Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 616 - Picking Up

"Hey, what did you just say to me?!" Lisa asked in disbelief.

Vira's voice, which sounded low and overwhelmed by the loud surroundings due to loud music as well as the frenzied sound of people talking, made Lisa at least know where the woman might be now. 

It must be a nightclub.

Vira answered with hiccups, "I don't want to live anymore, Sis."

"Where are you now?" Lisa asked quickly.


Then their phone line just cut off.

Lisa frowned, trying to remember if she had ever known a nightclub that had the name 'Insom' before. Maybe because she hasn't visited a nightclub for a long time because she is busy with work and taking care of her boys, Lisa doesn't know the names of the nightclubs that have just opened.

Instead of wasting any more time, Lisa decided to look up the name of the nightclub on the internet.

Without needing to wait more than a few seconds, Lisa found a nightclub that has the name 'Insom Bar'. Coincidentally, the nightclub was located not far from where Lisa was now.

The woman immediately stopped the taxi and asked the driver to take her to the Insom Bar at high speed.

Actually, the trip to Insom Bar only took 15 minutes, but since Lisa was too panicked and worried, time went by very slowly. 15 minutes feels like 2 hours!

Arriving at the Insom Bar, Lisa queued with dozens of other visitors. 


Lisa opened her tote bag and immediately thrust her ID card into the hand of the burly man. Because she was too panicked, the woman walked in without asking for her ID card back.

"Hey, wait a minute—"

Lisa had ignored the man's shout and stepped inside. 

Seeing the dim lights that could make her blind for a moment made Lisa realize how long she had not visited a nightclub. 

Out of the corner of her eye, Lisa could see a silhouette walking towards her. The person's walk looked strange and often almost fell to the side. 

With the dim lights and music that could make her heart beat fast, Lisa tried to see who the black shadow was. Vira, with a red face and empty eyes, walked towards him.

Lisa immediately rushed over to Vira and tried to help her. "Geez! What are you doing?" She wrinkled her forehead, "You smell like alcohol..."

Because of the amount of alcohol she consumed, Vira's eyes looked red. The woman smiled very widely, even Lisa had never seen her smile so wide. Then she threw her body on Lisa.

"Sis, finally you came too!" Vira let go of her hug and put her forehead on Lisa's shoulder, "That means, we have to drink more!!"

"Vira, stop. You're already so drunk!" Lisa tried to look at Vira's face that was already red, "Let's just go home, okay?"

Honestly, Lisa has never been in this position. Usually, she is the one who is too drunk to be helped, not the other way around. So now, she was overwhelmed from handling Vira alone.

Lisa didn't know how to bring the woman home.

Finally, after dragging her for quite some time, Lisa managed to make Vira walk. She slung her arms over her shoulders, helping her to walk straight. 

"Ma'am, you forgot my ID card." The burly man said.

Lisa blinked a few times, trying to get her eyes used to the bright light. The light outside the Insom Bar felt so bright when compared to the inside.

"Oh, thanks." Lisa replied simply. She took her ID card from the man's hand and walked away while still propping Vira.

Sometimes, Vira's legs can't hold her own body, causing the woman to almost fall even though Lisa has helped her to walk. And every time, Vira couldn't stop laughing and hiccupping.

When Lisa wanted to contact Oscar to help her bring Vira home, the woman suddenly vomited. Luckily, no one was walking near them. That night, for some reason, not many people were passing by.

Lisa patted Vira's back and pushed her hair away from the woman's face. When Vira had stopped vomiting, Lisa opened her bag and took out a small water bottle.

"Here, drink this first." Lisa's orders.

Like an obedient dog, Vira accepted the bottle and rinsed her mouth several times. When she gave the bottle back to Lisa, the woman suddenly laughed.

"Wow, I am not drunk anymore! That's a sign we have to drink again!"

Lisa didn't know what might've possessed Vira, maybe it's because of drinking too much alcohol. Then, out of a sudden, Vira let go of Lisa's arms and ran. But not until a few steps, the woman turned, waiting for Lisa while laughing.

"Well, you lost to me sis! Come here quickly, chase me!" Vira shouted in the silent night.

Again, Lisa sighed and walked over to Vira. but at least Vira looks better than when Lisa first heard her voice on the phone.

This relieved her. 

Finding a taxi while looking after drunk people is not easy. They had to walk quite a distance from Insom Bar just to find one.

Since Vira was still drunk, the woman was unable to walk for more than 5 minutes. Often they stopped walking, and neither of them spoke, and returned to walk again.

Lisa put Vira's arm on her shoulder and took out her cell phone from her tote bag. She typed in Oscar's cell phone number which she had memorized before.

It just so happened that the Insom Bar was located on one of the less traveled streets. People are rarely seen, let alone passing vehicles. If she continued to walk with Vira, Lisa did not want to imagine what would happen to them.


Before Lisa could reply to Oscar's greeting, her cell phone was suddenly pulled from behind!

Lisa subconsciously turned and saw who took her cell phone earlier. Several burly and tall men stood behind her while wearing black masks that only showed their eyes.

Even though Vira was drunk, she knew that the two of them fell into a dire situation.

It happened so fast that Lisa felt overwhelmed. Suddenly, both of their hands were tied behind their backs with ropes, then their bodies were pulled. 

Lisa's instincts told her to scream for help.. However, her tongue felt stiff and fear dominated her mind more than her will to survive.


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