Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 339: 339: The Progress of the Qian Family

Chapter 339: 339: The Progress of the Qian Family

Translator: 549690339

“I understand the situation. This is the purifying elixir,”

Jiang Xiaobai said, tossing a storage ring over.

Upon receiving the item, Qian Mu’s eyes widened. “Sir, how much is in here?”

“A lot, enough for you to not worry for a year,”

Jiang Xiaobai responded casually.

At the same time, Qian Mu had already probed into the storage ring with his divine consciousness. When he saw the neatly arranged multitude of porcelain bottles, he was stupefied!

So many purifying elixirs!

“Sir, can you… allow me to calculate. I don’t seem to have enough money for these purifying elixirs,”

At the side, the Iron Dance Lady, known for her discerning observation, immediately stood up. “Young Master, please wait a moment, sir. I will bring the wealth of Tianxiang Building over.”

“No need,”

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand. At this point, he really did not need these things. That bit of wealth was something he could hardly value anymore.

Especially since he clearly remembered that in the Mad Demon Secret Land, an old man with a white beard had arranged to meet him in the Ten Thousand Bone Mountain, intending to pass on a whole secretive treasure to him!

With those resources in his hands, would Jiang Xiaobai still value these?

“I do not need money at the moment. However, I require the Qian family to do something.”

“What is it?”

Qian Mu immediately looked at Jiang Xiaobai. “Sir, as long as it is something that the Qian Family can accomplish, we will not refuse!”

“It’s quite straightforward, but before that, I’d like to ask whether the Qian family has the courage to confront the ancient clans?”

As Jiang Xiaobai’s words fell, Qian Mu fell silent immediately, his eyes narrowing as he appeared lost in thought.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t interrupt, but calmly waited.

After a long time, Qian Mu raised his head.

“Sir, I would like to ask, how will we resist the ancient clans?”

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, “You agreed so readily?”

“Indeed, our Qian family was merely a third-rate family. But with your intervention, Mr. Iron Face, our family was able to achieve our current scale and success,”

Qian Mu said loyally, “Whatever Mr. Iron Face requests, our Qian Family will dutifully comply.”

“Even if it’s to go through fire and brimstone, the Qian family will not blink.”

“Our Qian family will be the most loyal family among those following Mr. Iron Face!”

Qian Mu knew that the Qian Family’s success was entirely due to their fortunate encounter with Jiang Xiaobai, who then needed such people to help him.

“Alright, with your words, I’m reassured,”

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, “The task isn’t complicated. Just keep sending people to distress the ancient families.”

“Also, get in touch through this communication token, just tell them it’s Jiang Xiaobai who asked them to contact you.”

Qian Mu was about to receive the token from Jiang Xiaobai. This was a task given by Mr. Iron Face to the Qian Family, how could they dare to procrastinate?

“Apart from this, I don’t have too much time to spend here.”

“Continue development as previously planned. When I need the Qian Family, I’ll get in touch.”

Hopefully, there won’t be a day when I need the Qian Family.

In his heart, Jiang Xiaobai wasn’t too keen on getting the Golden Pavilion to help. Although he could clandestinely help build up the Golden Pavilion, he could not ascertain whether the Golden Pavilion was loyal.

The strength of the Golden Pavilion is now almost on par with the ancient families in terms of numbers and influence.

If the Golden Pavilion needed help, many powerful individuals would flock over.

Even if they can’t receive a constant supply of purifying elixirs, they are willing to serve the Qian Family well.

Once they feel favourable, can the next steps be far?

Receiving the porcelain pots with reverence, Qian Mu didn’t say much. With curiosity and excitement building up inside him, he took his leave.

Having sent off Qian Mu, getting an understanding of what he’s been doing and the current status of the Qian Family, Jiang Xiaobai felt extremely satisfied.

Continuing on this course, the Qian family could go head-on against the ancient clans.

Still, that might be overthinking it.

The reason why superpowers are known as superpowers is not just their numerous strong individuals or resources, it’s their deep foundation.

Having a deep foundation accumulated over hundreds, even thousands of years, is not something outsiders can comprehend.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Xiaobai prepared to rise and return to his room to rest. However, on seeing the transportation array next to him, he hurriedly asked,

“Can this array transport us to the An Family in the northwest?”

“Yes, but it won’t directly reach the An Family. There is quite a way to walk,” said Iron Dance Lady earnestly.

Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes in thought, and then asked Iron Dance Lady to prepare some materials.

He needs them for cultivation and for elixir making.

You could say Jiang Xiaobai is like a massive black hole, requiring anything and everything, without distinguishing between good and bad. At times, he even felt confused.

Even if he plundered many treasures, they seemed rather useless.

Especially as the two powerful spirits had absorbed too much spirit energy from the treasures and needed to retreat and cultivate. This led to his two acquired magical treasures being unable to display any power.

There was hardly any difference compared to the burning stick.

Iron Dance Lady soon had a great quantity of materials prepared, all stored in a ring, which she then passed to Jiang Xiaobai. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai turn to leave swiftly and decisively.

“Take me to the closest point to the An family in the northwest. I’m short of time,”

Jiang Xiaobai stated lightly.

The current situation was rather critical. Once all four sects and five mountains started causing him trouble and he accidentally gave away his identity, he would be in trouble if he couldn’t escape.

If he couldn’t escape and found himself in a tight corner, he’d be in trouble.

Because his powerful artefacts were sealed, it would result in a significant reduction in his strength. It was probably time to run away and lay low.

As a light-blue glow emerged, Jiang Xiaobai’s and AnRan’s figures disappeared in an instant.

From this, it appears that Jiang Xiaobai was leaving to avoid trouble.

However, when he entered Four Seas City today, he didn’t have any time to find out about the current situation. After all, he was here to accomplish some tasks and then leave promptly.

If he had been aware of recent events in the Middle Kingdom in the Eastern Domain, he probably wouldn’t be leaving in such a hurry. It’s possible he would’ve met with Ao Cheng first.

Unfortunately, everything seemed to coincide perfectly.

When the two reappeared, they were in a large teleportation array. This was the city nearest to the An Family in the northwest—although it was the closest, it was still a day’s journey away!

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t waste any time that evening, carrying AnRan with them, rushing towards the An Family in the northwest.

By the time it was daybreak, Jiang Xiaobai had already arrived in the city where the An Family resided in the northwest,

Wuyang City!


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