Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Chapter 613 - 609: Brothers Who Pamper Their Sisters to the Sky

Chapter 613: Chapter 609: Brothers Who Pamper Their Sisters to the Sky

Timmy and Timothy laughed in unison, “Of course it’s to build a garden for our sister! This factory is all for earning dowry for her!”

Tifanny giggled and tilted her head to look at her two doting brothers.

“Mommy, my brothers also said that they will have a grape trellis in the garden, with a piano under it, and set up a small painting booth!”

Richelle Dunn shook her head with a smile.

“You two brothers have spoiled your sister rotten! What if her boyfriend can’t handle her? What will we do then?”

Timmy snorted, “Then just dump him! My sister is so cute and outstanding; what’s the problem with him doting on her more?”

Timothy also chimed in, “Yeah, if he can’t handle it, he should just scram! There are people in Kindur waiting in line to dote on our sister!”

Richelle Dunn thought she was living in a novel with multiple treasures centered around herself. However, it turned out to be a novel where Tifanny was the protagonist and everyone doted on her.

Daddy doted, mommy doted, brothers doted, grandma doted, grandpa Clarkson doted, uncle and aunt doted…

“Fine, since you paid for the factory yourselves, and you will bear the profit and loss in the future, do as you please.”

The three kids high-fived and cheered, jumping around in joy.

Nathan Caroule watched them and started to feel tempted.

“Oh, how nice it would be to have these three little treasures.”

Tifanny happily pounced, hugging his arm and shaking it hard.

“Uncle, hurry up and have auntie give birth! I want to be a big sister and take care of your little baby.”

Nathan Caroule pinched her adorable little face, “Baby, it’s not up to me to decide!”

Tifanny grinned, “Then you should invite auntie over to our house more often. We are so cute; I bet the more she sees us, the more she wants to be a mommy!”

Nathan Caroule was amused by the little girl. The thought of “I want to be a father” almost appeared on his forehead.

While the kids were further away playing, Richelle Dunn jokingly asked Nathan Caroule.

“Weren’t you starting to waver before? What’s the plan now?”

Nathan Caroule and Denise Munni were still indecisive on whether or not to have a child.

Nathan Caroule shook his head with some frustration, “I’m not very sure either. Sometimes I think that it’s already quite good for someone like me to have a family. I’m actually very afraid that my child would feel as lonely and helpless as I did when I was young. Even though the chances are slim, I can’t help but fear.”

Richelle Dunn was aware that before Kennedy Green and his wife adopted Nathan Caroule, he had suffered a lot in the orphanage.

Deep down, he had been traumatized, and even his current life couldn’t erase that fear and insecurity hidden in his bones.

“Hmm, you and Denise should take your time to think about it. There’s no rush. You two are still young; you can have a child whenever you want. If you really don’t want one, it’s fine too. Seeing the three of them, it’s safe to say they’ll have no problem supporting us four elderly people!”

With those words, Richelle Dunn was guaranteeing Nathan Caroule and Denise Munni’s expenses for their old age.

“Denise is a very reliable person; you can trust her with all your heart!”

Richelle Dunn used to not understand men.

But after being with Roy Lewis, she started to realize that men could be as fragile as women, if not more so.

Even someone as strong as Roy Lewis would occasionally need a shoulder to lean on.

Nathan Caroule was probably no different.

Nathan Caroule looked at her in surprise, then nodded in agreement.

Richelle Dunn continued.

“Of course, women should be pampered, but sometimes, women are much stronger and more tenacious than you men think!”

Especially when they become mothers.

For their children, they can be omnipotent, defying heaven and earth.

Nathan Caroule pondered and didn’t say more.

When they returned from the suburbs, Richelle Dunn took the children to the flower shop.

She let them each choose a bouquet according to their preferences.

After they made their selections, she asked Nathan Caroule, who was standing nearby, to pick two bouquets as well.

Nathan Caroule hesitated, “I don’t really like flowers…”

Richelle Dunn pushed him towards the flower stand, “You may not like them, but Denise does!”

So, Nathan Caroule began to choose, asking as he did so.

“Why do I need to pick two bouquets?”

“One for the outstanding Nathan Caroule who started from behind but eventually surpassed many others, and one for Denise who fell in love with such an outstanding person like you!”

Nathan Caroule quietly continued to pick flowers after he heard her.

Once he finished choosing, he had the shop assistant wrap them up while he remained indecisive in front of the flower stand.

Richelle Dunn didn’t rush him, and after he picked a few sunflowers, she handed him a water lily.

“This one is a gift from me!”

Nathan Caroule accepted it and whispered his thanks.

Just as Richelle Dunn handed it to him, the three kids each handed him a red rose, a balloon flower, and a Japanese allspice.

“Uncle Caroule, this flower is for you; thank you for always taking care of my brothers and me.”

Nathan Caroule received each flower from the kids and bent down to kiss them on the forehead.

“Thank you, I’ll take good care of them.”

Timothy waved his chubby little hand, “It’s okay! As long as Uncle Caroule likes it, even if it withers, we will give you more!”

Timmy still had a cool expression on his face, but his words were gentle.

“Ever since I was a child, you’ve always pampered and taken care of me. In the future, when you’re old, I’ll do the same for you..”


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