The Devil’s love

Chapter 313 - "She Is My Mother...."

Seeing her mother in such a vulnerable state, Ning couldn't stop her tears as well. Though she didn't want to cry, she really didn't but she couldn't help it. Her heart ached and a very strange feeling enveloped her entire body, something that was hard to explain.

Wiping her tears with the back of hand, Ziyi smiled, "Look at me talking about useless things and ruining your mood." After taking a deep breath, she added, "Though I couldn't nurture you like every mother could, I still tried to do the best I could by keeping you in my prayers and giving you at least something that you deserve." ​​

Pushing the file back to her, she explained, "This is yours and not mine to take, they belong to you. Please don't give it back to me, I won't and can't take it. Though our relationship will never change, I still want to do the one thing every mother should. I want to make sure that you get what you deserve. You and Chen are your father's and mine little treasures who will always hold a very important place in our heart no matter what happens."


Placing her hand on hers, Ziyi requested, "Please, accept it."

Ning felt a sense of satisfaction when she placed her hand on hers. This was the first time she was feeling her mothers warm touch. Though it was just a brief touch, it still felt heavenly.

All her childhood, she always wondered why her parents didn't love and treated her like the way they treated her younger sister. All her life, she had craved for her mother to look at her with eyes which were oozing out with love, affection and care but that never happened. All she got was a cold treatment from the woman she thought was her mother.

But now when her mother, the woman who gave birth to her was looking at her affectionately, just like the way she had always carved for, her heart ached and rejoiced at the same time. She couldn't understand if she was crying because she was hurt and sad or because she was happy.

Tightening her grip around her hand, Ziyi requested once again. "Please Ning, if you accept it, I will feel like you don't hate me."

Grabbing a tissue from the table, she looked away and wiped her tears away. She didn't want to cry but she couldn't stop it. After composing herself, she turned towards her. "Okay, I'll take it."

When a sweet smile plastered on Ziyi's face, Ning's heart beamed in joy as well. Seeing her warm smile made her happy too.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me," she exclaimed.

Before Ning could say anything, a guard quickly approached her. "Madam, we have to leave this place right now."

Scrunching her brows, Ning asked, "What happened?"

"A group of bandits are blindly firing at people just a block away, they are coming towards this area, we have to leave now," The guard informed.

Just then all the people in the cafe started rushing out, pushing and pulling through the crowd.

The guard quickly helped Ning garb her bag and file and escorted her outside.

"Wait—" Ning instructed before grabbing Ziyi's hand. "Come with me."

"I-It's okay, I have a car waiting outside."

"Then let me escort you to your car," she stated.

The guard quickly escorted both of them outside, taking extra precautions for Ning's safety as she was their main priority. After the previous incident, everyone had become extra alert and made sure the past doesn't repeat itself because if it did, they knew no one would be able to save them from their big boss's wrath.



As soon as they stepped out, Ellie first escorted Ziyi safely towards her car.

"You should go home straight away, the situation doesn't look very nice and promising," Ning instructed.

"Yes, you should go home too."

She nodded her head and left along with the guards without saying anything. Just then a loud gunshot was heard which made startled Ning. When she turned around to look at Ziyi, she saw her falling on the ground. The driver quickly got down from the car and rushed towards her but ended up getting shot too.

"Mom," Ning shouted before rushing towards her but the guards stopped her.

"Madam you can't go there," he snapped before gesturing the other men to form a human wall around her.

"She is mother," Ning shouted before rushing towards Ziyi along with the guards.

Kneeling on the ground, she quickly supported her. Looking at her blood stained cloth, she panicked. "This—"

Slowly lifting her hand, Ziyi gently caressed Ning's right cheek before losing her consciousness.

"Mom? Mom, wake up," she shouted but no matter how hard she tried, nothing happened. Her mother was lying lifelessly in her arms which made her feel helpless.

Glaring at the guards, she shouted, "What are you staring at? Get the car, we have to take her to the hospital."

The guards quickly got into action and started making preparations to take Ziyi and the injured driver to the hospital.



"Ning," Muchan called her out.

When Ning saw him, she rushed towards him and started panicking. "I—I don't know what happened, she—" Clutching onto his white coat, she started begging him. "Muchan, please do something, save her please."

Pulling her into his embrace, he tried to calm her down. "Ssshhh relax first, the doctors are trying their best, I am sure everything is going to be okay."

Looking at her blood stained clothes and hands, he frowned, "Are you hurt as well?" When she shook her head, he sighed, "Don't panic and don't lose hope as well, I have already informed Yichan and others, they will be here soon."

Gently caressing her head, he added, "I'll get you some water, sit here and wait for me." After gesturing a guard to keep an eye on her, Muchan quickly left to get some water for her.



Greeting Dear readers,

2020 has been a very rough year for everyone around the globe, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for being a major part of my 2020. Despite the stressful atmosphere, your comments, reviews and support encouraged me to carry on and create these beautiful stories which are loved by many.

Thank you for making my 2020 memorable and easy going.

Let's remember that only the year is ending but we have a long road ahead of us. I cannot wait to make you a part of my 2021 and the many more glorious years to come. Cheers to our blessed and angelic relationship, let's strengthen this bond and keep loving each other till eternity ♥.

I hope I can keep making you smile, laugh and maybe also cry :p in the future as well.


Amidst the celebration, let's not forget that 2020 is over but not the virus. Let's keep taking measures and keep fighting.

With love,



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