Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 204: Anna?

Chapter 204: Anna?

Chapter 204: Anna?

Ryan was starting to suspect that the system could read his thoughts and was deliberately trying to screw him over.

Even though he knew that resurrecting someone was a defiance of fate and incredibly difficult, and he should be grateful for the opportunity, the task’s difficulty was just too much.

The system wanted Ryan to die at Alice’s hands, but Alice wasn’t the type to kill someone directly and normally.

When Ryan decided to betray, the system threw a crucial mission at him. If he couldn’t bear the thought of Alice dying a horrible death, he had to accept this mission.

Now, with his Favorability too high, Ryan decided to keep his distance from Alice, but then a side mission popped up requiring him to have intimate interactions with her.

“Side missions are precious, every skill counts.”

Then there were two Dangerous Events ahead. If Ryan wanted to survive well with Alice, he’d better seize every opportunity.

In the end, Ryan had no choice but to rush upstairs into Alice’s room, and then… they ended up in bed…

Meanwhile, Hannah was outside handling some business. She finally caught the so-called assassin and subjected him to harsh interrogation.

After dusting off her hands and casually discarding her blood-stained clothes, she suddenly received a call from Miss Alice.

Thinking something might have happened to Miss Alice, Hannah rushed over only to find Ryan and Alice playing UNO, short one player.

“Hannah, take a seat. You deal the cards.”

“But, Miss Alice…”

“No more talking, just play.”

Alice was quite firm, sneakily glancing at Ryan with a secret delight in her heart.

She had thought Ryan could hold out till tomorrow, but he had come running over today. Didn’t that mean he cared about her?

As for playing UNO, Alice wasn’t good at it, but her mind wasn’t really on the game.

Why did Miss Alice spoil Ryan so much? It was too much, Hannah thought bitterly, confirming the necessity of her own plans.

They played UNO until eleven at night, and throughout those two hours, Hannah watched Ryan with gritted teeth.

Ryan felt a chill down his spine under Hannah’s gaze, but thankfully, Alice’s beauty was a pleasant distraction.

Alice was really tired by then, and with the mission completed, Ryan left her room…

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief that Alice’s Favorability was stuck at sixty-five without any signs of increasing.

Since it couldn’t decrease, not increasing was the next best thing.

It made sense, after all. From close friends to life-and-death comrades, and if it were the opposite sex, it might even lead to growing old together. None of these were easy to achieve.

This thought somewhat eased the panic in Ryan’s heart, offering him a bit of comfort.

Otherwise, constantly watching that critical five-point threshold, Ryan would have been crushed by the pressure.

Ryan had his reasons for dragging it out until eleven at night. By the time the bodyguards took him back to the basement, he was a bit dazed, and it was already midnight.

He kept watching his watch, and as the second hand finally hit zero, midnight arrived, and the day was officially over.


[Side Mission: Survive the Long Day Completed, Reward Issued: Knockout Gas+1, Skill Point+1]

[First Dangerous Event Completed, Alice’s Perfect Ending Progress 33%]

The perfect ending referred to the happy ending Ryan needed to secure for Alice. With three Dangerous Events, completing all three would ideally bring the progress to one hundred percent.

As the system notification sounded, a black sphere appeared in Ryan’s backpack.

Compared to the unreliable Skill Points, Ryan thought the item was more useful, definitely more stable.

Ryan didn’t even look at the Skill Point, he just took out the black sphere.

[Knockout Gas+1 (Impairs consciousness, causing everyone within a 17-foot radius to instantly faint)]

He tossed it lightly,it weighed about as much as a stone and looked unremarkable, but its effect was as powerful as a grenade when used.

Just throwing it could knock out nearby people, a reward worthy of such a dangerous mission, definitely more practical than any potion.

“Two more Skill Points…”

Ryan glanced at the glowing orbs in his backpack, feeling no immediate urge to use them.

It was already midnight, and Ryan didn’t want to risk bad luck keeping him awake.

With all sorts of gadgets at his disposal, why wasn’t there one to increase his luck in draws? That would obviously be the most useful for Ryan.

Fast forward to the next day, it was business as usual with Ryan being woken up to join Miss Alice for breakfast.

Miss Alice’s outfit today was slightly different from yesterday’s. Instead of the usual black and white, she added some other colors.

She wore a light blue suit that looked quite expensive and accentuated her figure perfectly. Her beautiful brown hair wasn’t tied up but flowed freely over her shoulders.

The change in attire gave Alice the air of a savvy businesswoman.

Whatever she wore, she looked the part—thanks to her great physique, Ryan thought she could even make it big as a star.

Alice had to handle some matters alone, and Ryan was a bit worried. But with no mission prompts as she was about to leave, he had to let go of his concerns.

Today’s schedule was clear of any underworld dealings,it was just business meetings.

“Stay home and wait for me to come back. I’ll take you out in a few days.”

Alice gave Ryan a meaningful look as she left, almost as if she was afraid he’d run off.

Hannah’s expression, however, was oddly sinister. While Alice and Ryan were talking, she signaled to the bodyguards with her eyes.

Ryan wasn’t sure what Hannah was up to, but he was on high alert. Whatever it was, he was certain it was aimed at him.

Alice and Hannah quickly left for the construction site to handle some new issues that had cropped up.

Left alone to house-sit, Ryan had nothing much to do but watch TV in the living room.

When Alice went out, she would temporarily return his phone to him, just in case she needed to find him. But if he was at home, Ryan shouldn’t even think about communicating with the outside world.

Just when he thought he was in for a boring day, Hannah unexpectedly returned not long after Alice had left.

She pushed open the door and smirked at Ryan.

“Weren’t you supposed to go out with Miss Alice? What are you doing back here?”

Ryan, lounging on the sofa and munching on grapes, asked curiously. Hannah was Miss Alice’s assistant and should be by her side.

“Wow, what a tone.”

“And here I was, doing you a big favor out of the goodness of my heart, and this is how you talk to your benefactor?”

Hannah said, hands on her hips, which puzzled Ryan even more. Hannah had always disliked him, so why would she help him?

And calling herself a benefactor seemed a bit much.

“Never mind, I need to hurry and find Miss Alice. You guys chat.”

“The bodyguards won’t disturb you. The longer you talk, the better.”

“Oh, and it seems the front door lock is broken. It would be a headache if someone escaped from here.”

With these teasing words and a seemingly cheerful mood, Hannah left, leaving Ryan alone in the living room, utterly confused.

That last comment was a hint, wasn’t it? Did she want him to escape?

But, he could only help Alice by staying here. Why would he leave?

The next second, there was a knock on the door. Ryan straightened up and looked towards the entrance, knowing it couldn’t be Hannah—she wouldn’t knock.

Could Hannah have brought someone he knew?

“Oh, come in.”

Ryan hastily responded, and the door opened. A small head cautiously peeked in, and the person’s eyes lit up upon seeing Ryan.

But then, as if shy, the figure quickly retreated behind the door.

The girl lingered there, adjusting her emotions, not coming in for quite some time.

Ryan got off the sofa to open the door, shocked at Hannah’s actions. Why had she brought her here?

If he wasn’t mistaken, was that Anna?


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