The Innkeeper

Chapter 1365 Tuition fee I

Chapter 1365  Tuition fee I

Void wood was one of the toughest known, renewable substances in the universe. Depending on the exact variety of the tree, the toughness would be even greater, not to mention that the trees themselves have many amazing properties.

A Void Sequoia tree was by no means the strongest of such trees, but it definitely was one of the strongest. More importantly, it was absolutely massive in both height and width, making it a great option for a treehouse. The many space and void related properties of the tree itself also made it an excellent option.

Now that he had made the selection, Lex was faced with two more problems. The first was that he had to get his hands on a seed for the Void Sequoia tree, and secondly he had to learn how to rapidly nurture it. He was not referring to the ordinary means of nurturing, no. He meant the kind of nurturing that everyone thought was impossible, since he was in the business of doing impossible things anyway.

He already had an idea for how to do both of those things. He needed to only put in an order for the seed at the Emporium, and Powell would take care of the rest. The nurturing he would learn from the Sovereign.

Just because the quest said he had to build it with his own hands, it did not mean that he couldn't learn from others.

With the plan decided, Lex directly went to the Emporium ready to order, but discovered that Powell was in a particularly good mood that day, even humming a song as he stared out into the distance.

"Looks like someone's having a good time," Lex said with a smile.

Powell looked over to Lex, and grinned even wider.

"You have no idea! Recently, the Emporium secured a meeting with the Versalis Bank. With their funding, the Emporium is going to break through the limits of a single realm, and begin selling in another realm. This is a big step for a business. If the venture succeeds, the Emporium will be one step closer to living up to its name."

"Ah, congratulations. Do you know what other realm you're going to be entering?"

"Not at the moment. It is being deliberated on by the bank and the main Powell. Either way, it can only be a good thing for us. With our reach increasing, the number of items we can sell will increase."

"That's great. I'll look forward to your expanded catalogue. For now, though, I hope you can help me find what I need from the Origin realm."

"A Void Sequoia seed," Lex answered. Powell's grin grew even wider. He knew Lex was his lucky customer! He was going to get another big commission for this!

"A Void Sequoia tree is a Celestial level item, and can only be reliably found within the Void Sequoia forest, which is a peak Celestial level danger zone. We can procure the seed for you, but the price won't be cheap."

"Since when has price been an obstacle for me?" Lex asked. He could pay with any random treasure he had and it would be sufficient. It was true that he didn't have many items that counted as being on the Celestial level, but he had an entire sea's worth of blood from a Jorlam, which was no doubt a Celestial item.

Speaking of which, he had to feed a Jorlam heart to the World Eater lest it start eating the Midnight realm. The pets that the turtle was keeping were really beginning to border on ridiculous by now - not that he was complaining.

"Excellent. You can check back with us in two days to get the seed."

"I'm also going to need some other supplies. I've prepared a list. You can give it to me with the seed."

Although Lex had yet to learn how to nurture the tree yet, he had already looked up the requirements for it to be planted, and compiled a list of all the ingredients he would need.

With the order placed, Lex returned to the Inn, and mentally prepared himself for the challenge up ahead.

He was going to go learn about planting from the turtle. He could also consult the Gardener, but as that mega-Chad of a man had become an idol for the Drama-cats, Lex wanted to keep his distance lest something unexpected happened.

Although, with the turtle, there was bound to be some kind of drama anyway. After a few deep breaths, Lex teleported to the turtle, who was still making preparations for his garden which would eventually become a Heaven.

"How are things going?" Lex asked, walking up to him. "Any progress with the Heaven project? I talked to the Innkeeper, and he said it might not be a bad idea to make both Heaven and Hell within the Inn."

The turtle paused, and looked towards Lex. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"I still have an issue with getting enough divine energy for my plants," the turtle said. "Maybe if you can get me some angels to help along with that, I can work towards tending my garden. As for Hell… I cannot help you with that."

Lex nodded, more or less already expecting such an answer.

"Rather than angels, I think you can consider working with fairies. Their fairy dust can be very useful, and can turn into more or less any kind of energy they wish. They can not only help you mimic divine energy, but any other kind of energy you wish for as well."

The turtle paused, as if considering Lex's words. After a while, he turned to look at lex, and patted him on the head with his vine.

"Looks like humans are not so silly after all," was all he said before turning to once again continue his work.

"Yeah, speaking of being silly," Lex said, walking up closer. "I need to learn how to plant and grow a strong, healthy Void Sequoia tree in a very short amount of time. Can you provide me with any guidance?"

This time, the turtle paused entirely, and turned to study Lex seriously. He did not speak for a short time, but eventually he nodded and said, "I can teach you, but I require a tuition fee."

"Sure, what is it?" Lex asked, though he was surprised that the turtle was interested in such a thing.


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