The Omnistore System

Chapter 102 Morning Kissing (R-18)

"Real deal means this," Kevin explained while playfully forming a crude vagina shape with his fingers.

Keith wasn't buying it. She continued searching for her clothes, suspicion in her eyes. "Do you think I'm dumb? You're lying again."

Kevin, now fully dressed, turned to face her. "Don't believe me? Well, you'll see for yourself when I'm having a blast next to you today, and you'll be a mere spectator."

Keith's curiosity got the better of her, and with a hesitant yet intrigued expression, she asked, "Are you actually telling the truth? If not, I'll take matters into my own hands," she threatened, gesturing toward his groin.

Kevin nervously nodded, swallowing hard. "Yeah, I'm telling the truth."

Keith, still skeptical, decided to put him to the test. "So, if I kiss you, you'll make this 'real deal' happen, right?"

Kevin nodded once again, and Keith, without further hesitation, moved in closer with her eyes closed, ready to share a kiss. However, to her surprise, Kevin didn't meet her lips. She opened her eyes in confusion and asked, "What's going on?"

Kevin maintained his smile and suggested, "No worries, we're just getting started. Just sit here for a moment." He pointed at his thighs, and Keith noticed his erect member hanging between his legs. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she followed his instructions, sitting on his lap with her legs around his waist, held in place by Kevin's hands.

Sensing her discomfort, Kevin reassured her, "Relax, we're not going all the way like this."

Keith, still blushing, looked at Kevin's smiling face and asserted, "If you think I'm going to have sex with you now, forget about it."

Kevin chuckled and gently shook his head. "If I wanted sex, I would have asked for it. Right now, I just want to kiss you," he explained, causing Keith to blush even more. Her fair skin turned a shade of red, and her pierced ears reddened as well. She looked away from him and replied, "Don't bullshit. Let's just kiss."

Grinning mischievously, Kevin cupped her face gently and quipped, "Well, if that's what you desire, my dear, who am I to refuse?" His tone carried a hint of flirtatiousness as he leaned in closer.

With a seductive smile, he leaned in and brushed his lips gently against her slightly dry ones, gradually coaxing them into a moist and passionate embrace. This time, he didn't invade her mouth with his tongue; instead, he took things slow, savoring the taste of her lips fully and playfully teasing them. He allowed her the chance to respond to the kiss, making it a tender and romantic morning moment.

As they kissed, he reveled in the unhurried pace, a stark contrast to the intensity of the previous night. Kevin's intention was clear: he wanted to enjoy this moment with a sense of romance and intimacy. Keith couldn't help but feel the same way, though she couldn't deny the building arousal. She tried to resist the allure of the slow, sensual kiss, thinking to herself, 'This is so different from last night... It's so slow and soft... Why does it feel so... arousing? I should stop this.'

Despite her inner protest, she found herself crossing her arms around his back and deepening the kiss, her thoughts wavering as she surrendered to the intoxicating sensation. 'Well, it's not like I haven't done it before,' she mused, succumbing to the allure of the moment.

Kevin's hand glided along her supple thighs, moving ever so slowly as he savored the sensation of her skin. The desire to explore further intensified, and he couldn't resist the urge to reach her enticing posterior. With synchronized movements, they squeezed and molded their bodies together, their firm cheeks pressing firmly into one another, seeking to meld into different shapes. It was a tactile exploration, a quest to feel every inch of their bodies, pressing against each other with an intoxicating intensity.

As they embraced tightly, Keith's hard nipples grazed against his chest, adding a tantalizing sensation to the mix. Her modest-sized breasts compressed against his chest, creating an arousing pressure and friction that heightened their growing desire.

After a few more minutes of exploring each other's mouths, they reluctantly parted, both slightly breathless but still drawn to each other. Keith's gaze remained fixated on Kevin's lips, yearning for more.

Kevin, captivated by her misty eyes and rosy cheeks, couldn't resist asking, "One more?"

Keith nodded eagerly, diving into another kiss. This time, she let her tongue play a more active role, gently pushing against Kevin's tongue to explore his mouth. As the kiss deepened, she lost herself in the sensation.

'I'm getting addicted to kissing,' she admitted to herself, abandoning all cares and savoring every moment of their saliva exchange.

They kept up their passionate kissing for another good half hour until Kevin suddenly remembered he had something important to share.

"Oh, shoot, I totally spaced on telling you something," he said with a sheepish grin.

Keith, still perched in his lap, raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"

"You know I'm a dual cultivator, right?" Kevin asked, giving her a knowing look.

"Yeah?," Keith replied, her curiosity piqued.

"You know I'm a dual cultivator, right?" Kevin asked, and Keith nodded. "Well, when I have sex with women, my Yang energy enters their body, and their Yin energy enters mine. We can both use each other's energy for cultivation."

Keith's eyes widened, and she looked a bit taken aback. "Why on earth didn't you mention this earlier?" she asked, a hint of irritation in her tone, as she promptly moved away from Kevin's lap, sitting cross-legged next to him.

"Yeah, I forgot," Kevin admitted with a nervous chuckle, realizing he should have mentioned it earlier.

Keith didn't respond verbally, instead, she focused on sensing the Yang energy circulating within her body. It was gradually dissipating, but a significant amount remained.

"It's quite a lot," Keith remarked in surprise as she continued to sense the quantity of Yang Qi within her.

Kevin nodded, but didn't say anything. He watched as the Yang energy slowly merged into her cultivation. Since it was still early in the morning and the sun had yet to rise, and not having do anything while Keith cultivate, Kevin took the opportunity to check his own cultivation status.


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