The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 86 Love moves in mysterious ways

Chapter 86 Love moves in mysterious ways

"What? You mean Ethan.. he is-- really?" All of a sudden, Lexi's dispirited aura gradually turned into a shocked 1one.

Does that mean that morning, Ethan already likes her? But, why did he treated her otherwise? From her point of view, Ethan Lu's behaviour didn't had a slight change! Well, there is a little change and he's much more edgy. Is that how he shows his love by scooting her away?

"Uh huh, why don't you check -- I mean, you have another task chu~!" Churu realized that if Lexi would check the whole system status, then, her mischievous little deed of using her one time skill would be exposed! Hence, she would rather manually report it herself than being sorry later.

Clearing her throat, Churu sat properly like a role model teacher who only needed a glass, a pair of decent clothes, and a stick to look like one.

"Since you completed the main initial task chu, it was changed to a main task which is; make Ethan Lu realized that he's in love with you chu~!"

"Ha??" Looking dumbfounded to the small dumpling on her side, Lexi's face was plastered with question marks.

How could she overlooked the fact that Churu had been calling Ethan 'Mr. Main Task' instead of 'Mr. Initial Task'? But that's not the case! How can someone fall in love without realizing it?

Confounded, Lexi parted her lips but no words slipped from her mouth. She was indeed definitely speechless this time.

"What chu? Can't believe Mr. Main task fell for you in your worst state chu?" Churu creased her flawlessly white forehead with a smug smirk on the side of her lips.

Still voiceless, Lexi nodded with her widened and blinking eyes.

"Chichi, because that's just love chu~! It moves in mysterious ways~!" Giggling, Churu teased as she covered her lips, suppressing her hearty chuckles seeing her host reaction.

"How could he liked me even without realizing it? Is this an insult?" Finally getting the gist of her current dilemma, Lexi grumbled in dismay.

"Oof, why not ask yourself the same question chu~" Sneakily throwing her comments, Churu whispered audible only for herself to hear.

In her perspective, Lexi might not realize it yet or rather, her light feeling of friendship towards Ethan Lu was slightly growing albeit in a turtle speed.

Of course, this wasn't just a speculation at all because when Ethan Lu carried her to bed, a smile that wasn't meant for Churu or to anyone was displayed on her face.

It was a smile of gratification and affection that candidly showed to a person who'd she subconsciously care about.

"Gosh… Sissy, how can I even make him realize that? Ahh, headache! Also, I'm now fat! I'm sure it will turn him off! I think this system is sabotaging me…" Lexi sulked her back on the comfortable couch as she kicked several unopened delicacies that's tempting her to eat them out of frustration.

Apparently, as much as she wanted to complete all the system's quest, alas, how could she do that if the system itself was sabotaging her plans? In her mind, her beauty lessened because of her weight gain which was entirely wrong.

"Huh? Why don't you tell him chu if he even mind -- you being not so fat as you say it." Churu frowned at Lexi's regrets while pushing half the blame to the system.

'Such hypocrisy Lexi was showing without feeling any remorse!' Churu rolled her eyes inwardly.

Just minutes ago, she was so happy and even complained why she only needed to reach 140lbs not 145 lbs.

Also, in the eyes of her shining eyes, Churu only sees a little change on Lexi's figure. After all, the weight she had right now was still ideal for her height.

"Hmm? Should I? Tell him I gained weight and all? Like, will he still like me even if I became the fattest person on earth? Should I do that?" Arching her fleek brows, Lexi calmly asked Churu -- taking ahead on the little dumpling signature suggestions.

Hearing the words she didn't expect that Lexi would utter, hence, her giddiness drastically rose that made her thumb length shoulder tremble with excitement.

"Uh huh, chu! Definitely go that straight chu~! Then add I'll love you in the end chu~!"

"Alright…" Lexi nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders as she sprawled her arms to reach for her phone.

Unlocking it, Lexi immediately looked for Ethan's contact number before tapping several options that led her to compose a message. Just like what she told the little dumpling, Lexi confidently typed the words she uttered seconds ago.

[To: Ethan Lu

I gained weight… will you still like me if I became the fattest person on earth?" ]

Churu's excitement was still rising as she anticipates for Lexi to press send but the next second, Lexi scoffed as she immediately deleted her composed message while shaking her head.

"In your dreams, Sissy. Do you really think I'd say this? Not to mention to Ethan? Yes, he's a kind gentleman but girl, that guy doesn't lack in women -- different variety if I may add."


[Lu Corporation]

"Young Master?" A man wearing a formal business suit, a thin frame eyeglasses, and neatly one-sided combed hair that was akin to the perfect butler of the year gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Three days ago, Ethan Lu voluntarily came to his office; actually done some business related and even now, he was working like crazy!

It wouldn't trouble him if he had to drag the young master of the Lu family to work. However, seeing him acting like this, it should make him relieved right? But, why the hell does he felt otherwise?

"Y-young m-master?" He repeated in a shaky voice.

"What? what? what?! You called several times already! Just say what you wanted to say! I'm trying to wash away my sorrow, alright? Don't disturb me if it's not important, damn it!" Ethan snapped as he glared daggers to his personal assistant.


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