Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 182: Too close, way too close

Chapter 182: Too close, way too close

Chapter 182: Too close, way too close

“About Miss Alice?”

Ryan’s previously relaxed eyebrows furrowed instantly. He hadn’t expected Mia to bring up Alice.

He had stepped outside just to get away from all this stuff, and now here he was, being forced to face it again. He felt a bit resistant.

Ryan was about to refuse,he didn’t know much about Alice and was ready to suggest Mia find someone else to talk to.

“Big brother~ You wouldn’t say no to your cute little Mia, would you?”

Though still a child, Mia knew how to use her looks more skillfully than many adults.

Her big eyes misted up, and her lips pouted as if she had suffered the greatest injustice.

Ryan almost felt guilty, as if turning Mia down would be embarrassingly rude.

“Even if you put it that way…”

Ryan shook his head vigorously, trying to rid himself of that weird thought.

He wondered if Mia had some kind of system installed, maxing out her charm attributes at just thirteen.

“I know quite a bit about Alice too, you know. If you share with me, I can share with you.”

“You really want to know what Alice is up to, don’t you~”

Mia tapped her lips, stretching her voice into a soft, sticky sweetness, reminiscent of sticky rice dumplings.

But her words were full of temptation. Ryan’s gaze sharpened, but Mia just blinked innocently, making him feel like he was punching the air.

His earlier judgment was right,she was a true little devil.

“What Alice is planning isn’t easy, you know. And it would be really sad for her if you didn’t understand.”

After saying this, the little girl didn’t press Ryan but just stared at him with big, earnest eyes, quietly waiting for his response.

She knew Ryan would bite,it was just a matter of time.

Ryan really wanted to refuse, knowing full well this was a trap set by Mia. Yet, he felt like a gambler who had lost his way to retreat.

“Fine, what do you want to know?”

Ryan sighed, admitting defeat to Mia.

He ruffled the little girl’s hair in a slightly annoyed manner until she pouted cutely again.

“This isn’t the place to talk. Come with me.”

Mia looked around, especially back at Alice in the conference room.

Alice seemed lost in thought, sitting alone, staring blankly at the bread in her hands.

A smile curled on Mia’s lips, finding Alice’s frustration somewhat amusing.

She had thought Alice was as perfect as she appeared, without any weaknesses.

Being dishonest has its consequences, and letting her taste heartache didn’t seem too harsh.

Ryan let Mia lead him by the arm to the hotel’s rooftop, where they could speak without any reservations.

“Mia, can I ask now?”

Ryan glanced at his watch, trying to break free from the girl’s embrace, but she only held him tighter, almost crushing his bones.

He sighed, no longer struggling, just hoping Mia would hurry up.

In ten minutes, he’d have to return to the conference room, back to Alice’s side.

Though he now felt some distance from Alice, Ryan wouldn’t hesitate to protect her when needed.

Even if it was just for the mission, his life was tied to Alice’s.

“Okay, get ready then.”

The hotel rooftop resembled an open-air bar. Mia pointed to a chair nearby, indicating for Ryan to sit down.

Ryan shook his head helplessly, completely caught in the little girl’s pace, but what could he do? She had found his weak spot.

Resignedly sitting down, Ryan looked at Mia, waiting for her questions.

But what happened next took Ryan completely by surprise. Mia, with a commanding air, turned around and sat directly on Ryan’s lap.

This was different from the accidental contacts he had with Alice,Mia’s move was deliberate, intentional, and more aggressive.

Ryan’s brain froze for a moment as the little girl comfortably settled herself on his lap, leaning back against his chest before he could react. He could smell the scent of her hair, reminiscent of orange soda.


“What’s up?”

Ryan’s voice trembled slightly, and Mia, seemingly thriving in the chaos, shifted back even more, her skirt-covered bottom pressing awkwardly against Ryan.

“Can’t we talk standing up?”


Mia seemed oblivious to Ryan’s discomfort, squirming restlessly in his arms. The softness of her body was like hugging a sweet marshmallow, the scent of orange filling his senses and clouding his vision.

Oh no, this is bad!

Ryan felt like he was being beckoned into a new life he couldn’t afford, one where the police wouldn’t care much for his explanations.

Despite being fairly good-looking, no one would believe him if he said he was being harassed by a little girl.

Breathing heavily, just as Ryan resolved to move Mia away, she stopped moving.

The little girl swung her legs while sitting on him, then propped herself up, resting her chin in her hands, looking somewhat unhappy.

“Hey, what’s your relationship with Alice?”

Mia’s voice was tinged with melancholy as she finally got to the point.

What relationship? Caught off guard by the question, Ryan was at a loss for words. Alice was a mafia princess, his mission target,technically, that should have been the extent of their relationship. But he knew that wasn’t the complete answer.

If it were just about the mission, he should only be focused on that, not feeling upset after seeing the real Alice.

Mia’s first question stumped Ryan,he opened his mouth but couldn’t find an answer.

Mia didn’t rush him, just watching his expression gave her a good idea of what was going on.

The little girl sighed softly, and Ryan slowly recalled the first time he met Alice. She was in trouble, out of place with the outside world, instinctively resisting everything.

But weren’t those eyes begging for his help?

Initially, it wasn’t him who offered to help,it was Alice who desperately sought it, like a person dying of thirst asking for water.

Was his discomfort now because he felt sympathy for Alice? That was close, but it seemed not quite right.

“I’m her assistant.”

Ryan couldn’t provide a clear answer, rubbing his temples, feeling the discomfort intensify.

“An assistant, huh? But assistants don’t usually do things like taking bullets for someone.”

Mia frowned slightly at Ryan’s answer, twisting her waist and turning to face him.

Her white legs straddled Ryan’s waist, her body leaning forward, allowing Ryan to see the slight development of her chest.

If the previous moment was unintentionally awkward, now it was overtly suggestive.

Ryan blushed and turned his head away, but Mia’s expression was serious. She wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing him to look at her.

“Taking bullets? Where did you hear that?”

Ryan’s hands had nowhere to go but behind his back, making the current posture even more awkward.

Mia’s gaze was as sharp as Alice’s, making him feel as if he was stripped bare, with no privacy left.

Mia, slightly annoyed, pinched Ryan’s cheek with her finger.

“It’s my time to ask questions now, you can ask later, got it?”

“So, if you’re just an assistant, why go to such lengths?”

Mia looked earnestly into Ryan’s eyes, sensing his evasion. She tightened her grip on his head, continuing her interrogation.

“What does she give you? Money, or some other promise? How much?”

Mia pressed closer, their foreheads touching. Ryan could feel the warm breath of the little girl.

Too close, way too close.

Ryan remained silent,he couldn’t answer this question. Alice hadn’t promised him anything, and their relationship wasn’t defined by money.

“You don’t want to answer, then let’s change the question.”

Mia sensed Ryan’s silence and felt a pang of uncertainty. She had reviewed a lot of information during the meeting, but like Alice, she couldn’t be sure what the young man in front of her was really after.

“Now that you’ve seen what kind of person Alice is, have you thought about leaving her and coming to me?”

“You could be my assistant too. You just need to treat me as well as you treat her.”


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