World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Tyranny of Big Corporations (7)

Not even a few hours have passed since the video was uploaded. However, strange things were happening in Shurim in the game.

“Warrior shout!”

“Fire Explosion!”

“Stomp! Provocation!”

From those who look like middle school students to grown-up adults. Actions that began to appear simultaneously as if they had made a promise. It was an indiscriminate terror targeting the top group of GM without asking or questioning.




Users who followed me quietly to the middle of the desert and then suddenly changed their attitude and fired all kinds of loud and flashy skills into the air. And the scorpions hiding in the sand deep in the desert greeted their action by roaring and splendidly appearing.

“Here are two more scorpions!”

“You... you crazy bastards! Why are you doing this to us!”

The upper tier, loaded with valuable items. A merchant at the top of GM screamed in anger at the users who summoned the scorpions in a situation where they were most vulnerable and needed to be careful. However, despite his screams, the reaction of the users who committed the terror was cold.

“The bad company needs to be punished.”

“that's right. Even large corporations use it in games. We have to compete fairly.”

“no. If you're a mage, use vibration skills like shockwave. That’s what scorpions are attracted to.”

“uh? Really? Thanks for the tip.”

“What? Then now the scorpions are coming and they run away.”

“yes. I know the path, so please follow me. Then work hard, you guys from big companies~”

As if they had already planned it in advance, they naturally checked the escape route and ran out. However, GM couldn't catch them running away. Because the priority was to protect the trade goods from the scorpions rushing to destroy the upper tier with a lot of salivation. All it did was pour an evil curse on them.

“Keugh... you damn bastards!”

Things that happen simultaneously in dozens of GM merchant parades across the desert. And Jaegyu couldn't keep his mouth shut as he received a report on the damage caused by these users' terror.

“60% of the upper ranks in charge of dealing with the dwarves were wiped out...?”

Knowing the value of the equipment created by the Dwarves, Jegyu judged that the initial seizure was more important than anything else. He knew very well how enormous the damage would be, as he was controlling the trade with the Dwarves by investing the maximum capacity of the GM Merchant Merchant.

“I tried to keep the goods as much as possible and reduce the amount of damage, but... I was annihilated by the desert scorpions, and after estimating all the lost trade goods and incidental costs, I suffered a loss of about 2 million gold.”

2 million gold. A loss of 200 billion won in Korean currency.

The damage was as if one of the pillar roots at the top of the GM had been completely pulled out. But the current situation did not end there.

“And... I met the Dwarf chief in person and found out why he is currently refusing to do business with GM...” “

Did you find out? what?”

“That's... they don't do business with greedy piglets...”

The dwarf race, artificial intelligence and NPCs. If Arcadia was a normal game, the evil deeds of GM's top would have been nothing to those who moved and acted according to the algorithm, but it was different in virtual reality Arcadia.

“Anyway, as in the past, greedy people who don't even know the morals like that still exist today.”

“Do you know how much trouble our Dwarf clan suffered in the past because of pig-like bastards who, like you, were greedy for the things we made? If you don't want to break your head, get out of here right now!”

Advanced artificial intelligence with unique history and characteristics for each race, value judgment, moral consciousness, and self-consciousness. That's why they refused the deal, showing open hostility to the atrocities of GM's upper house. Of course, there was another reason that was the most decisive, but Jaegyu didn't know that fact and muttered something with a face of disbelief.

“Does that make sense...? What kind of game AI refuses to trade for that reason?”

“I couldn't believe their reaction at first either... but as of now, trade with the dwarves is completely blocked.”

A secondary boycott that imposes sanctions even on tops that do business with GM.

Perhaps because of the sanctions, which were filled with the will to beat them properly, the damage was exponentially increasing as more and more companies canceled the deal with the GM company, but that was not all.


An incoming call vibrating loudly. Jegyu's face was contemplative as he glanced at the phone and identified the caller displayed on the screen.


Choi Chun-sik, his father and chairman of the GM Group.

As he, who doesn't usually make a phone call first, kept calling until he answered like this, Jegyu intuitively sensed what purpose he was calling and answered the call with determination.

“Yes, honey.....”

[Hey you bastard! What the hell did he do again!]

Chairman Choi Chun-sik's lion's roar resounds as if deafening as soon as he answers the phone. Jegyu asked, feeling quite embarrassed as he felt that he had hit it right even if he heard it right.

“Ah, Father, why are you suddenly like this...?”

Chairman Choi Chun-shik has no way of knowing what is going on in the game. Although he was being bitten by the media again, there was no reason to be this furious because he was the one who was ready to win in this situation.

[Why am I like that? Is it because you don't know what's on TV right now? Are you determined to ruin the whole group right now? I thought this bastard was doing well on his own these days, so I left it alone, and he had such a major accident!]

“Father... No, the president of the meeting. Calm down for a moment and what the hell is that about...”

The assistant secretary hurriedly turned on the TV and flipped the channels at Chairman Choi Chun-sik's shout that resonated over the receiver. He opened his mouth with a stunned face when he saw a press conference being announced as breaking news.

“What the fuck.....”

An emergency press conference is taking place on the other side of the TV screen. It was about the tax investigation targeting GM Group.

[It has been confirmed that GM Group's huge amount of money has flowed into ‘Arcadia', a virtual reality game that has recently gained great popularity around the world, and that these funds have been used to earn ‘gold' in the game. The National Tax Service has determined that there is a high possibility that these goods will be converted into Korean currency or dollars and used for crimes related to slush fund creation or tax evasion. Through this investigation, the National Tax Service will thoroughly check and verify whether there are any violations and tax evasion. Therefore...]

Jegyu muttered with a dejected expression as he watched the breaking news that followed the scene of the IRS employees destroying the GM Group headquarters.

“This crazy...”

Jaegyu realized that he had been fucked. But he never knew. Why did power abuse in the game, which could be dismissed as trivial or unavoidable, turn into such a huge incident and shake the world?

* * *

At that time when GM's upper management group was going through all sorts of hardships. Jae-young, the starting point of all these incidents, was resting in a wagon that was moving somewhere peacefully with an ignorant face. However, Tan, who had been quiet for a while with a blank expression, suddenly smiled and said, as if having fun.

“Hey, master. It looks like you've made a lot of noise again?”


“No, those people the owner hated because they couldn’t start.”

“A GM top?”

“Yeah, I don’t know exactly, but the owner seems to have caused a stir anyway? What are these imps talking about?”

Tan starts talking to him with twinkling eyes as to what he heard from somewhere in the demon realm. To his words, Jaeyoung replied with a sour expression.

“...Do you even know the story of the demonic imps who cling to me all the time? No, more than that, are the imps talking about things like that?”

An imp that is a low-level demon and occasionally appears in places such as dark back alleys. They were the most common species of demons in Arcadia, and were also textbook summons for novice black magicians. To Tan, who is in the position of the ruler of the demon realm called the Demon King, they are humble and insignificant beings. The fact that Tan was listening to their stories was absurd to Jaeyoung, but Tan's eyes were more serious than ever.

“Master... you didn't know?”

“You don’t know what...?”

Jaeyoung asked what he was talking about, tilting his head. Tan showed him a gloomy piece of paper that he sometimes took out and scribbled on.

“These days, they are teaching the master’s daily life with educational materials, aren’t they? However, there are a lot of demons who like their masters, saying they like the vicious and evil way that I couldn't imagine. You'd be shocked to learn how much the imps especially love their masters. They admired and supported me almost next to me?”


Jae-young, who has become a superstar among demons without even knowing it. Jaeyoung, at a loss for words at Tan's words, put on an absurd expression, but he asked with a quiet anticipation.

“Are you really serious about coming to Pandemonium and having a lecture with the kids? I also thought of the title of the lecture. ‘How to fuck humans directly told by humans'. Big.... Don't you think it would be cool just imagining it?”

If he really accepts it, he will open the dimensional door to the realm of hell right now and give Jae-young a lecture on evil in front of fierce demons in a place infested with hellfire and sulfur. In response to his active offensive, Jaeyoung spoke with sincerity.



“You keep calling me evil, but I’ve lived a kind life. What kind of demons are you talking about?”

As a petit bourgeois who has lived an ordinary life without causing harm to others, Jae-young said bluntly, contemplating whether to be angry or happy for Tan’s words that kept praising him for being the model of demons. And at those words, Tan licked his lips and murmured, as if regretting it.

“...Of all the humans I've ever seen, the owner is the most evil...”


However, at Jae-young's eyes, Tan covers his mouth with both hands. And L, who had been listening to the story quietly, flew like a shotgun and hit Tan's head.

“Why do you keep yelling at my contractor, you ugly bat!”



Tan, who had been caught off guard and took a proper blow, flew into the carriage with a grotesque scream and crashed into the wall at El's blow containing anger.

“I forgot, but I am here now as a guardian angel. That's my mission, to stop seduced bastard bats like you into going down a strange path. understand?”

L growling with a more sensitive reaction than ever before. Seeing her genuinely angry reaction, he couldn't even run into her fury and kept looking at her.

“Let’s go to the Pandemonium in front of me one more time, and all you have to do is gossip about doing weird things with demons. I'm going to take Muspelheim myself and burn down all of your nests with a torch.”

Her savage threats with sincerity. Tan and Jaeyoung didn't respond because they knew very well that those words weren't just a joke or a threat, and that she would be able to take real action.

less so less so

Just as he was listening to the angel's threat, which seemed to be more violent (?) than the devil, the wagon Jae-young was riding stopped. And soon the old coachman who was pulling the wagon pulled up the tent and looked at Jaeyoung and said.

“Look, you have arrived at the place you spoke of earlier. From now on, I will go in a different direction, so this is all I can take you.”

The two forked roads unfolded in front of Jaeyoung's eyes after getting off the wagon. Listening to the old man point his finger at one of them and explain the way, Jaeyoung took out some gold coins from his pocket and handed them to him.

“Thank you... and be careful. I don't know why, but the city you're going to is the most dangerous and brutal place on this continent.”

After that, the old man hurriedly drives the wagon in a different direction than Jae-young's. As if he wanted to leave the place as soon as possible, he hurried the carriage and left quickly. And Jaeyoung looked at his back, then turned and walked away with a strange smile.

“Then shall we go too?”

Jaeyoung looks at Tan and L and moves with a strange smile.

So he arrived.

A lawless zone of criminals infested with crime and pirates. One of the five forbidden areas selected by users.

to the Caribbean.


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