Till the End of Time

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

It's not like a bar or a hotel. The decoration is very high-end and clean. Occasionally one or two people pass by.

Lin Xinyan puzzled, "where is this?"

"Bar." He Ruize took her and walked to the private room at the end of the corridor.

Lin Xinyan frowned, "there is such a quiet bar, very rare."

"It's a private bar. It's not open to the public. It's only for some people." "It's quiet here," he explains


Soon to the private room, he Ruize pushed open. The door of the private room, warm yellow light a little dark, private room is very big. Behind is a row of black leather sofa, in front of a round table, above put two bottles of red wine, two glasses.

Lin Xinyan looked at he Ruize, "did you arrange it in advance?"

He Ruize's face was stiff. I'm a VIP here. This is my regular private room. The wine in it is also stored here

Lin Xinyan came in, "remember you don't like drinking."

He Ruize stood at the door, looking at her thin back, in a trance for a second, "people always change, don't they? My brother is also a human being with seven emotions and six desires. Also because of love and not, and sad

There is something in his words.

Lin Xinyan also heard some meaning.

She looks at the private room, reaches for the lampshade, knocks on the wine bottle, and fiddles with the goblet. "There are thousands of people in this world. It's fate to meet them. There's a saying that there's no fate. There's a saying that sometimes in life, there must be one, but never in life."

He Ruize bowed his head and said, "you are still so smart. Don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?"

Lin Xinyan looked back and laughed at him, "you are not old. In my eyes, you are always the one who wears a white coat, wears glasses, and always asks about Xinqi's illness in a warm way. You take care of me like a big brother. I remember that."

He Ruize opened the cork and poured out the wine. "We won't talk about the past."

He was afraid that he would be soft hearted and couldn't do it.

However, if she is not destroyed, he Ruilin and Zong Jinghao will not be able, and they can not use marriage to give the family a good future.

He poured two glasses of wine“ Don't look. Come and drink with my brother. "

Lin Xinyan sat down on the sofa and picked up the wine he Ruize poured for her. It's bright red in color and mellow in smell. It's top-grade red wine. He Ruize touched her with his glass and made a clear sound, "today, I'm not drunk with my brother."

"I can't drink. I'm sure I can't accompany you. I have to go back early. Xiaorui can't do without me." Lin Ruixi is she takes to sleep, if she is not in at night, don't know can make Zhuang Zijin.

He Ruize didn't answer. It's looking up and drinking.

He took the empty cup to Lin Xinyan and said, "brother has drunk it. It's your turn."

Lin Xinyan can only drink the wine.

Red wine is different from Baijiu, burning people, red wine is mild, and will not feel sick.

He Ruize poured out to her again, "this is the first time for us to drink in such a quiet place."

"Well." Lin Xinyan lowered her eyes and stared at his pouring. Her vision was a little blurred and there was an overlapping phantom. She blinked and said, "yes, but this wine is mild. But it's very strong. "

He Ruize looked at her and asked, "really?"

"Yes." Lin Xinyan obviously felt dizzy.

"Can't be don't want to drink with elder brother, make an excuse?" He Ruize said on purpose.

"No, No." Lin Xinyan rubbed his forehead. The feeling of dizziness did not disappear, but became more and more intense.

He Ruize handed the glass full of wine to her hand, "don't try to cheat. You said you would drink with me."

Lin Xinyan opened his eyes to see what he looked like. But still can't see clearly, in front of me like a group of fog, hazy.

She had another drink at horitzer's urging.

He Ruize continued to pour it for her.

"I can't drink. I'm really drunk. I'm going back. Xiaoxi and Xiaorui are still waiting for me to go home." Then she stood up and stumbled for a few steps. Her consciousness was evacuated, and she fainted and fell to the ground in the dark.

During the whole process, he Ruize sat on the sofa and didn't move, as if he knew she couldn't get out of the private room.

He finished the wine in the glass, put down the glass, and then got up, picked up Lin Xinyan who had fainted on the ground and put him on the sofa.She is thin. It's so light that he hardly needs any effort.

He put Lin Xinyan away, sat beside her and rubbed her hair, "don't blame me. You made me do it. "

These are the plans when you come here.

But his heart is not firm, is forced by he Ruilin.

After listening to Lin Xinyan, he did not hesitate.

He gently stroked her face, "you don't care about me, why do I care about you?"

Lin Xinyan has no feeling at all. I couldn't hear him.

He untied the buttons of her clothes one by one. Her skin was very white and smooth, like delicate white porcelain. His hand touched her cheek and neck——

The Adam's apple is rolling up and down.

"I know you will hate me when you wake up, but my brother has no way out. If you drink the mineral water that my brother added medicine to you, there will be no way out. Neither you nor I have." In the mineral water, he added the medicine to promote stomach movement. This red wine also has a high alcohol content. Together, it can easily cause coma.

If it is found that it can not be found out, it will only give the conclusion of being drunk.

Her coat was untied by he Ruize, and her black bra was wrapped in a round, curly shape. With her breath, her chest rose and fell. There's no temptation.

Her abdomen is very flat, and there are very few Ren Chen lines under her navel, which she left when she was pregnant with Lin Xichen and Lin Xirui.

The two children were not big at birth, and the Ren Chen pattern on her abdomen was not obvious. It's not as terrible as some people. She's very pale. She looks not only not ugly, but also sexy.

His big hand covered her abdomen with the caress of kissing. "Linlin said that women are emotional, and they will have feelings for the first man who wants them. If you know that person is Zong Jinghao, will you fall in love with him?"

"No, you've been moved, haven't you?" He Ruize smiles with his head down. He retired from his engagement with Linlin after seeing you, and you didn't want to come back, but after seeing him, you came back because he was right

He attached himself to kiss her lips, "this is the first time, you do not exclude me, let me kiss you."

He used to kiss her, and every time she would refuse him at a critical moment.

He knew it was an exclusion.

Because do not like, even if the mouth promised, the body will also involuntarily make resistance behavior.

He leaned over her ear, "maybe Linlin is right. Even if you don't know who is Zong Jinghao, you've had a blind date. There will always be some feelings, even in your subconscious mind."

"If I had you, would you also have feelings for me? Yan Yan -- "

With his words, he unbuttoned her trousers.

Zip down.


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