10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten'ishiteta

Chapter 4, Part 4 Bulletin Board Yuuji, Reporting Encounter with the Adventurer and Receiving Orders

Chapter 4, Part 4 Bulletin Board Yuuji, Reporting Encounter with the Adventurer and Receiving Orders

【NEET】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 8【Hibernation】1

1 : Anonymous MEAT

This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that 「Yuuji」 has uploaded.

Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this.

The next thread will be set up after this thread reaches >>950!




659: Anonymous NEET

But you know, if the sound isn’t there then so be it

Can you enjoy a subtitled film or foreign drama?

660: Anonymous NEET

I’m confirming with this verification thread

But to say that there is no music or even sound effect in the film is...

661: I Love Movies NEET

Of course you can enjoy it

Since there are silent films after all

Chaplin can even be considered a famous person

662: Anonymous NEET


Really an enthusiast

663: Anonymous NEET


It’s not like I don’t understand it, but I think it’s a minority

I have seen the silent version of 『Taki no Shiraito』2 and musical added version of 『Taki no Shiraito』, but the one with sound is

A crap

Furthermore, the live performance event with sound3 is

A crap

664: I Love Movies NEET


You said it poorly

What I want to say is that

There are good silent movies

But I think we could be good drinking buddies

665: Anonymous NEET


666: Anonymous NEET


What an enthusiast

Could you do this somewhere else?

Ah, it’s Oo*n4

The number of Satan

667: Anonymous ETNE


Something like ‘no interest in the movie’

I don’t have prolems with it

668: Yuuji

It’s ser’ous ye ‘no, it’s freakin ser’ous5

669: Anonymous MEAT

This Hachibe, no, that’s wrong... this Yuuji

What has made you flustered, lad?6

670: Anonymous NEET


This is the second time after half a year.7

671: Cool NEET

So, what happened?

672: Yuuji

Adventurers came to my house

There is a large knight-like guy, with something like a mace and a huge shield

A flashy guy in showy armor and sword

A woman in light armor and bow

673: Anonymous NEET

Ad-ad-adventurers you say...?

674: Anonymous NEET

The image?

Where’s the image??

675: YES Lolita NO Touch

How old is the woman in light armor?

676: Anonymous NEET

There is no image...

677: Cool NEET

Wait everyone, wait

So, what’s wrong?

678: Anonymous ETNE

Do not rush everyone!

Stark-naked standby!8

679: Anonymous NEET

Then I will wait while naked in necktie!9

680: Yuuji

I greeted them from behind the gate

I wanted to talk with them so I invited them to the house

But because of the you-know-what mysterious barrier, the adventurers couldn’t come in

Maybe thinking it was magic, the large knight-like guy respectfully called me「Forest Magician-Dono」

681: Anonymous NEET

How should I tsukkomi this, I wonder.

682: Anonymous MEAT

Yeah, even I understand what you mean

Yuuji is like a piece of junk

Well, since Yuuji is a DT magician10

It can’t be helped right?

683: Infrastructure Worker

A trio of fully armed people

Although it was their first meeting, Yuuji invited them into the house

Of course he would be killed!

Then with the riches, they go “Huahaha”

Base in the forest, Get!11

684: Well Informed NEET


The level of the civilization is unknown

Same with the law and morals

So, it wouldn’t be strange if it turned out just like that

Yuuji, you just narrowly escaped from death

Why did you invite them?

685: Yuuji

Well because they were kinda tired after walking in the forest so I want them to rest for a bit

Also I wanted to know their story

And get friendly with them so they could take me along to town

And the knight-like guy who talked to me looked honest


I-I-I-I’m not a virgin!

Even Mr. Junior had one round once

If only I could say this

686: Anonymous ETNE

It isn’t just on the carefree level anymore!

I also wanted to say more but

687: Anonymous NEET



Maybe Yuuji-san has a suicidal wish?

....Ah, well he is a person who eats unknown mushroom

And went outside without confirming the death of the goblins

688: Cool NEET

Silence! Silence!

The suspect might have his own motives for that

Let’s confirm his motives

1. Why do you want to hear their story?

2. What your motive to go to the city?

This is the story about another world right?

Maybe he wants to take a break? Let’s silently wait for his information in good faith

I you can’t silent then feel free to croak as you like

689: YES Lolita NO Touch

Don’t just carelessly try to die you know, Yuuji!

If you die then who will protect Alice-chan?!

Alice-chan’s life and livelihood depends on you you know?!

Well if Alice-chan’s life and livelihood is protected

As long as there’s another person who can take picture of her

Yuuji can drop dead for all I care.

690: OverwhelminglyDog-Person

That’s true, what about Kotarou then!?

...Ah, even if Yuuji disappeared

Kotarou will probably be alright

Yuuji before you die please teach Alice-chan how to upload her image will ya?

691: Anonymous MEAT



You guys are way too cool

Only halfway though

692: Yuuji


1. I wanted to know information about this world. You guys do too, right?. Also after getting along with them I wanted to ask them to take Alice and me to the town

2. There is possibility that Alice’s family is still alive. This is the main reason.

If I could get along with them then I can also do the same in the city. Since if I want to search for Alice’s family then faster is better.

Also I wanted to secure food.

Depending on the city’s condition I also wanted to move there. It’s not me that I’m concerned with, but there’s only me in the vicinity of Alice...

693: Anonymous NEET

So you do have a reason

But it was still careless

694: Cool NEET

The motive of the crime had been revealed

However there is still much to be talk about concerning the method

Since there is room to take the circumstances of the suspect into consideration

The guilty verdict will be suspended

695: Well-Informed NEET



696: YES Lolita NO Touch

But it’s a bit too real that it’s frightening...

697: Anonymous NEET


Don’t worry, since there is no verdict suspension for you

698: Yuuji

...Then how should I do it?

By the way, the adventurers are camping in front of the gate

Is there still time?

699: Anonymous ETNE

Then said that first!

700: Anonymous NEET

Alright I’ve been attacked by sleepiness


701: Anonymous NEET



Is the woman cute?

It’s often the case that she will be a peerless beauty, right?

702: Camera Ossan

Hey, Yuuji

Do you know the method for dark photography?

703: Anonymous MEAT

Alright, until the adventurer’s got home

Let’s decide what Yuuji should do!

704: Cool NEET


I agree

However it should follow to Yuuji’s intentions

After all this thread is for this purpose

If it were not interrupted by images or videos that were beyond belief that is

705: Anonymous NEET


703 is Cool even when not yet believing in the another world thing

706: Yuuji

Than’ ye, than’ ye

I’ll do my best

For Alice sake13

Being alone, is very lonesome...

707: Anonymous NEET


With this course of event, what will it be...

708: Anonymous ETNE

How foolish, there is a fool in here!

709: Anonymous NEET

But the flag is a joke for another person

It’s far from how first class flag architects would do things

710: Anonymous NEET

Hey Yuuji has completely reflected on it, you know

711: Cool NEET

Even when the verdict has been suspended

We had already decided, so can you guys move on from this?

Let’s us cut this out

First, confirmed Yuuji’s motive

1. Wanted to find Alice’s family

2. Wanted to secure food (purchase them)

3. Wanted to know information about the city


Are the priorities OK like this?

712: Infrastructure Worker


I detect a businessman scent from 711

713: Anonymous NEET

Theory : 711-san is actually not a NEET

714: Yuuji


It is

However, if I have to add more, the food can hold out until summer

I also currently don’t really need the information about the city

So, basically I just want to search for Alice’s family


Sorry... sorry...

715: Well-Informed NEET

Then what’s important right now is only searching for Alice’s family, huh?

Then it will be very simple

716: Anonymous NEET

It’s simple but I think the difficulty level is high

It’s like searching for the parents of a lost child in a city you’re unfamiliar with, right?

Moreover, there is no information and it’s unknown if they’re still alive

I think this is an impossibly hard video game

717: Anonymous ETNE


There might be family register right!?

718: Anonymous MEAT

If there’s is an Adventurer Guild

Then it will just be like the clichéd searching for lost pet

719: Anonymous NEET


Even if it’s a game, in a world where monsters are swarming at the outside

To still have enough composure to keep a pet is really amazing, I think

Since the pet is usually a monster

720: Well Informed NEET

It hurts that there is no information

The level of civilization is also unknown

There’s a lot of historical precedents where churches or temples store family registries

That reminds me, the religion is also unknown

721: Cool NEET

?Objective: Search for Alice’s Family

?Method: Under consideration

1. Request the adventurers to search

2. Yuuji and Alice search by themselves

Are there still any other suggestion?

722: Anonymous NEET


It smells like work

I’ll get defeated if I work

723: Anonymous ETNE

It is

It is you know

724: Infrastructure Worker

Even not working is like work in a mood sense.

725: YES Lolita NO Touch

Is Alice-chan’s village totally destroyed?

Since Alice ran away, she doesn’t know right?

There also an option to catch the bandits, right?

But, the bandits who make little girls sad deserve to be annihilated.

726: Cool NEET

?Objective: Search for Alice’s Family

?Method: Under consideration

1. Request the adventurers to search

2. Yuuji and Alice search by themselves

3. Ask information from public security organization or religious institution. If possible ask them to search

Anything else?

727: Anonymous MEAT

Everyone, don’t be deceived!

726 is just collecting ideas but didn’t personally contribute any!

728: Well Informed NEET


It’s surely true

But, isn’t that alright?

Does Alice-chan have any other relatives outside the village?

If she does then they would have also been spared from the attack right? Then there would be high possibility that they’re also searching, right?

729: Infrastructure Worker


That’s it!

730: Cool NEET

?Objective: Search for Alice’s Family

?Method: Under consideration

1. Request the adventurers to search

2. Yuuji and Alice search by themselves

3. Ask for information at public security organization or religious institution. If possible ask them to search

4. Contact Alice’s acquaintances outside the village

Is it like this, I wonder?

For the time being, no.2 is a no

731: Yuuji

I don’t have confidence for no.2

But, if it’s Kotarou then she could pull it off somehow

732: Overwhelmingly Dog-Person

>>731 if it’s Kotarou then she could pull it off somehow

Since she is smart and cute, right!

733: Anonymous NEET

Then it’s either no.3 or no.4, right?

I don’t know if no.1 is trustworthy

734: Well Informed NEET

Although no.3 might have the information, but

It’s uncertain that they would search for the missing family members

Alice’s village is 『Frontier』 and 『Pioneering』 right?

I think there would be a lot of missing people

It doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t search for people from their own village

735: Cool NEET

?Objective: Search for Alice’s Family

?Method: 1. Contact Alice’s acquaintances outside the village

2. In case Alice didn’t have any acquaintance, ask for information at public security organization or religious institution

Is it like this?

For now, no.1: How can we contact them?




781: Cool NEET

Then if we decided to request the adventurers to bring him along, what about the reward?

If it’s only in good faith then it will be impossible

782: Anonymous NEET

Come on! It’s your guys forte right?

Things in the house that are valuable in another world

783: Anonymous ETNE

Seasonings like salt, pepper, sugar,

784: Anonymous MEAT


It could even be exchanged for a ship

785: Anonymous NEET


786: Infrastructure Worker

Soap, Paper

787: Overwhelmingly Dog-Person


How could you give her away, how preposterous!

788: Yuuji

I have a lot of stockpiled salt, pepper and sugar

Same with soap

But if it’s possible; choose other things....

789: Anonymous NEET

Gems, gold/silver accessories

790: Anonymous NEET


Since you’re connected to the internet

You could do anything even outside the standards

791: Anonymous NEET

Tools made from iron

Like, screws, nails, bolts, nuts,

Saws, hammers, crowbars

792: Well InformedNEET

The information is... If we only at least know the era then...

Glass goods, mirror

Or rather, what is the first most surprising thing in the house for Alice-chan?

Excluding electrical appliances

793: Yuuji


Window glass, mirror

When I took her to the bath

She was surprised by the washroom mirror

Moving towards and away from it

Waving her hand. There was such commotion

794: YES Lolita NO Touch


The video?

795: Anonymous NEET


Then doesn’t this mean we already decided on mirror and glass?

796: Well Informed NEET

Even if there was none in the village there also a possibility that it’s a common thing in the city

However, well, even in modern days, clear mirror is valuable

It could be made in middle ages, but even a small piece of it was a super treasure

It only be able to mass produced in 19th centuries

But there also possibility that it could be made by using mysterious technology or magic

797: Anonymous NEET


But isn’t carrying the mirror is difficult?

798: Anonymous MEAT


Certainly true

You need to carry it in your back right?

799: Sakura’s Friend

Sorry to interrupt

But how about a compact mirror?

I think there are some in Sakura’s and Obasan’s room

It’s something that women put inside their bags

If they haven’t been disposed then there should be several of them

800: Anonymous NEET

O, Oooh, that’s it

801: Anonymous ETNE

I know I know, that’s it

I also use them

802: Anonymous MEAT


Do you guys really know?

That is that

Then I also had one in my backpack

803: Infrastructure Worker

The thing that they usually take out to do makeup inside the train, contact...something-ish

A small mirror

804: Anonymous NEET


You could’ve be the winner if you post this sooner

805: Yuuji

I’ll search it!

806: Sakura’s Friend

Yuuji-san, I think you should contact Sakura right now!

It will be quicker if you ask her via email.




856: Yuuji


I found 8 pieces

There is a big A5 size


I had emailed Sakura

And received her permission

But when she found out she was terribly angry

She said, why would you invite them inside the house, do you want to die?

As expected from living in America, she is severe towards intruders

857: Cool NEET


If there are several then it has been decided

Yuuji, how many can you could take out?

Also are there other mirrors in the house?

That you wouldn’t hand over even when it’s valuable

Also if there are three people holding weapons

They wouldn’t be able to enter a house even in Japan

Since it will be more natural for the occupant to barricade themselves in and call the police14

858: Anonymous NEET

I’m glad!

I was previously fell down

859: Yuuji

>> 857

2 pieces to be used by Alice

Alice’s favorite is the one in my parents’ dresser

In the house,

?Bathroom on the first and second floor: two giant mirrors

?Two full-length mirrors

?Toilet on the first and second floor: two wall-mounted mirrors

?In my room and imouto’s room: two wall-mounted mirrors

?And the three sided mirror drawers in my parents’ room

The total number of large mirrors totals to 9

860: Anonymous ETNE


So many?

Do you own a mirror house?

861: Anonymous MEAT


It’s a solitary house15, so it’s a given right?

Also a mirror house is not a place for living! Only for seeing!

862: Anonymous NEET

Reward is decided!

So is this over then?

863: Infrastructure Worker

As expected I’m getting sleepy

I have work tomorrow

864: Anonymous ETNE

I don’t have work all year long

865: Anonymous MEAT

I am now in the middle of work you now?

Personal Home Security16

866: Cool NEET


?Ask Alice whether she has any other relatives outside the village

?Leave the annoying adventurer aside and negotiate with the other two

?Contact Alice’s acquaintance in the city or village, and ask them to come

?For the person who came and the adventurers, the rewards are compact mirrors, maximal of 6 pieces

I think it’s okay

However, is it possible for Yuuji to hold the negotiation well by himself?


Also Yuuji, absolutely don’t hand over the large mirror

Do not reveal its existence

You should also avoid mentioning the dresser

867: Anonymous NEET

I think it will be impossible for Yuuji alone

868: Anonymous ETNE

Impossible: 3000 points

869: Anonymous MEAT

It will fail: 10,000 Perica!17

870: Yuuji

I don’t have any confidence

871: Anonymous NEET

Is there anyone here who is good with negotiation?

Or rather, everyone teach this guy how to negotiate!

872: Anonymous NEET


Hey you, dealing with people from Asia to Europe

Negotiator Yuugo18

How regrettable Yuuji, you just miss one letter

873: Former Talented Salesman

I have done real estate and investment firm

I have been recognized as rank 1 country wide

I wrecked my body so now I’m a NEET

874: Cool NEET

I think that’s plenty enough

Then Yuuji, from this point on the thread will be

Man to man lesson preparation for tomorrow by 873-san

873-san, I leave him at your capable hand

875: Anonymous ETNE


Please leave this to me and escape!

This place reeks with the stench of work!

876: Anonymous MEAT

Former Talented Salesman will give guidance


I leave it to you 875-san!

877: Yuuji

Please take care of me!19




028: Cool NEET

Somehow we succeeded

029: Anonymous NEET

It’s morning, huh?

Just in time, somehow, right?

030: Yuuji

Thank you, thank you

I, will do my best

Alice has woken up

I’m off!

031: Anonymous ETNE

The sun is yellow...

Take care!

032: Anonymous MEAT

I pray for you to have good fight!

033: Infrastructure Worker

Why did I stay up all night long...

I’m also off to work!

Good luck Yuuji!

034: YES Lolita NO Touch

Take care!

But before that please post an image of Alice waking up!

035: Well Informed NEET


It’s been a while since I had a feeling of working

Maybe I should go job hunting...

036: Former Talented Salesman

As long as Alice-chan has acquaintances

The negation with the adventurers this time will be an easy victory

The reward is a visible object so it will be fine

Don’t worry too much

Take care

037: Anonymous NEET

I wonder if Yuuji remembers that his sentence is suspended

038: Anonymous NEET

If he make a mistakes so easily

Then he will be deserted by everyone...


Author Note:

I think people who can enjoy film with only subtitle are quite special.

It’s interesting, however it’s better if there is a sound...

However, Silent Film Interpreter (Benshi) is an occupation with a romance. They look tough.


1It’s a pun. Fuyugomori 冬籠り “hibernation” and Hikikomori 引籠り “shut in” only differed in one Kanji.

2 The Water Magician (滝の白糸 Taki no Shiraito) is a 1933 black and white Japanese silent film directed by Kenji Mizoguchi. It is one of the most popular titles from the silent film work of Mizoguchi.

3This refers to the silent film with Benshi accompaniment. Benshi (弁士) were Japanese performers who provided live narration for silent films (both Japanese films and Western films). During silent films, thebenshistood to the side of the screen and introduced and related the story to the audience like Kabuki, Noh or theatrical performance.

4According to a kind anon this refer to O-Parts Hunter, a manga by Seishi Kishimoto

5The original isてへんだ,てへんだtehenda, tehenda, a Sendai dialect variation for大変だtaihenda

6In old man speaking style

7See Chapter 2 Part 10 for the first time this exchange happened

8It’s a Japanese idiom 全裸待機 Zenrataiki. Refer to standby posture for people who late to come to see the video/media. Naked in here means: STOP POSTING YOU PEOPLE, so naked means no post.

9Hadaka Necktie is a pun on Hadaka Apron (Naked Apron). It means wearing nothing except necktie. (I think apron is better, imho)

10DT = Doutei or virgin. In Japan there is a meme that said “If someone still virgin after 30 he will turned into magician”

11Just like: Pokemon Get!

12Expression of very much surprised

13Himari no tame ni... eh wrong... This is not Mawaru Penguindrum... Alice no tame ni

14I mean is there is a sane person inviting unknown people holding sword to your house?

15Solitary house. Usually a house in the suburb and he house plot didn’t touch other house directly (the walls didn’t meet with each other). In the land deprived Japan, owning Solitary House in the suburb was quite a financial success.

16自宅警備 Jitaku Keibi (roughly Own Home Security) is a slang for Hiki-NEET because you know, they never leave home so, they guarding the house...

17ペリカ Perika or perica: A fictional currency used in the manga Ultimate Survivor Kaiji

18A Manga title: 交渉人勇午. Known as Yuugo the Negotiator in English

19よろしくお願いします Yoroshikuonegaishimasu


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