2000 Years Of Magic History In My Head

Chapter 112: An Unconventional Walk (4)

Chapter 112-An Unconventional Walk (4)

The first person to board the stage was Lee Hak-beom; the audience was captive, awaiting what was to come.

“Professor Lee Hak-beom’s help while I was studying in the Department of Magic was invaluable. As a joint Ma-Tap master alongside myself, he will handle Ma-Top’s big and small events and lead the research team. As I said in the live broadcast, my primary aim is magical advancement.” To do that, a great scholar like Professor Lee Hak-beom is an essential piece of the puzzle. The scale and quality of our research team will be the greatest in the world. As of tomorrow, we will be making a massive investment of 100 billion won per year to ensure that’s the case.”

Clap clap clap! Applause burst out.

In the past, Lee Hak-beom was only a professor – now, he was recognized as an outstanding scholar. His support was meaningful in many ways – his inclusion guaranteed the future of the research team. At least, Wayne Burns knew about Hak-beom’s involvement – they had discussed his bond with Kang Min-hyuk while he worked with the BMA. His knowledge of Lee Hak-beom differed from what the public knew – Wayne Burns was acutely aware of Hak-beom’s brilliance. Although the research team remained incomplete, the combination of Min-hyuk and Hak-beom was a recipe for excellence.

Who would be next? People watched the stage, riveted. Nobody could predict…there were many people connected to Kang Min-hyuk, but joining the tower would be reserved for a prized few.

“The next member is Jeong Sang-hoon from the department of magic.”

The audience expressed great pleasure and admiration at the revelation – Sang-hoon had rapidly gained a reputation as one of Korea’s finest prospects. This time, Kang Min-hyuk did not explain; Sang-hoon took the microphone himself.

“There will be some here who know me and some who don’t. I’m Jeong Sang-hoon, a 17-year-old magic student, and just a few months ago, I was a 2nd circle wizard. My life has changed since I enlisted my classmate, Kang Min-hyuk, as a Master. All of my progress would have been impossible without his teaching – he made me grow as a wizard, and I will share my experiences with the disciples of the new tower.”

As a result of his explanation, the name Jeong Sang-hoon’s meaning was altered, and he shared his glory with Kang Min-hyuk.

What would be the qualities of Matopism? Your skills as a wizard? Strong power? All right. However, the ability to share knowledge – to teach – was a defining factor. Sang-hoon’s rapid growth was an active example of his teaching talent. Wayne Burns admired the team forming before him: the world’s best wizard Kang Min-hyuk, the world-recognized scholar Lee Hak-beom, and Jeong Sang-hoon, who is said to be one of the most promising wizards of his generation: a formidable lineup. Among the personal connections that Kang Min-hyuk could mobilize, it was a unique arrangement of people. However, something was lacking…Kang Min-hyuk could not be the only source of sheer power – even as the world’s greatest, he couldn’t handle everything by himself. He needed someone to take his place in the certainty of his absence.

“I’d like to invite the final member of the leadership team to the stage.”

The man’s identity stepping onto the stage caused a stir – the audience gasped and jumped from their seats.


“Surely not?!”

They couldn’t believe their eyes. The world’s first sixth circle wizard, and the only living mage who could compete with Min-hyuk as the world’s best, Yoo Jae-myeong stood before the crowd.

* * *

People were in shock, enchanted by Jae-myeong. Why was he there?

He began to speak, “I am Yoo Jae-myeong. Many of you are probably surprised by my decision to join Ma-top. Since my ascension to the sixth circle, many forces have tried to recruit me, but power is not the most important thing for a wizard. There are many wizards in the world who, like me, have stayed in the 5th circle for a long time. They weren’t stuck because they were unskilled. Some had already reached the sixth circle but couldn’t find the system through which it could function, so we had no choice but to live as half-circle six wizards. Then, I realized that development without knowledge is meaningless. While other sorcerers and I are outstanding in the realm of magic, a laboratory presence is what paves the way for progress.”

There was power in Yoo Jae-myeong’s remarks; the fact that he was the world’s first six-circle wizard made people listen more intently.

“When I was recognized as a 6th Circle wizard, I had met Kang Min-hyuk and decided to join Matop there and then. Had it not been for him, I would still have been a half six circle wizard.”

People’s eyes widened at that remark – Yoo Jae-myeong was implying that the sixth-circle magic he used now originated from Kang Min-hyuk. A member of the audience who had watched silently so far was so full of intrigue that it came spilling out.

“Basically, what you’re saying is that Kang Min-hyuk taught you the sixth Circle magic?”

“Yes. I couldn’t even catch the clue of it, but with Kang Min-hyuk’s help, I was able to learn it. Kang Min-hyuk is a magical genius. While traveling worldwide to find the secret of circle six, I met countless people with the title of genius, but no one came up with a clear answer as Kang Min-hyuk did. If humanity reaches the stage of seeking the seventh circle, then only Kang Min-hyuk will provide an answer. Am I not the only wizard who’s been able, so far, to reach the sixth circle? I couldn’t have done it without him”


“How amazing!”

Yoo Jae-myeong’s remarks were shocking, and the audience was visibly affected. His membership alone was astounding, but for him to reveal that Min-hyuk was the source of his development was truly spectacular. Wayne Burns admitted that Yoo Jae-myeong was an excellent finale to an impressive lineup.

Ma-top gained respect, and through care, it gained strength. It was not only Yoo Jae-myeong who joined, but his followers, too, of which there were approximately fifty – the minimum number of circles any wizard had attained within the group was three, and they would all join him at the new tower.

Jae-myeong’s strength would soon become Kang Min-hyuk’s. He had already attained a great deal, and he was only just beginning.

Kang Min-hyuk addressed the audience, “The reason we didn’t share all details with you, to begin with, was to confirm our sincerity. Those who responded to the invitation simply because they were curious would not take the risks that have led you all to the inauguration ceremony today.”

The audience spoke among themselves, “He’s scary! How can he be so decisive at the age of only seventeen?”

Showing off or assets is embedded in human nature. However, Kang Min-hyuk maintained his composure in a relaxed manner and did not open his mouth even in the face of mass disbelief. It allowed him to naturally filter the interested parties, leaving only those passionate about Ma-top.

His sound judgment and display of readiness set him in good stead to endure the World Magic Alliance’s inevitable attacks. In learning that he had made the right choice, Wayne Burns could not suppress a smile from spreading across his face and settling in his heart.

Kang Min-hyuk went on, “While we’re all here, I’d like to hold a demonstration.”

The performance wasn’t over yet.

* * *

Explicit intentions were underlying the decision to offer a demonstration: he wanted people to see the unknown brands of magic he had unearthed, to allow them a sense of security in his leadership.

“This magic’s name is Fire Rain. It is sixth-circle flame magic, which makes flames fall from the sky like rain.”

Following Min-hyuk’s demo, Yoo Jae-myeong immediately followed. His magic covered the surroundings in a blanket of fire.

“Fire Lane.”



A dark cloud formed in the sky. Like Kang Min-hyuk’s, the rain of flames began to fall, and people were dazzled by the power of the sixth-circle magic, witnessed for the first time in their lives. With just one spell, the performance was imprinted on their minds forever. However, Kang Min-hyuk wanted to give an overwhelming show, and as the aftermath of Fire Lane disappeared, he immediately began the next spell.

“This is Flame Cannon.”

“This is Stone Shower.”

“This is Giga Lightning.”

The demonstration continued. People’s facial expressions gradually turned into shock and fear. Kang Min-hyuk’s talent as a scholar was widely appreciated. Still, his practical skills were phenomenal – upon witnessing them, the audience had no trouble believing that Yoo Jae-myeong’s prowess stemmed from Kang Min-hyuk. Even though he wasn’t a sixth circle wizard himself, his knowledge and raw talent made it clear that he was capable of such a ridiculous achievement.

To open the gateway to the sixth circle was a remarkable feat. Wizards had long struggled at the fifth because they couldn’t find the clues, but Kang Min-hyuk revealed a lot of sixth circle magic with such ease that it seemed vaguely insulting to their endeavors. All of the magic announced by Kang Min-hyuk had a considerable degree of completion, and its power also exceeded expectations.

The demonstration took a long time. Since the mana consumption was considerable, Yoo Jae-myeong had to break between casting, but nobody complained. A legend that would resound throughout history was blossoming before their very eyes; all discontent disappeared long before.

Finally, the last demonstration was unleashed.

“This magic is Twin Cyclone.”

“As you can see, I have conjured 16 six-circle spells – you may want to know what qualifications you must meet to learn it.”

In the elaborate magical library of Klinssman’s world, there was an extensive section open to the public – despite much of the literature being of a lower level, it made seventh circle magic accessible to all. That process led to the development of the entire civilization – even the eighth circle could be reached because knowledge was not a privilege for the few but available to many.

Fitting with Ma-top’s core principles, magic’s primary purpose did not orbit power but progress.

“I plan to reveal the magic to all members of the tower. No special conditions are required. The tower will always be open to those with a shared vision and a passion for magic.”

The audience questioned their ears – did he really say that he’d hand out his treasures as though they were twigs?!


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