The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 454

C454 Universe War

Returning to the ground, Lo Ya used the Spirit to sense the strength of these demons on the ground. She realized that they were all Third to Fourth Grade Transcendents, so she decided not to waste them. She grabbed one and used the Wind Blade to cut it into pieces. Then, she used the Magic to control the stone to build a barbecue rack.


With a simple snap of his fingers, the dark matter flame was formed and floated below the roast meat. Lo Ya then took out some spices from the storage space and sprinkled them on the meat.

Very soon, the fragrance filled the air.

” Aowuwuwu.”

Although she could not absorb the nutrients to obtain the genes for the time being, the Magic and Strength in it were real. Lo Ya felt that by devouring a large amount of devil meat, she could effectively increase her strength.

A few rats were dumbfounded.

Especially the one that pulled Lo Ya in. Originally, they thought that this little thing was a weak chicken like them, but now they saw the other side’s true side.

The commotion here quickly attracted the attention of the public security demons.

The average strength of the public security squads was that of a transcendent Fourth Grade. They were even stronger than the ones Lo Ya had killed.

When they arrived at the scene, a group of ferocious fellows charged into the room. In the end, they discovered that the childish Small was eating barbecued meat.

“Emmm… what happened just now?”

The other party seemed to have sensed Lo Ya’s powerful strength and asked seriously.

“Let’s eat barbecued meat.” Lo Ya raised the piece of meat in her hand, “Do you want a piece?”

“No, no need.”

These guys pretended not to see anything and left the scene.

Without a doubt, the Small that could easily kill so many demons was not someone to be trifled with.

After Lo Ya finished eating, she left the scene and came to the front of the arena in the middle.

In the end, she suddenly encountered a large group of strange looking giant demons.

“Everyone, stand properly. The battlefield ahead needs soldiers. All of you, go and fight for me.”

A thunderous roar swept across the battlefield. Lo Ya wrinkled her nose and climbed onto the fence beside her. She saw those monsters that were more than ten meters tall.

The scene was actually surrounded by a group of soldiers. After weighing the true defensive capabilities of this city, Lo Ya decided that it was better not to use her Strength to torture them.

Hence… she was treated as a soldier and filled up the army.

For some reason, she followed the large group out of the city and was pushed out of the city. Then, she flapped her wings in the midst of the crowd and flew to a height of three meters. She saw many well-equipped armies.

A general wearing heavy armor walked to a high place and raised the heavy sword in his hand. He fiercely knocked it on the ground.

Clang ~ ~ ~

A dull vibration spread out for several kilometers.


With a furious roar, all the people present shut their mouths.

Lo Ya looked around and found that there were many flying creatures floating in the air like her. But following this silence, it seemed like she was the only one who could still fly.

She quickly landed a little and floated beside a big bald man. Lo Ya looked into the distance seriously.

“Now, the Demon City wants to join the Eternal Battlefield and fight against the unknown existence from far away. We are not the only ones participating in this war. There are also many legions from other gods. At every moment, billions of soldiers are rushing to the frontlines to fight against the terrifying beasts from the Dark Domain. As for you, you will be the greatest warriors among them!”

Lo Ya thought about the information in its words doubtfully.

The Dark Realm was hundreds of millions of years old. Where did such a large scale battle happen?

“Now, you will have a simple mission. It will be led by the great God of Ivycius to the border battlefield to eliminate the remaining troops of the enemy. Attention, this war concerns your position in the City of Devils. If you wish for your family to live happily for the rest of your lives, then pick up your equipment. Fight the enemy.”

Gargoyles flew across the sky, carrying bags in their hands. Wherever they passed by, swords and sabers would fly out of the bags and be picked up by the conscription soldiers below.

“My god, the average strength of these armies is above Transcendence Third Grade.”

Lo Ya realized that the armies in the depths of Dark Matter Universe were stronger than her insects.

A dagger flew to Lo Ya and she grabbed it. She then felt as if blood was thicker than water.

This weapon had a special property. It could allow any creature that caught it to control it freely.

After the equipment was distributed, Lo Ya began to pay attention to the surrounding demons and found that they were all very uneasy.

“I actually got a warning. I actually got a warning.” The big bald man beside her kept repeating this sentence.

Seeing Lo Ya’s eyes, he forced a smile, as if he was greeting her.

“Do you know where we are going?” Lo Ya asked doubtfully.

“The Eternal Battlefield has maintained the battle for tens of millions of years. Countless gods have fallen. We were just cannon fodder in the past. ” Not far away, the old man sighed, as a monster, Although his appearance was ferocious, Lo Ya discovered that these fellows were also like humans. They had their own feelings, they would be happy, and they would be afraid.

Even though, the first time they met, they would most likely treat these fellows as terrifying devils.

Especially since their behavior was very different from the life forms in the physical universe.

After waiting for about half an hour, God Ophelia, whose entire body was covered in a dark red haze, spoke in a hazy voice, “Everyone, prepare for teleportation.”


Lo Ya’s tail trembled and her eyes widened.

In an instant, the scene in front of her distorted. When it appeared again, they had already appeared below a purple-red cloud.

On the ground of the rock beneath her feet, and on the Brain Insect’s side, they sent a message almost immediately, “Sensing the dark matter and the matter of the Main Universe, it seems like the two regions have merged here.”

“Is that so?”

Lo Ya flapped her wings and flew a little higher. In the end, she discovered that she could not see the edge of the distance. It was actually a slanted downward path. These troops were all taking steps. They were charging downwards. In the distance, the flickering light indicated the intense collision of energy. Strong winds blew from afar from time to time, strong enough to tear everything apart.

“A war of this scale.”

Lo Ya widened her eyes.

The analysis of the Brain Insect was still ongoing. “It’s almost confirmed. The enemy is in the prime material universe. The energy levels there show that there are countless high energy reactions within hundreds of millions of kilometers. It might be a large fleet.”

With the reminder of the Brain Insect, Lo Ya instantly understood.

There was actually a war of this scale between the Dark Matter Universe and the prime material universe.

Many of the surrounding demons did not understand what had happened. It was as if they had been pulled into this battlefield for no apparent reason. No matter how they raised their heads, they could not see the situation in the distance clearly. Only a small number of flying units could see the explosion in the distance clearly.


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