The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 449

C449 Charge

“Quick, quick, don’t dawdle.”

The information of the language was transmitted between these creatures. These demons looked a bit like the demons of legends. But they didn’t have sharp horns, so they looked even more ferocious. Some of the more powerful ones were wearing heavy armor, and their auras were oppressive. They could be said to be handsome.

However, from the looks of it, they were even more spectacular than any army from the era of cold weapons that Lo Ya had seen.

Just based on the number of 2000 people, it already gave people the feeling of an unparalleled elite.

The light that came out of nowhere above their heads gradually dimmed, as if signaling that the night of this planet was about to arrive.

As the crowd moved, the demons that commanded this army suddenly ordered everyone to stop, looking towards the south from afar.

There, a Sickle Insect was quietly squatting at the top of a sand dune.

When the two sides faced each other from afar, a portion of the army began to move quickly. They then pulled up a huge object similar to a catapult and used a toolcart to place a solid sphere. After igniting it, it was launched in this direction.

The fireball suddenly grew sharp spikes in midair. Its speed was so fast that it completely went against the laws of gravity. In a short three seconds, it crossed a thousand meters and smashed heavily into the spot where the Sickle Insect was standing.

Although the Sickle Insect had fled the moment it was shot, it was still hit for no reason. The other side seemed to have predicted all of its actions and even controlled its thoughts.

“The other side is using the interference Magic. We can’t let the Sickle Insect make its own judgment. The Brain Insect should take over.”

Lo Ya directly saw through the problem and said very calmly.

Receiving the order, a Brain Insect controlled all the Sickle Insect at the back. The demons who originally relied on the unknown Strength to interfere with the Sickle Insect’s thinking had already lost their support. In their senses, the Sickle Insect that was already controlled had actually lost control of its body. Its body had been seized by another unknown strange thought.

“Divine Art has failed.”

The commander narrowed his eyes as he looked at the other insect that had crawled out of the mountain.

“Fire another stone bomb.”

Whoosh ~ ~

A fireball with a diameter of one meter flew into the sky, and after three seconds, it landed in the area where the Sickle Insect was.

However, this time, the insect didn’t flee towards the place where the stone bomb had fallen. Instead, it easily distanced itself from the area of attack.

“The enemy has escaped from the control of the divine art. They will also predict the landing trajectory according to the flight trajectory. It is very likely that there is also a god behind them. ” Another seemingly strong warrior walked out from the crowd and came to the side of this devil commander.

The commander’s heart sank. “Another Divinity’s Bout?”

Divinity’s Contest was a battle between gods. Usually, at the final moment of the war, powerful gods would personally descend upon the battlefield.

This was originally a continent formed by countless god nations. The armies of powerful gods were boundless. Each individual was strong to the peak, while weak gods… could only bring out tens of thousands of people.

This era was very realistic. Powerful gods annexed weak gods, and every faith would display its advantages. It would bestow the believers with Strength, allowing them to fight for the territory of the gods and expand their faith.

In the end, these so-called demons were just cannon fodder in the hands of the gods.

Almost all the demons did not realize this point. They always believed that the Gods could accept them going to a beautiful country after death.

After easily dodging the stone bomb on the opposite side, Sickle Insect after Sickle Insect began to crawl out from the back of the slope. The moment they appeared, they charged in this direction.

There were no sinister tactics, it was the charge of the enemy.

Lo Ya had long discovered that it was very dangerous to carry out an underground ambush. The Magic of many creatures could easily kill underground creatures. After suffering a few waves of losses, the swarm decided. In the future, the battles in this world would all be carried out on the ground.

When these insects began to run, the demons all widened their eyes. They had never seen such a strange creature, its appearance was even more terrifying than their own. Its body was even larger, and its scarlet eyes and fangs gave off a bloody and cruel feeling.

“Enemies, kill them all!”

The commander raised his weapon and roared. The spearmen formation at the back of the formation quickly rose up from the back of the crowd, forming a spear net made of nearly five meters long spears.

As the swarm approached, suddenly, without any warning, dozens of enormous flying creatures flew over from afar. They opened their mouths and shot high speed Electromagnetic Cannon bullets towards the ground.

Because of the rules, the strength of the Electromagnetic Cannon was not as strong as the frontal universe, but to these ordinary creatures, it was absolutely destructive.

Poof, poof, poof ~

The flesh and blood were separated, and the sand and rocks that were hit were all splashed several meters high. Rows of small caliber cannonballs swept across the ground, and the explosions formed a long trajectory, piercing through the middle of the army formation.

The scene could no longer be described as a scene of people being thrown off their feet, and the broken limbs of all kinds of demons were flying everywhere.

“Lava Counterattack.”

A few large demons opened their huge mouths and sprayed hot lava into the sky. Due to their speed being too fast, two low altitude Wind God Winged Insect were hit. They let out a miserable cry and fell to the ground.

“The enemy’s high level army?” Lo Ya’s pupils shrank and she swung her tail twice.

Those troops that raised their weapons and relied entirely on cold weapons were not easy to deal with. Many of them spat out small and solid objects from their mouths and started killing the swarm of insects a few hundred meters away.

The Sickle Insect also opened their mouths and used the electromagnetic guns installed in their mouths to counterattack.

However, the electromagnetic rifles could only shoot a limited few kilometers in the positive material universe. Here, they were weakened. Without the reinforcement of the Magic, the effect would be greatly reduced.

The result of the exchange of attacks from both sides was that more than ten of the swarm had fallen, and about the same number had fallen on the other side.

It was going to crash.

At this moment, a missile descended from the sky and hit the group of demons at a speed of a few kilometers.

The explosion instantly covered the size of a football field, and the shockwave spread out to a thousand meters away.

Although he used the small equivalent weight’s nuclear bomb, the explosion only killed over a hundred of them in the center. More than 200 of them were seriously injured, and the further they went, the more unstable their footsteps were due to the impact of the air wave.

“The nuclear bomb’s effect is not good.”

Looks like I can only fight it head on.


The formation of the two sides collided.

First was the scene of a spear piercing through flesh and blood.

However, the high-speed insect swarm couldn’t be blocked by the small spear. They instantly broke through the defensive line, broke the spear shaft that was several meters long, and trampled over the demon’s body.

Pain and blood seemed to have no effect on these monsters. The only ones who screamed in pain were those poor monsters.

“Hiss, what kind of monster is this?”

Seeing this scene, the monster commander was shocked.


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