The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 446

C446 Attack the Tribe

The bugs are loyal, and in a very short amount of time, they’ve taken care of the beasts within three kilometers of them. In total, there were no more than 15 of them, and after the corpses of these monsters were absorbed, They were stored as pure magic and sealed within the Energy Charging Crystal.

Since it was a long distance exploration, then they must have made ample preparations.

This time, there were still 20 Research Exploration Ship that acted as transportation ships, and their cost was relatively high. Each one required the support of a million units of Energy Charging Crystal, but with the current production speed of trillions of crystals per month, They did not care about this at all.

“The Mother Star should produce more Light Plate Insect, I have a feeling that the consumption of Energy Charging Crystal will increase exponentially in the future.”

Lo Ya wriggled to the top of the mountain. She looked at the insects mixing Nourishing Insect and sand to build a few buildings along with the suggested underground buildings. She ordered them to run into the distance.

In a few directions, there was a boundless sea at the end of the road. Of course, the sea was also not right because the seawater was not liquid but a kind of chaotic and strange melting. It also had a continuous damage. On the other side was a continent that stretched as far as the eye could see. It flew a few hundred meters into the air. They would be able to see a small number of buildings in the distance, as well as some unknown plants.

The base of the bugs definitely couldn’t be too far away from the exploration target, so as they moved, they waited for more reinforcements to arrive.

After half a day of struggling, the scale of the bug swarm increased to 600, including 480 Sickle Insect, 20 saw worms, 50 Flying Dagger Insect and 50 blade worms to kill the bugs.

With these numbers, the army began to move toward the heartland of the continent. Along the way, they were suddenly attacked by a huge beast.

Compared to its current size, it was a monster that was over 20 meters tall. It opened its bloody mouth and bit onto a certain Sickle Insect, attempting to chew it up.

However, the Sickle Insect’s Strength was very large. The Electromagnetic Rail Firearms in its mouth fired continuously, shooting out many wounds in its mouth.

The struggling monster bit down hard, and in the end, it still bit the Sickle Insect in half. However, there were already many wounds on its body.

An even more powerful sawworm rushed forward, brandishing its huge saw and killing the monster while it was spinning at high speed.

The swarm of bugs swarmed forward and began to devour its flesh and blood, transforming it into Magic and Strength.

Knowing that there were such dangerous creatures along the way, Lo Ya became even more careful. Because the food here could not be used to breed tails, all the military forces needed to be mobilized from Mother Star. The energy consumption during the process would increase the cost in a straight line, so it was not a big deal now. Wait. In the future, when the scale was large, especially when there were millions of dollars… Not to mention the nutritional materials, the Energy Charging Crystal was definitely not enough.

After all, the crystals in the insects’ bodies were being consumed at a rapid rate.

Currently, the number of crystals that the insects needed to consume daily was no more than 100 million. The remaining close to 10 billion units would all be used as reserves. During wartime, the daily consumption might increase to billions or even tens of billions. But no matter what, there would be a lot of excess left every day.

But if it was in the dark universe, even if it was the Sickle Insect, every day it would require 10,000 units of Energy Charging Crystal to maintain a large volume operation. This meant that Lo Ya could only maintain up to 100 million of the lowest level main cannon fodder bugs in this world.

This was also the reason why she took the initiative to produce more Light Plate Insect.

“Estimated to be able to ensure that 1,000 main forces arrive here in 24 hours. This is about it. During this period of time, we will slowly crystallize the target.”

The swarm advanced slowly. On average, they advanced less than two kilometers per hour. The entire process was trying to clear out a large area of safe zone.

Hundreds of battles had taken place. Although some small creatures were not dangerous, they formed groups and had a large number of them. In addition to some large monsters mixed in, Lo Ya had also lost about 30 insects.

The next morning, Lo Ya, who was about 10 kilometers away from the target, sent out the Flying Dagger Insect to explore. She found that those in the distance were not buildings, but black rocky lands.

Those rocks formed a series of rolling mountains that extended to the end of the line of sight.

During this process, there were some groups that were obviously intelligent and similar to tribes.

They had many scales on their bodies, their legs were upright, their bodies were pitch black, and their mouths were filled with boiling lava.

Brain Insect organized an attack and sent a squadron of Sickle Insect to attack.

As a result, the transcendent Third Grade Sickle Insect only had a slight advantage when facing creatures of similar size.

More than a hundred of them went up to fight sixty of them. In the end, 38 of them died on their side. There were also quite a number of injuries that wiped out the target. Those monsters were just like what the Earth girl said, their individual combat strength was stronger than the normal universe. But the way they fought was more primitive. The other side also had crude knives made from strange black rocks, showing a metallic quality.

After the battle, Lo Ya looked at the countless tribes in the distance. Lo Ya felt that there were not enough bugs at the moment.

“There are 32 intelligent life groups within 100 kilometers ahead of us. Over 600 beast groups. The number of underground creatures is unknown. The ones that pose a greater threat to us are those intelligent creatures. Their combat strength is not much different from Sickle Insect. ”

” Got it. Today, we’ll transfer a portion of the stronger bugs over. ”

The Wind God Winged Insect was a Lower Fourth Grade transcendent. It could defeat dozens of Sickle Insect in close combat. When using one’s own weapon, the number of Sickle Insect that could be killed was even more terrifying. Their goal was to deal with the possible aerial units that might appear.

Human-shaped Undead Insect, Black Wolf Beast, and Launcher Insect. All three of them were at the middle Fourth Grade transcendent. The first two were mainly close combat. They were the elite soldiers on the ground. They cooperated with a large number of main cannon fodder to attack while the Launcher Insect provided long-range firepower support.

The electric bug was the most elite unit that had been transferred this time. It was a transcendent Fourth Grade. It was able to travel underground without any obstacles. It was made of black spheres that could move up and down like agile snakes. It was not an exaggeration to call them dragons.

After the second day, there were all kinds of insects and there were actually 3000 of them. Lo Ya began to have confidence in her own combat strength. She specially sent out an encirclement troop to attack the tribe in the distance.

At the beginning, the tribe did not have time to react. Facing the ferocious insects that suddenly rushed out, they were shocked. The battle between the two sides was simple and fierce. There were not many moves and they were all using their weapons to the best of their abilities.

But in terms of fighting spirit, Lo Ya’s side was much bigger.

Although those ferocious creatures that spat lava were very fierce and fierce, they were facing a completely emotionless killing machine. Each of the insects were fighting until they could not move, no matter what the situation was. No matter what, they wouldn’t retreat. Therefore, many tribes would show fear during the middle of the battle.

As for the previous part of the story…

Let me tell you what it is. _ :

Up until now, the first chapter had always said, “Dark energy may cause the universe to expand,” but chapter 443 accidentally turned the energy into matter. Regarding this point, please do not hesitate. This was just a wrong word. Since you have been reading it all this time, you should know that the previous article had always been talking about dark energy. If you suddenly changed a word, you would know what was going on. Is there a lot of wrong words (smile) in this text?

Did the dark energy really cause the space to expand? Who knew? Anyway, this text had always used the words “possible” and “xxx to express,” which were ambiguous words. At present, even scientists were not 100% sure. I’m a writer, and I’m the one who wrote novels, and I’m the one who created parallel worlds. [I feel that I am already serious enough, so I forcefully changed magic into science fiction.]

Chapter 444, converting energy into dark matter. This is the technology of Insect Girl Clan. There was no problem. It was mass conversion into energy. Although we don’t know what the hell the dark matter and dark energy are, and whether or not they can be converted… However, this text can. This text even believes that… any mass and energy can be converted into energy. You have to ask why, the answer is setting!

In addition, some people say that the dark matter leads to gravity. Regarding this point, this text would not write it like this. Because scientists had yet to discover the gravitational force, up until now, they could only say, “Currently, there is a speculation that there might be a type of gravitational force that caused the appearance of gravity.” Furthermore, there was no direct evidence that the gravitational force was a dark matter. All of this was only a mathematical and theoretical speculation. Based on the current evidence, The possibility was very small. Some people even said that the gravitational force did not exist (although it was not very possible). However, regardless of whether it existed or not, before finding evidence, one could not easily come to a conclusion (Mathematically, the gravitational force has already been deduced).

Finally, this novel was a fantasy novel. When you encounter something that goes against reality, just treat it as a fantasy. Insect Girl, Demon World… Emm, isn’t this magical enough?

No matter what, thanks to everyone for correcting the mistake.


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