Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 202: Ryan, wait for me

Chapter 202: Ryan, wait for me

Chapter 202: Ryan, wait for me

“Hey, finally caught up, huh? I thought you wouldn’t dare.”

Standing at the villa’s gate was Hannah, leaning casually against the iron bars, her gaze sharp as she scrutinized Anna approaching.

If the girl made any suspicious move, Hannah was ready to take her down without hesitation.

But seeing Anna, she was somewhat surprised. She had expected a reckless assassin to have followed her here, but instead, it was this seemingly dubious young girl.

“You knew I was following you?”

Anna looked at Hannah, slightly taken aback. Hannah, dressed in a sharp suit with no hint of femininity and her short hair slicked back, sported a bandage on her right arm, looking every bit the formidable figure.

Not someone you’d want to mess with, that’s for sure.

Hannah smirked with a hint of pride. She had undergone formal training, not something those run-of-the-mill thugs could match.

Spotting Anna trailing her had been too easy. Miss Alice’s villa was in the suburbs,no taxi would follow all the way there without reason.

Not to mention, Hannah had grown suspicious midway and had the driver stop a few times. Each time Miss Alice’s car stopped, the taxi behind them did too, blatantly obvious.

The driver’s tracking skills were laughably poor.

“That driver was so unreliable.”

Anna muttered under her breath, her initial plan to sneak in now busted.

“So, you don’t look like you’re here to harm Miss Alice. What do you want?”

“This isn’t a place for messing around.”

Hannah waved her hand, about to shoo her away. Anna didn’t seem to have any ties with the underworld,she probably just followed out of curiosity. If this girl was also after Miss Alice, then Miss Alice was really unlucky.

“Miss Alice?”

Was she referring to the girl next to Ryan? Anna had only caught a glimpse from afar and didn’t know who she was.

Anna was at a loss for words, her simple tracking attempt so easily foiled. Maybe she should leave and plan a more careful approach for another time.

But the security here was more intense than she had anticipated. Would she even get another chance?

“Ugh, nothing to do with Miss Alice, and you won’t leave.”

“Are you related to that guy?”

Hannah touched her chin, pondering. Anna looked clueless, a blank slate.

That ‘guy’ was naturally Ryan. Hannah’s opinion of him had plummeted to rock bottom,she couldn’t even bring herself to say his name, referring to him only as ‘that man.’


Anna hesitated for a moment, her curiosity piqued by Hannah’s words.

Under her hood, her eyes darted to catch Hannah’s expression, which clearly conveyed her disdain when she mentioned him.

“Oh, so you’re here for Ryan?”

“What’s your relationship with him?”

Hannah was genuinely curious now, scrutinizing Anna more seriously.

Dressed in a black hoodie and a plaid pleated skirt, she looked about the same age as Miss Alice, probably a student too.

Though her face was hidden behind a mask, the glimpse of her eyes suggested she was likely attractive.

Was Ryan’s charm really that strong? He had been gone for days, and yet people were still looking for him.

“Ryan is my senior.”

Their relationship was quite simple, and Anna didn’t hesitate to explain.

Yet, as she spoke, there was a hint of dejection. Her affection for Ryan might just be one-sided.

Did Ryan still remember her?

Anna observed Hannah, feeling uneasy, especially when Ryan was mentioned.

She couldn’t quite gauge Hannah’s attitude, but it seemed like she wasn’t particularly on guard against her.

“Interesting, he’s your senior, huh?”

Hannah mused, a slight smile playing on her lips as she watched Anna’s expression become uneasy. She had pretty much figured it out.

If it was just a schoolmate relationship, why all the secrecy? School friendships aren’t that deep.

This girl’s relationship with Ryan was definitely not simple, probably more than just classmates, maybe even a bit romantic.

Typical Ryan, a real piece of work, flirting around and even daring to covet the pure Miss Alice

Hannah looked at Anna, somewhat sympathetic, then silently made up her mind.

No matter what, Hannah was determined to rescue Miss Alice from that jerk’s clutches. Even if Miss Alice hadn’t fallen yet, it was only a matter of time before she’d be ruined.

“So, you came here because you noticed your senior was missing and you’re looking for him?”

“You want to take him back?”

Hannah’s right hand dipped into her pocket, pulling out a pack of women’s cigarettes. She pinched one between her fingers and offered it to Anna.

Anna frowned slightly and waved it away without taking it.

Her frown wasn’t about the cigarette,it was because Hannah had so easily voiced her intentions.

Now that her motives were exposed, was Hannah trying to stop her?

A storm seemed to gather in Anna’s eyes, quickly turning into a heavy cloud of suspicion and coldness.

Her hand slipped into her pocket, gripping something hidden inside.

Even if she seemed outmatched by Hannah, Anna knew she had to try. Any chance to bring Ryan back was worth taking.

“Relax, relax.”

Hannah glanced at Anna’s fidgeting hand with a sigh. Were all young girls these days so quick to draw weapons? She never had to be this fierce when she was younger. Times really had changed.

Lighting the cigarette and taking a deep drag, Hannah exhaled a cloud of smoke, her mind made up.

She had been unsure at first, as merely being classmates wasn’t enough to confirm her suspicions.

But Anna’s obsession with Ryan was clear, fitting the profile Hannah needed.

She had a plan, a plan to rescue Miss Alice from Ryan’s grasp.

“I can help you meet Ryan, but in return, you have to promise me one thing.”

Hannah spoke calmly, her gaze casual as if they were just making small talk.

Anna’s eyes widened in surprise, her body tensing as she clutched the object in her pocket even tighter.

“I said relax, I’m not after anything from you.”

Hannah rubbed her forehead, slightly frustrated. Were the youth of today really this violent, or was it just her intimidating appearance scaring the girl?

“I’ll let you see Ryan, and you, do everything in your power to get him to leave.”

“Simple, right? It’s exactly what you wanted to do anyway.”

Hannah spread her hands, offering the deal. Anna looked at her suspiciously, unable to believe what Hannah was proposing.

It was clear Hannah was part of the villa’s crew,she had no reason to help Anna after seeing through her intentions.

And to go against her employer’s wishes?

“Anyway, that’s my offer. I’m not one to beat around the bush. If you agree, come here tomorrow morning at nine.”

Hannah didn’t waste more time arguing with Anna. She just waved her hand and walked away, leaving Anna alone at the gate, lost in thought.

Hannah knew Anna would come tomorrow,the girl’s determination was evident.

Hannah’s plan was simple: if Anna could persuade Ryan to leave, that would be ideal.

She couldn’t directly force Ryan out, but if he left on his own, then what did it have to do with her?

If Ryan remained stubborn and stuck around Miss Alice, that was fine too. When the time came, she’d just expose Ryan’s philandering ways, and Miss Alice would see his true colors.

Either way, Hannah wasn’t worried about Miss Alice being unable to discern the truth.

Anna stood at the gate for a while longer. Ryan had already gone inside, out of sight.

Before the guards could approach her, she pulled her hood tighter and left, not wanting to draw too much attention today.

She’d go back and prepare. Even if tomorrow’s meeting was a trap, she’d still show up.

As for taking Ryan away, she’d planned to do that even without Hannah’s suggestion.

“Ryan, wait for me. I’ll definitely come to rescue you.”

Anna touched the cold object in her pocket and whispered softly as she looked towards the villa.


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