10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten'ishiteta

Chapter 5, Epilogue

Chapter 5, Epilogue

Translator: Yukkuri Oniisan

Editor: So-Chintzy

「Alice, let’s try to plant it in this place!」(Yuuji)

「Un, alright Yuuji-nii! Ehehe, can’t wait!」(Alice)

After repulsing the orc, Yuuji and Kotarou once again had their Echelon Rank Ups. Yuuji’s physical strength, that had increased before, once again increased a bit, so that clearing the land continued at a reasonably fast pace.

Currently, it was the end of Summer, the time when mornings start to feel cool.

At the southern area from Yuuji’s house, they had reclaimed a section of the cleared land and planted crops at that place. The crops were tuber seedlings that were called “the pioneer’s seed of salvation”, which he had received from Kevin.

「It’s a tuber seedling, but the appearance is like a potato…… If this is really a potato, then it can be used in cooking, preserved foods, and many other things, but……」(Yuuji)

Please plant it when the weather becomes cool, the growing period is short and you can harvest it before the winter, that is why this is called the “Salvation Seed”. Yuuji remembered what Kevin had said to him.

When he uploaded the image of the tuber seed and Kevin’s information, the bulletin board’s residents bit at the topic really hard just like a horde of piranhas. If it really had the same growing time and output like that of a potato, then Yuuji’s food problems would be considerably improved. Although he was worried about the problems with repeated cultivation, this place was newly opened ground. Since it was a newly cultivated field, then it will be great.1

It can be boiled, it can be roasted, it can be fried, it can be dried, it can be smashed. If he can handle it properly, then it would have a long shelf-life. If he can’t, then it can be solved by offering it as the cuisines that this place didn’t have in order to fulfill Kevin’s wish for 「New Preserved Food」.

「Alright Alice, planting is finished! After taking a break and changing our clothes, let’s go look at the surrounding!」(Yuuji)

「Ye~s! It will be good to catch a boar or a deer-san today, right?」(Alice)

Yuuji only talked about looking at the surroundings, but Alice already aimed for meat. “Woof woof” Kotarou also barked to agree with Alice. As always, the women of the Houjou Family were carnivores (aggressive women)2. By the way, Yuji’s imouto, who wasn’t here, was also a carnivore. It was obvious, since she migrated to the US because she was a carnivore.

「That’s true Alice, but not only meat, defeating goblins or orcs to have a Rank Up is also important!」(Yuuji)

「Un! Alice want to “ei!” a magic again!」(Alice )

While having such exchange, two people and one animal returned back to the house.

Land clearing, magic practice, harvesting and hunting, and then searching and killing hostile creatures to Echelon Rank Up.

This was how Yuuji, Alice and Kotarou passed their days until Kevin the peddler returned.

Yuuji, who had been going outdoors during the summer, was tanned pitch black.

Furthermore, as he kept doing physical jobs, he became muscled and his body became buff.

Currently, it couldn’t be seen that Yuuji had actually been a non-stop Hiki-NEET for 10 years.

At least physically, that is.


Opening land to aim at an autumn harvest, endeavoring at gathering and hunting to prepare for the second winter.

In both his appearance and ability, rather than a magician of the forest, he was more like a splendid pioneer.

After he went out from the house, from a Hiki-NEET, he became a lonely-NEET.

After rescuing Alice, from a lonely-NEET to a NEET.

After meeting with the adventurer trio and the peddler, from a NEET to a Magician of the Forest

Then, from a Magician of the Forest to a Pioneer.

Yes, finally Yuuji has a proper job.

But then, the person himself didn’t realize it, though……


1Potato grew fast, but it also can cause deprive a lot of nutrition (especially kalium or potassium for USA people) from the soil, so it can’t be consecutively planted without fertilizer

2It’s a pun. Carnivore also has a meaning of an aggressive person/someone who pursues things in an active manner in Japanese. While its counterpart, herbivore means a passive person and can be used to describe many non-H Harem genre Male MC.


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