The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 129 Reunion (Part 3)

After a while, Lord Tylliard finally asked me about what happened, and even though my parents didn't want to bring this topic up yet, the Lord was a rather direct person.

My parents certainly believed that the things that I experienced during these last few days must have been really traumatic, and conversation with my father was one thing, but apart from that, they didn't ask anything out of the ordinary.

They were so shocked to see that I was not as scared or traumatized as they thought I would be, and despite all, I appreciated the fact that there were people that were genuinely worried about me.

"So you decided to go save her? Even though you were not sure what kind of enemy you face?" Lord Tylliard asked.

After I began recounting the slightly modified version of the events of these past few weeks, beginning from Liu's abduction, a crowd formed around me.

I guessed that they were interested in my story, and I didn't feel bothered by their presence, on the contrary, it would save me a lot of time and effort.

With this, the rumor would circulate in the Empire, and if it went according to my plans, it would create a situation that I could advantage of when I attend the Holy Academy.

"She passed out and appeared helpless in front of the enemy so I couldn't abandon her," I said. Then I began to explain the theory related to primordial particles.

Hearing my explanation, people began to chatter among themselves. Some of them doubted my words and said that I was exaggerating, but the others praised me for my intelligence. Still, I didn't care about their opinion as long as they it didn't go against my plans.

"But in the end, even with Zax's battle suit, I wasn't strong enough to go against the monsters' king. However, the baby did something miraculous…" I continued.

When I began to talk about Verte, some of the older women began to show looks of sympathy on their faces. Liu also had the same expression, but since they didn't know about the whole truth, they all thought that Verte died and was gone forever.

I never revealed the fact that Verte had already merged with my would, even to Liu, and of course, it would be stupid to reveal the existence of the fragments of the tree of life.

"What a beautiful soul," Lord Tylliard muttered after listening to my words.

Some questioned the authenticity of my story because thinking about it, a baby would never be able to think about sacrificing their lives for others or whatnot, but Lord Tylliriad looked like he believed what I said.

"Verte was not just a normal baby. She was a special existence," I said because I disliked the fact that some people thought that Verte's was just inside my imagination. Well, even though I disliked it, I didn't do anything about it apart from saying these words.

Then, I continued to tell the whole story, about what we found out when we returned, what we did to survive, and how we managed to come back.

As I continued though, some people looked at me with doubtful eyes, as if they began to treat me as a liar inside their mind.

In my head, I laughed at them, thinking about what would be their reaction if I told everything in detail without simplifying the story so that they could understand.

"Don't worry, here, you won't risk anything. The Raizel family had turned this planet into a fortress," Lord Tylliard said.

His reaction was justified because he only hear about the simplified version of the story. I never included the existence of the dragons, the black-armored guys' abilities, the last boss's power, the tentacle monsters, or the zombies. After all, it would be a pain to explain and manage to deal with all of these.

It would also reveal some of my trump cards so I avoided doing that at all costs. And even though I revealed that Liu had awakened her authority, it was only to hide the fact that she had become stronger than that.

If people knew that she had a tree's fragment, people would certainly go after her. Thus, in the modified version of the story, I lowered the last boss's true power by a few levels to make the story more believable, as well as the monsters' levels.

"Thank you, I am reassured to hear that," I said, and I had an unwavering smile on my face during this whole process.

After that, the party continued for a few hours, and Lord Tylliard began to ask me about my plans.

I didn't know what his goals were but it looked like he wanted to support me, however, I should keep an eye on his daughter.

Of course, he didn't request me to do that directly but the way he said it suggested that much.

I could certainly handle everything related to the Holy Academy by myself if I needed to, but having the help of someone more knowledgeable about the Empire than me was not a bad thing.

At this point, it would take me a certain amount of time to gather all of the information that I need about the Empire and I needed to act as carefully as possible. By this, I meant to not let anyone see through my acting.

"Well, as long as we are in the same academy, I feel like we get along," I answered Lord Tylliard when he insisted that I should become his daughter's friend.

"Haha, I won't appreciate it if you do so," Lord Tylliard answered in a cheerful voice. "I hope she was here today. I tried to convince her to come but in the end, she stayed inside her room."

I listen to the Lord talking about his daughter, and from the look of it, he loved his daughter a bit too much. The other people had already left and began to chat among themselves, but Lord Tylliard didn't stop talking about his daughter.

Well, I didn't feel uncomfortable, and rather than talking about other uncomfortable topics, I would rather listen to his worries.

In the end, it was only me, my parents, and him who continued to chat about various things related to my enrollment in the Holy Academy.

"A test?"

"Yes, a test," the Lords answered my question. "You need to pass this test before you can join the Academy."

Well, it made sense for the Holy Academy to test their future students, but I was more interested in what the test consisted of.

"Are you aware of what this test consists of?" I asked.

"The test will have two parts. They test your power level and then your knowledge, and based on the results of these results, you will be put along with people who are at the same level as you," Lord Tylliard explained. "This year will be special though, because of the platinum generation. In other words, there will be a special class in which those people will be put together and receive special training and education to become the Empire's most valuable asset for the war to come."

The Lord liked talking, and even his wife looked like she wanted to stop her husband from taking too much time to time.

However, I felt like the test and the whole platinum generation was nothing spectacular and felt a little bit common. Well, it must have been because I read a lot of 'isekai' stories with Academy themes.

Nevertheless, the Academy was not my main focus, so it didn't matter to matter how they do the test, because whatever they threw at me, I would pass the test.

Nonetheless, I was also a little bit curious about the people who were called the platinum generation. It sounded like this had something to do with how the monsters evolved.

'Does that mean that humans evolved too? But how? I thought that only the fragments of the tree of life could help an individual to reach the next level of their existence… But what if it wasn't?' These thoughts crossed my mind, and it seemed like I couldn't help but think about different things at the same time every time a new topic was discussed.

The discussion continued for a while after that, and it was only about eight in the evening that the party was about to end.

Still, even though I was not traumatized or extremely scared, throwing up a welcoming party for someone who disappeared for a year was quite a weird idea.

I knew that there was no ill intent behind the idea itself, but if it were someone else, I wondered how would they react because I felt like my attitude was weird.

I was indeed aware that I was too calm while talking about everything that had happened, but I didn't know how else I should have acted.


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