100% Love from the Boss

Chapter 51 Be Back to Live in the Villa

Chapter 51 Be Back to Live in the Villa

“Hubby, you are going on a business trip for half a month, so you’ll be back right on September 22. Am I right?” Xia Xiaoluo asked him in the mutter of voice while leaning again in the arms of Ling Tianyi.

“Almost, in those days!” Ling Tianyi inadvertently smoothed down her messy hair.

“I’ll have a performance that day in Giovanni Auditorium, which is the most dazzling and coolest hall of Dwichen’s College. Will you come to watch my performance?” murmured Xia Xiaoluo when she was almost falling asleep.

“I’ll see.” Ling Tianyi thought that his little wife was somewhat stupid. So, what kind of talent she would have? Could it be dancing?

Ling Tianyi could not help but be very curious. He thought about it to himself for a while, and then he whispered to the little girl in his arms, asking, “Babe, I will try to come back to watch your performance. But, what’s it?”

“Tell me.” Ling Tianyi waited for a moment. But when he looked down only to find the little girl, who led to the topic, already fell sound asleep.

Ling Tianyi helped his little wife to tuck her up in her quilt. He had no choice but to sleep too. But no sooner had he closed his eyes than his smartphone rang.

“Chu Wei, what’s the matter?” Ling Tianyi lowered his voice, for he did not want to wake the sleeping little girl up.

“President Ling, Xia Youfeng was eager to see you, so he may perhaps wait for you in the downstairs of your apartment early in the morning tomorrow.” Chu Wei reported the latest news.

Ling Tianyi frowned and wondered why the little girl’s father wanted to see him. He had already invested much into Youfeng Real Estate Company and the business of the Company managed to get by. Catching a glance at the sleeping girl who was drooling, Ling Tianyi looked pensively and then he hurried to ask Chu Wei, “Did Xia Xiaoluo bring trouble on herself?”

“President Ling, according to my investigation, today, Madam had conflicted with Xia Jingru, Xia Youfeng’s eldest daughter. Xia Jingru threw Madam’s sandwich onto the ground and trampled over it into pieces. In addition, she abused Madam’s biological mother. Later, Madam was so angry that she punched her on her nose, which was swollen.” Chu Wei reported in humble reverence.

Ling Tianyi snorted, saying, “Well done! That Xia Jingru deserved a good spanking for what she did. I had already dealt with her a long time before. Shouldn’t Xia Youfeng look for me to demand justice for his daughter!”

Chu Wei smiled and said to Ling Tianyi, “How dare he? According to those who work under him, Xia Youfeng had tended to call his wife to apologize, but his wife’s mobile phone was turned off. That guy was then afraid that Madam may report the thing to you, thus being unfavorable to his company. So, he wanted to apologize. But now it’s been already very late. For fear of disturbing you, Xia Youfeng had been wandering downstairs of your apartment!”

“Well, got it. You have Xia Youfeng, the lunatic, driven away. I don’t want to see him when I go downstairs tomorrow. By the way, Chu Wei, there’s one more thing. Tomorrow afternoon, I have to leave City A. What I worry about most is not my company but my little girl. You keep a close watch on her and report anything to me at any time.” Ling Tianyi was really afraid that his little girl would possibly be unfaithful to him in half a month. Meanwhile, he also worried that his little wife would possibly be bullied on campus. If Chu Wei could take care of her secretly, he could set forth his mind at rest to some extent.

“Please rest assured, President Ling. I will definitely protect Madam.” Chu Wei had been working for Ling Tianyi for many years and he was a tapeworm in Ling Tianyi’s stomach. He then naturally understood what Ling Tianyi meant.

Ling Tianyi hung up his phone and looked at the little girl who was wrapped in a thin quilt, giving a kiss on her forehead.

“Babe, just beat him up if anyone bullies you. If there’s any problem, I’ll be at your back. All you need to do is just protect yourself by winning in the fight. You can never be defeated.” For Xia Xiaoluo’s punch, Ling Tianyi felt very gratified instead of getting into anger. As long as his darling wife did not feel aggrieved, he could also lay anything flat according to his power even if she made a disaster.

The next morning, Ling Tianyi woke up Xia Xiaoluo who was still staying in bed.

“Hubby, it’s so early in the morning and I still want to sleep for a while!” Xia Xiaoluo turned over and continued to sleep with her quilt.

Ling Tianyi stretched over to turn over Xia Xiaoluo who was in a sound sleep. He was going on a business trip, so he must take a feast of his little girl before he left. Otherwise, he would not endure such an ascetic life as long as half a month.

Ling Tianyi simply did what he wanted to do with Xia Xiaoluo no matter she was asleep or awake. After having a rest for a whole night, his physical strength had recovered quite well so that he tended to do several rounds of exercises together with his little wife.

Ling Tianyi was kissing Xia Xiaoluo on her eyelids. The eyelashes were very long and very charming. He continued to kiss her...

“Honey, no! Let me continue to sleep!” Xia Xiaoluo sobbed so while she yielded but with a show of reluctance in the end.


After Ling Tianyi and Xia Xiaoluo had breakfast, the latter said that she would go to college.

“You only have the third and fourth classes to attend, don’t you? I will send you back to the villa and make an explanation to my parents. Then I will send you to college. Don’t worry, you won’t be late.” Ling Tianyi said.

“Honey, I can live alone in this apartment, for I don’t like to go to the villa.” Xia Xiaoluo acted spoilt in a flirtatious way by pursing her lips. In her opinion, this trick was the most efficient method to deal with Ling Tianyi. Besides, she had basically satisfied him with what she did just now. In her experience, Ling Tianyi would not deny her anything if she begged him at this moment.

“You move to the villa for half a month and live there, which can set forth my mind at rest. No more discussion on it anymore and there is no room for negotiation.” Ling Tianyi gave a categorical rebuff. But, actually, he did not intend to embarrass his little wife. Otherwise, he would not possibly be away for half a month if he did not send Xia Xiaoluo to the villa and had his parents keep a close watch on her.

Ling Tianyi quickly returned to the villa together with Xia Xiaoluo. He Meishu was overjoyed when she heard that Xia Xiaoluo was going to live in the villa for half a month.

“Mom, Xiaoluo is weak. During this period, therefore, have servants cook some more delicious food for her to build up her health.” Ling Tianyi expressed perfectly about what was in He Meishu’s heart. Even if her son did not tend to tell her about it, she would definitely take good care of Xia Xiaoluo to be pregnant as soon as possible.

He Meishu tended to exhort Ling Tianyi again, for he would be away from City A. But Ling Tianyi had a look at his watch and said to He Meishu, “Mom, I’ll send Xiaoluo to college. She had the third and fourth classes to attend today.”

“Well, attending classes is also important. Xiaoluo, will you come back for lunch at noon? How about soup containing stewed trotters?” He Meishu asked.

“Mom, I have classes to attend this afternoon, so I won’t return at noon. I will come back at night to take the soup. Is it Okay with you?” Xia Xiaoluo said softly.

“Okay! Good! I’ll keep the soup for you.” He Meishu finished, and she asked Xia Xiaoluo another question again, “Xiaoluo, give a copy of your curriculum to me later so that I will know when you can have dinner at home and when you’ll have your meals on campus. Or, how about my sending meal to you in person when you are in college? For fear that it won’t be tasty if you dine outside.”

“You don’t bother to do that!” Xia Xiaoluo felt overwhelmed by the enthusiasm out of her mother-in-law.

“Okay, Mom, time is short! You can discuss it with Xiaoluo when she comes back home at night!” Finishing these words, Ling Tianyi left the villa taking Xia Xiaoluo together with him. Due to the fact that there left only a few time, Ling Tianyi drove at a high speed all the way and finally arrived at the entrance of Dwichen’s College even a few minutes ahead.

Xia Xiaoluo loosened the seat belt and tended to get off. Ling Tianyi stretched over and dragged her back, asking, “Xia Xiaoluo, have you forgotten something?”

Xia Xiaoluo looked around herself, finding herself taking with her bag, her wallet...

“Hubby, I’ve taken all my things together with me, not missing anything,” said Xia Xiaoluo confidently. Indeed, she did not forget any of her stuff, even though she was a scatterbrained person.

“You’re really a heartless girl! I will be away by plane this afternoon and I won’t be back until half a month later. How can you leave right away? Without any act?” Ling Tianyi’s face was full of dissatisfaction, for his little wife did not seem to know how to behave in a delicate situation. It would be fine if she did not kiss him goodbye. But he should not let her go if she did not exhort him at all.

Xia Xiaoluo suddenly realized what Ling Tianyi meant. She then left the co-driver’s seat and immediately straddled him on his laps, hugging around his neck, kissing him on his cheek and saying, “Dear, Bon voyage by going with the flow!”

“You a little fool! I am going to take a flight. If the plane should take off by going with the flow, then it will fall on to the ground. Can you bless me with some fine words?” Though Ling Tianyi scolded Xia Xiaoluo in words, he calmed down after the sweet kiss given by Xia Xiaoluo.

“Okay, my fault! Honey, have a safe trip!” Xia Xiaoluo finished these words and kissed Ling Tianyi again on his lips.

Xia Xiaoluo’s kiss was as light as a dragonfly scratched the surface of the water. But Ling Tianyi took her tightly in his arms with his tongue opening her teeth and seducing her lilac-like tongue, enjoying himself in the fragrant saliva in her mouth.

He did not release her until he felt that his little wife was out of breath. “Well, Babe, stop such a reluctant farewell and go to attend your classes!”

Xia Xiaoluo felt depressed suddenly, for it was Ling Tianyi who held her tightly and who did not let her go. In the end, however, he should blame her.

“Hubby, I am leaving. Take care!” After Xia Xiaoluo got off the car, she said so Ling Tianyi at the window of the car.

“Well, your phone must be on for 24 hours.” Ling Tianyi exhorted again. Xia Xiaoluo nodded, saying, “Got it! I’ll go to classes. Hubby, bye.”

Ling Tianyi watched Xia Xiaoluo’s back disappear before he drove away. He could not figure it out why he should find it hard to part from this little girl.


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