Warm Marriage: CEO's Unlimit Love

Chapter 102

With Luo Hanshang's protection, none of the reporters dared to move.

The two of them successfully walked into the hospital. Ning Jiang looked at him and said, "Sure enough, people like to pinch the soft persimmon."

Luo Hanshang smiled, "Do you only understand this logic today? You're the only one I've ever seen, with a Jingu Bang for an ear scoop. If you don't want to be bullied, the only way is to become stronger. You ?? It's time to make some progress. "

Ning Jiang looked at him obliquely. "When did I start using the Jingu Bang as an ear scoop?"

"As the wife of a dignified young master of the Luo Family, you can still be blocked by a reporter at the door. Do you think that the title "Young Master Luo Family's Madam" is for fun? "

Ning Jiang couldn't help but laugh. "You're trying to make me use this identity to show off my might."

"Only you are qualified, right?"

Ning Jiang's eyebrows slightly raised. Indeed.

"In the future, if I have the chance to show my might, don't say that I've swelled up."

Luo Hanshang curled his lips but did not say anything.

Ning Jiang said, "Wait here for me. I'll go up myself."

"You don't need me to accompany you?"

"I'm just going to the nurses station to ask how much it would cost. I'll be back soon."

Luo Hanshang pointed at the rows of benches not far away. "I'll wait there for you."


She went to the ward where Su Yunshan was, found the nurse's station, and inquired about Su Yunshan's hospital expenses.

Just as the nurse was looking into the matter, a surprised voice came from behind her. "Jiang Er ??"

Ning Jiang turned around and looked coldly at Su Yunshan who was pushing a bag of blood.

Su Yunshan said with misty eyes, "Are you here to see me? I was just about to ask the nurse, when will you be discharged? You probably don't know yet, but Mo Family's assets have been sealed. I can't afford to stay in the hospital. If you had come a day later, you might not have been able to see me here. "

She did not make a sound. The nurse in the nurses station said, "Miss Ning, the current hospital expenses for bed 26 is 1,129 yuan."

Ning Jiang turned around and said to the nurse, "Alright, I'll go and pay more. If you don't have enough hospital fees, you can give me a call."


Ning Jiang ignored Su Yunshan, who was behind her, and walked towards the elevator.

Su Yunshan chased after him. "Jiang Er, wait a moment."

At this time, there weren't many people at the elevator.

Ning Jiang stopped walking and looked at her.

Su Yunshan sighed. "I'm really grateful that you're still able to help me pay for my hospitalization. I thought that you would never care about me again in this lifetime." These two days, I've been held hostage by Mo Youming, and I'm really scared in my heart. When he said he was going to kill me, I really thought a lot.

In the past, when I was with your father, he never hit me or even said a single harsh word to me, but I don't know why, at that time, I was always unsatisfied. I always felt that your father had a chance to climb higher, but didn't work hard.

Now I finally understood that it wasn't that he wasn't trying, he was just insisting on doing what he wanted to do and what was right. All these years, I've probably been possessed by a ghost and was fooled by that beast, I ?? Jiang Er, Mom has let you down, and even more so, your dad. Our family has been destroyed by me, I regret it so much, Jiang Er ?? Can you forgive your mother? "

Su Yunshan said with a face full of tears. She stepped forward and lightly pulled at Ning Jiang's clothes. "Jiang Er, don't ignore mother. Give mom a chance to correct her mistakes, okay? "

Ning Jiang looked at her coldly from begi

ing to end, as if she didn't recognize the person before her.

She pulled out her sleeve from Su Yunshan's hand and only replied with a few words, "If I had known this would happen, why did you do this?"

She reached for the elevator.

When Su Yunshan heard this, she burst into tears. She let go of Ning Jiang's hand and knelt on the ground. "Jiang Er, your mother's heart hurts too much right now. Mom really regretted it. I miss your father. I miss him so much. "

The elevator door opened and Ning Jiang walked in. She turned around and put her hand on the button as she stared coldly at Su Yunshan.

"Today's meeting was an accident. In the future, I will not see you nor ask for any news about you. Whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with me anymore. This is my punishment given to you in place of my father.

But as compensation for giving birth to me in October, I will get someone to send you money to spend in the later years of your life. After leaving the hospital, you will take this money back to your hometown and live your life with the guilt you have for my father. "

Su Yunshan said anxiously, "Jiang Er, can you promise me one more thing?"

Ning Jiang didn't move, but neither did she release the button to open the door.

Su Yunshan said, "After mother leaves this world, can you bury me in the grave of the Ning Family's ancestor? I truly want to apologize to your father. "

Ning Jiang shook her head, "You are no longer qualified. I will bury you in another tomb."

"No ??" Su Yunshan shook her head and screamed in a heart-wrenching voice.

However, Ning Jiang had already let go of her and the elevator door slowly closed, preventing her from seeing Su Yunshan for the last time.

A week later, Su Yunshan was discharged from the hospital.

The current her, in the North City, was like a joke. Wherever she went, people would poke at her spine.

After staying for two days, she packed her luggage and, as Ning Jiang had requested, returned to her hometown to spend the latter years of her life.

After Ning Jiang received the news, she transferred 300,000 yuan to Su Yunshan's account.

This was all her savings.

Looking at the few thousand left in her bank account, she laughed at herself. This time, she had to work even harder. After all, she had become a pauper.

However, for the next few days, Ning Jiang felt that something was off.

She had never felt much, but these days she was sleepy as soon as she arrived at the construction site.

She always overslept when she took a nap in the van at noon.

She had to set the alarm clock for the next few days.

At noon on Thursday, she had just finished her meal and was lying down on the van when her cell phone rang.

She was shocked and thought it was a ringtone. She got up and hung up the phone.

But when she hung up, she realized that something was wrong. It was only 12: 30.

She turned on the screen and saw that it was Fu Zishu who called her.

She patted her head speechlessly. Just as she was about to return the call, Fu Zishu called again.

She quickly answered: "Zishu, I'm sorry, I pressed the wrong number just now and accidentally hung up."

"Woman, what are you thinking about? I'll tell you one week in advance, I'm returning today, didn't you promise to come and pick me up?"

Ning Jiang's mind went blank. That's right, today was the day Zishu would return to China.

She said with a guilty conscience, "I forgot about that. I'll go pick you up right now."

Fu Zishu was not happy: "No need, I already got in the taxi, okay? At seven in the evening, come to the same place as before to greet me. If you dare forget about it again, I'll chop you into pieces. "

Ning Jiang smiled speechlessly. "I won't forget. Don't worry."


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