The Omnistore System

Chapter 104 Unexpected Encounters

After sealing their deal, the rest of the journey was relatively quiet. Keith enjoyed her piggyback ride while Kevin started thinking about his initial plans for the next four days in the city.

Kevin's thoughts ran through his agenda, 'Let's see, I'll probably reach the city in the evening or night. First things first, I should check on Venice to see if she's available to hang out at night. She must have made some progress in her cultivation during these six days; I should've asked her last night. After that, I'll visit Sia and treat her for her hard work.' Kevin mentally outlined his plan for the first night of his four-day adventure.

'I'm planning to break free from two of them, probably around noon or so,' Kevin contemplated silently. 'Afterward, it's off to the store to stock up on some supplies.'

His mind raced with thoughts of the store's inventory. He had recently acquired high-quality meat from those mammal monsters, and he believed it would be a hit. Not many shops in the city had monster meat available, and even the famous restaurants bought their supplies from cultivators. Kevin was certain the system would price it lower than the market rate, making his store a hot spot for food enthusiasts. The word would spread quickly, and the restaurant owners might start flocking to his store for the competitive prices.

However, Kevin knew he needed more than just meat. He had gathered various herbs and monster parts, including a key herb that was in high demand in the cultivation market. It was essential to maintain a diverse inventory to cater to different needs and preferences.

[Item: Star Grass

Tier: Earth

Level: A

Price: 600 Omni Tokens]

He had never heard of this herb before, but Keith had filled him in on its significance as soon as they entered the Vidar Forest. Star Grass was a crucial component in the creation of healing-type alchemical products. What made it especially desirable for use in healing potions and pills was its unique ability to absorb the potent properties of other herbs, which could otherwise cause various side effects, both minor and major.

Kevin had managed to collect a total of 137 stalks of this valuable herb, all stored neatly in his ring. This quantity should be sufficient to keep his store stocked for at least a month, he believed.

With the store situation sorted and no immediate issues on the horizon, Kevin could now focus on his upcoming adventure through the den and the delightful company of some powerful and beautiful women.

His mind wandered to various women, including Keyana, and his thoughts almost made his mouth water. However, a quick shake of his head snapped him back to reality. He was still in the forest, after all. He gathered his thoughts and contemplated his plans for the next four days.

'Where was I? Ah, yes, planning out these four days. After managing the store, I'll have most of the day free, though that might change if I decide to head home and spend some quality time with Maria. No, I should get some sleep first. I haven't had a good night's rest yet,' Kevin mused, making mental notes for his upcoming schedule.

As Kevin continued to brainstorm his plans, they eventually emerged from the thick forest and spotted some human-made buildings in the distance. Keith, who had been silently enjoying her piggyback ride, suddenly said, "I can walk now."

Kevin stopped and looked at her, asking, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she replied with confidence, dismounting from his back. 'It's just a 10-minute walk from here. I've got this.'

"Alright, your call," Kevin said, eyeing her slightly wobbly legs. He couldn't help but think, 'Maybe I got a bit carried away with her last night.'

Keith nodded and walked alongside him, enjoying the cool morning air. After a moment of quiet, she casually asked, "So, you're meeting up with Venice tonight?"

Kevin shrugged, "Yep."

With a touch of curiosity, Keith inquired, "Mind if I tag along?"

Kevin straightforwardly rejected, "No."

Keith persisted, "Then who are you planning to have me experience real sex with? Is she beautiful?"

Kevin replied with a hint of uncertainty, "I haven't decided yet."

Impatient, Keith prodded further, "Well, when are you going to decide?" She clearly wasn't keen on waiting.

"Don't be...wait what she is doing here?" Kevin, surprised by the unexpected encounter, was about to say something to Keith, but was taken aback when he spotted a woman with gray hair in the wilderness.

Keith followed Kevin's gaze, squinting at the mysterious old woman, who seemed cautious as she scanned her surroundings.

"Who is she?" Keith inquired with curiosity.

"Just a friend I made in here," Kevin replied, sounding a bit perplexed about why she had arrived so early in the jungle. He was puzzled by her sudden visit since this world had toilets, and it was clear she wasn't here for a bathroom break. He wondered, "Why?"

As Lydia continued into the jungle, appearing suspicious, Kevin couldn't help but speculate about her intentions. She didn't seem to be a cultivator, which led him to question if his hunch was correct.

With a mischievous grin, Kevin turned to Keith and said, "Let's follow her." He then began to jog slowly, holding Keith's hand.

"Why?" Keith asked, a hint of irritation in her voice as she followed Kevin.

"Just follow her, and you'll find out," Kevin replied with a smirk, leading the way with cautious steps.

Keith couldn't help but wonder what Kevin had in mind and what had brought the elderly woman to this remote location. She followed Kevin with reluctant curiosity.

As they quietly followed Lydia through the forest, Keith couldn't help her curiosity. She whispered to Kevin, "How do you know her?"

Kevin replied in hushed tones, "Remember the burgers we had on the first night? I bought them from her shop. I bumped into her again while getting breakfast. It's like she has a knack for showing up when I'm buying food, weird, right?"

Keith, still intrigued, prodded further, "But how did you become friends with her?"

Kevin, growing a tad irritated by her questions, hushedly replied, "Can you save the questions for later? Let's just follow her silently for now." He continued to trail Lydia with a mix of curiosity and caution.


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