You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 616

"Duoduo, are you not angry with me?" Huo Liancheng couldn't hide his excitement. He took Jian Yun's hand.

However, Jian Yun quietly took back her hand. The smile on her lips was dim, and her long eyelashes fell down. "What can I do if I get angry again? Will you let me go? "

"Blossoming!" Huo Liancheng was worried, he said quickly: "I swear, as long as you give me another month, I will be able to solve all the problems. Before that, I did not think well, I would let you suffer those injuries. I promise that such things will not happen again!"

After hearing this, Jian Yun's eyes became dazed. "I've heard such a guarantee more than once. I don't know how long my trust in you can last..."

"Flower..." Huo Liancheng's face changed. He opened his mouth to say something. His lips stammered, but he didn't say anything.

Jian Yun raised her eyes and looked at Huo Liancheng. Suddenly, she reached out and handed over the mobile phone on the sofa. Her long eyelashes trembled, "is this true?"

Huo Liancheng just glanced at it, and her eyebrows locked up.

What Jian Yun showed him was a piece of gossip news. The paparazzi took a picture of him and a beautiful woman at the seaside. In the picture, he was lying lazily and casually on the beach chair in his bathrobe, flabby and strapped. The woman was wearing a cool three-point swimsuit, and they were lying with each other's necks, as if they were drinking a drink together. Their posture was very intimate.

Huo Liancheng's eyes were staring at the photo, for a long time, he opened his mouth, and his voice was mute, "if I said it was false, do you believe it?"

Jian Yun gazed at Huo Liancheng, laughed and covered his eyes with sadness. "Of course, if you say it, I will believe it!"

Huo Liancheng clenched his teeth, and his eyes suddenly filled with open and dark, "the photo is real, but it's just a show. I have nothing to do with her! "

"Well." Jian Yun lightly should a, the heart of that trace of expectations such as the tide faded, gradually, only an endless darkness.

He said more than once that what she saw was false, but the fake was so true that people had to doubt it.

Even if Jian Yun wanted to believe Huo Liancheng's words, once the seeds of suspicion were planted, they began to take root and sprout.

Silence, the silence of death.

Two people did not speak, invisible, as if there is a layer of estrangement between the two people.

"I'm tired, go to bed first!" Suddenly, Jian Yun didn't know what to say, so she got up in silence and prepared to go back to her room.

Huo Liancheng suddenly seized Jian Yun's hand, tightly, as if afraid that she would disappear, "I'm sorry!"

"Why say I'm sorry?" Jian Yun's heart filled with a trace of cool, she must look at Huo Liancheng.

"Give me some more time, Duoduo, I promise, I will give you an account! About all this! " Huo Liancheng said this with difficulty.

But Jian Yun pulled the corner of her lip and pulled her hand back.

Huo Liancheng watched Jianyun's slender back enter the bedroom. He suddenly felt a burst of inexplicable impatience. He couldn't help picking up the cigarette on the tea table and lighting it up.

Jian Yun entered the bedroom, but did not sleep, where she is still sleepy, only sad heart.

After a while, Huo Liancheng also came in. He took a bath, and there was moisture in his short hair. After entering the room, he saw Jian Yun's mobile phone in his hand and was brushing Weibo. His eyebrows suddenly twisted and he reached for his mobile phone.

"Duoduo, I have dealt with it in the media, and there will be no more things like today. Microblogging discussions about this matter have also been blocked. "

Jian Yun pushed Huo Liancheng's hand away, and her voice was faint, "you said that last time!"

Huo Liancheng's hand froze, his face changed, and he finally took back his hand and sat on the edge of the bed.

Yes, after his marriage with Jian Yun was made public, there were a large number of media reports at that time. Countless people ridiculed her and attacked her. At that time, he quickly dealt with it and promised that such a thing would never happen again.

But how long has it been? She was once again maligned, he said to protect her those promises have become empty words, how ridiculous!

"I'm sorry." Huo Liancheng suddenly felt how pale his apology was at the moment.

"I don't want to hear anything. I'm sorry, Huo Liancheng. Don't you think the repetition rate of these three words is very high during this period of time?" Jian Yun sneered, "what are you guilty of?"

Smell speech, Huo Liancheng's face Shua became pale.

"Baize told me that the hospital has been thoroughly investigated. The person who tweeted is not from the hospital, but how can he have my discharge summary and understand things so clearly?" It's the man with your eyes suddenly closed

"No!" Huoliancheng almost immediately retorted, "it's not my man!"

"Is that the Liao family? Mojia? " Jian Yun sneered and raised her eyebrows. "Anyway, what's the difference between you people? Ha! For your so-called interests, you can use me to hurt me, let me be disgraced, bear those malicious curses and humiliations, Huo Liancheng, is this the way you love me? Let me be doomed, and finally I can only rely on you to become your captive canary. To be the invisible woman behind you is the way you love me! "In the end, almost every word of Jian Yun is gnashing her teeth, and her face is full of coldness that Huo Liancheng has never seen before.

"No! I don't, I respect you all the time Huo Liancheng suddenly felt a little flustered, "I said, now everything is not I can control! I'm trying, too. Would you give me time

"Time, how long will it take?" Jian Yun took a deep breath, and her head began to ache again.

"One month, at most one month! Duoduo, you believe me, if I don't care, Huo family will finish, Liao family will also finish! " Huo Liancheng said in a hurry.

Jian Yun pressed the back of her hand on her forehead, pressing down the bursts of pain. She slowly lifted her eyes. There seemed to be two clusters of flames in her dark eyes, which were rubbing against each other. "Have you ever thought that if you continue to manage, the relationship between us will be over!"

Huo Liancheng was stunned and his heart was even more flustered. But then he looked down and said, "Duoduo, these are two things. What I care about most is you! But I also have my responsibilities, do you understand? "

"I see! Sleep Jian Yun's mouth gradually floating a faint smile, she did not continue to say, but put down the phone, turn off her side of the wall lamp, lie down and close her eyes.

However, Jian Yun's response made Huo Liancheng feel as if she was blocked by something. Especially when she saw the smile on the corner of her mouth, Huo Liancheng had a fear of losing her.

For a moment, Huo Liancheng suddenly doubted whether he was right or not.

But then Huo Liancheng clenched his fist and his face changed from hesitation to firmness.

No, he's right!


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