The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 453

C453 Rat

The God of White Sand fell, and her territory was occupied by another creature of unknown origin. As for the god they believed in, they still had no idea who it was.

The other gods nearby began to pay attention to this place, and sent many spies. But unfortunately, because of the insects’ control, these people couldn’t detect anything. Even if they were lucky enough to know something, they would definitely find out before leaving the city. Because of all sorts of accidents.

Lo Ya found an opportunity and took the frigate to fly from a few hundred kilometers underground to the city in the distance.

After flying for a few thousand kilometers (in fact, it could be many light-years), she floated out near a big city.

Standing in front of her was a pitch black, pointy building. The area below it was very large, and there were countless giant towers that were thousands of meters tall standing among them.

Lo Ya came here mainly to figure out how powerful the high-end demons were. If they were weaker, she could give the task of invading to Brain Insect and Little Insect Girl without worry. She did not need to worry about it anymore.

The little thing wriggled to the city gate. The strange monsters that passed by all looked at her with strange eyes.

It was too small, and too cute.

Most of the monsters looked hideous, and there were very few species that looked good. And those that could be called beautiful were even more pitiful. Not every species could accept human aesthetic standards, but the vast majority… could accept Insect Girl’s appearance.

When Lo Ya wriggled to the inside, she discovered that a standing mouse had come to her side.

“Hey, little guy, why did you become like this?”

The other side seemed to treat Lo Ya as their own kind and spoke in a very surprised tone.

“What do you mean I became like this? I am like this in the first place, okay?” Lo Ya stressed seriously.

“Is that so? Come with me quickly.”

The furry mouse grabbed Lo Ya’s hand and dragged her into a small cave by the side.

“You must be from somewhere else. You don’t know how terrifying this place is. Strong people from all over the world gathered in Faen City. Ordinary trash are not qualified to stay here.”

Lo Ya frowned. She remembered that when she entered the city, many weak demons were treated like slaves by stronger people. She felt that this was probably what the other party said.

“As long as you stay here for a day, the central demon tower will ask you for one Energy Stone. Otherwise, you will lose your protection and become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Of course, you can also participate in the arena competition or work for a Lord to obtain an Energy Stone. However, it is very difficult for the weak to get high rewards.”

Although the way a mouse spoke was somewhat comical, Lo Ya still expressed that she could accept it.

Furthermore, the Energy Stone that the other party mentioned made her slightly take it to heart.

“The Energy Stone you are talking about is this?”

Lo Ya condensed the Energy Stone piece from the prime material world into a dark matter in her hand.

“Heavens, you actually have this thing? Looks like you already know the rules here.”

“No, I don’t know.” Seeing the other party’s greedy expression, Lo Ya kept the energy block.

Ratty was silent for a moment.

But very quickly, it started to fight with the Spirit again, “Even if you have the Energy Stone, if your strength is not enough, you might be robbed by others. Are you sure you can protect yourself well?”

“What has that got to do with you, stupid mouse.”

Lo Ya turned around and prepared to walk out.

“Hehe, it is too dangerous for you to go out like this. Many bad guys have already noticed you just now. Did you not notice?”

Ratty immediately caught up and just as he said those words, a sturdy iron rod suddenly pierced into the cave from the outside.


Ratty jumped on the spot and caught Lo Ya along the way.

“Oh, why are you so heavy?”

Even though he used all his strength, he only jumped a few centimeters. The bottom of his butt was rubbed by the stick and the mouse rolled on the spot in pain.

Lo Ya’s tail slapped the stick and instantly sent him flying.

“It seems that you are right. There is a guy with bad intentions.”

Outside the cave, there was a big guy lying there with a stick in his hand. He kept poking inside. But for some reason, he was suddenly pushed out by a huge force just now.

“Hey, little guys, don’t dodge. I know you’re inside.” The big guy made an evil sound, “Listen, as long as you listen to me obediently, let me exchange it for some money. I won’t hurt you guys. ”

“Do you think we’re stupid?” The mouse jumped up again. “Do you think this method can make me compromise?”

“Hehe, I’m not interested in you. Why don’t you give me the Small next to you? Then I’ll let you go. ”

It seemed that Insect Girl’s value was much higher. She must have been regarded as a rare demon. Otherwise, the other party would not be so persistent.

Ratty looked at Lo Ya and pulled her hand to run deeper into the cave. “Follow me.”

Lo Ya took the initiative to follow and followed along the strange passage. After sliding along the slippery moss road for a distance, they landed in an empty area.

There were two mice kissing down there.

Lo Ya,… “”

“Oh, no, I was actually seen. I don’t want to live anymore.” The female mouse discovered that there were two guys who fell from the sky. One of them was an unfamiliar one. She immediately pounded her chest and cried.

“What’s there to be pretentious about? You don’t even know how many times I’ve seen you. It’s just a kiss, I even saw you yesterday…”

“Shut up.”

Lo Ya expressed that she might have really entered the wondrous mouse nest.

This kind of scene was definitely what Little Insect Girl liked the most, because it meant a pile of food.

“Today I discovered a new little thing. I feel that she might not lack us in the future.”

“That’s enough. We have enough people. You still need to bring it home.” The female mouse shouted at the mouse holding Lo Ya’s hand. After saying that, she pointed to the distance.

Looking over, Lo Ya saw a pile of rats. There were so many that it was hard to count. There were probably hundreds of them.

“Who asked you to be so capable of giving birth and even give birth to a bunch of retards.”

Lo Ya,… “”

In the midst of a series of quarrels, Lo Ya suddenly heard heavy footsteps passing by from above. Then, an earthquake came, as if there was something that wanted to destroy the roof.

“Damn it, those guys actually came down, they are really unscrupulous.”

The three rats remembered to run around in circles.

Well, literally, they were running around in circles. One was running around the other desperately.

“Phew.” Lo Ya shook her head and spat out a beam of light from her mouth, which burned through the top of her head.

The beam of light pierced through layers of solid rocks and directly rushed to the ground.

Then, under the shocked eyes of a few rats, she spread her wings and flew towards the top of her head.

Along the way, corpses were everywhere that had been melted by the high temperature. These demons were strong, but they were instantly penetrated by Lo Ya’s Third Grade Magic before they could even scream.


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