort. Blood trickled from his nose, and intense light rose from the back of both hands. He formed two engraved magics at the same time.

“Giant Hold.”

“Giga Lightning.”

Dominic Green pushed himself to his limits in the emergency, and the power blasted into Kang Min-hyuk.


Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang!

Finally, it was the moment that ended the fight.

* * *


Dominic Green sank to the floor, gasping.

“Heo-eok, heo-eok.”

He passed the pitfalls of life and death countless times beyond the barrier, but he had never felt so threatened as fighting Klinssman. Kang Min-hyuk’s eyes were drilling into him until the end.

“If the duel was longer, I might have lost.”

His mana was reaching the very bottom. He used all three of his maximum engraved magic, and after that, he would have had nothing left. Fortunately for him, though, he won.

“Medical staff, foreign staff!”

Officials of the duel competition hurried to the stage. Sixth circle magic had been used four times, and thinking that Klinssman might have died, they rushed to offer first aid.


The smoke was lifted, slowly revealing Klinssman’s form.

He hadn’t fallen. His flaming skin was definitely not normal, but he was staring at Dominic Green without falling. He didn’t seem able to raise an attack, but his hand gripped his sword all the same.

Kang Min-hyuk even survived the final blow…however, the MC had already made a judgment.

“Ah, it was a great game! Dominic Green defeats Klinssman and advances to the finals!”

The duel was over; a continuation would be lethal.

People cheered enthusiastically, and Avid was content that his judgment was correct.

In the end, Dominic Green won, but none of the people sitting in the VIP seats were smiling.


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