The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 88 His proposal

Chapter 88 His proposal

[Minutes before Ethan's phone call]

"Waaah! This is frustrating chu!! How could you trick me chu! Have you ever experience of packing up your things for a trip you have been long anticipating but in the end, you'd know you could not go chu? That's just ten percent of what I feel chu!" Churu protested in dissatisfaction from Lexi's stubbornness.

For a moment, Churu genuinely thought that Lexi would send her message but in the end, she was slapped with the 'in your dreams…' and all doubt her host had.

"Well, that's just five percent of what I felt when you didn't tell me about these important details!" Sassing in return, Lexi bantered with Churu's selfishness.

She already promised to this persistent little dumpling and swore that she'd make her evolve into a beautiful superstar. However, Lexi needed her to be more transparent and won't purposely leave important details behind.

Churu: "chrrrru" [grrr]

For the record, this was probably the first argument between these odd pair of sisters. Like the little dumpling, Lexi was also grinding her teeth as she glared daggers at Churu in return.

Just then, both of them mildly flinched when Lexi's phone rang. Diverting their gaze on her phone, Churu's displeased front immediately lightened as if her knight and shining armor came to her rescue.

On the other hand, Lexi's brows creased by his sudden phone call. Gravitating whether she would answer the call or not, Lexi peered at the screen until it ended.

"What?! Why didn't you answer chu?! The one who's sabotaging your plans is you, yourself, che!" As expected, Churu complained in annoyance by Lexi's antiques. Afterall, it was the perfect timing for her to ask him the question she should ask earlier, yet, Lexi was playing hard to get again! Hence, how could the little dumpling keep her head cool?

"Gosh! You are annoying you know that? Have you also experience receiving a call out of nowhere? Right, it makes me think of all bad deeds I've done in my life, that's why!" Venting her frustration to the mighty and unbending little bun who was as fierce as her, Lexi realized that her sassiness couldn't be par with Churu.

Again, Lexi's phone rang which sharpened Churu's burning eyes as she glanced at the screen to Lexi. She commanded like a general of a large army,

"Answer that or I, the most beautiful, perfect, and wonderful creation of the Lord would quit this stressing job!"

"Do you have to say all that? Gosh! I can't believe I'm conceding defeat to this shorty." Rolling her eyes in exasperation, Lexi clicked her tongue before she cleared her throat and picked up the call.


Ethan: "hmm? Frustrated?

Arching her brows, Lexi was quite surprised that Ethan quickly sensed her exasperation -- mainly because of her little argument with Churu. Therefore, she heedlessly inquired how he knew.

As usual, Ethan's response was something that she'd expected to hear; flaunting his so called 'radar'.

Ethan: "So, what frustrates this strong independent woman?"

Flying at Lexi's ear to hear what Ethan was saying, Churu then immediately hopped on her host front that made Lexi's eyes crossed.

"Tell him what you said you'd ask earlier chu! Or else… c--ha!"

Covering the mic of her phone, Lexi gritted her teeth as she drew her head back away from the flying fuming dumpling. She mouthed,

'Fine! Fine! You win! My god!'

"Hmmp! Stop monopolizing God, others needs Him as well chu!" Humping, Churu was indeed displeased at Lexi.

Set aside that Lexi put all the blame to the system, what really irked her to the core is Lexi's thick wall around her heart.

Sure, Lexi might trust Ethan Lu as a friend and thought that he was a real friend. However, Churu also knew that if Ethan Lu won't realize his feelings sooner, he might have remained on the friendzoned when he does.

Therefore, before everything goes out of hand, Churu needs to use extreme means for this slow progress to run a little faster. She wouldn't mind and probably would be more patient if Lexi was easy to accept romantic love… but, that's not how she is!

Lexi might be easier to befriend than she often depicted, alas, that jerk of a guy did a great deal to Lexi's heart that made her more cautions on the romantic side of it.

"How could any guys like me if they see me like this…" Glancing at Churu's strict countenance, Lexi murmured while rolling her eyes.

"Hey, guys like thick girls! Go eat some more." The way Ethan responded was so firm that caused her brows to twitch.

'Eat some more? Are you kidding?' Retracting her phone away and peered at it with a disturbed look on her eyes, she placed it back again and voluntarily sassed even without Churu's consent.

"Seriously? Gosh, are you hearing yourself? Would you really fall for someone with body rolls?"

"Well… yeah, if I like her then, size doesn't matter." Sounding bashful and certain at the same time, Ethan responded which made her a little speechless.

Should she believe him? Will he even realized he fell for a fatty? Question like this hovered on Lexi's mind which gave her a striking headache.

For a moment, Lexi didn't responded as she pondered on what to respond to his answer. Probably, he could not handle the silence on the line, thus, Ethan broke the stillness.

"But well, if that's really troubles you, then how about we workout together? I mean, you know, to motivate each other?" Without a change in his goofy tone, Ethan offered out of the goodness and kindness of his heart.

"Ohh, okay, that would be -- what?" Still focusing on his words earlier, Lexi agreed but halted midway realizing his proposal.

"It's settled then, send me your schedule. See ya!" Without waiting for Lexi's approval, Ethan abruptly cut the line, leaving her no chance to reject.


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