The Devil’s love

Chapter 310 - Friend

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Yitian quickly excused himself. "I'll get myself a glass of water."

After he left, Yichan was about to follow him when Ning stopped him. "I'll talk to him." When he nodded his head, she quietly followed him. ​​



Pouring a glass of water for himself, Yitian sighed in dejection before slumping on the chair. If Liying called her sister yesterday then she definitely saw his messages too. Why didn't she call him back or even send him a single reply? Was she angry with him or did she not want to stay in touch with him anymore?

Gulping in nervousness, he thought, 'Does she hate me?' The mere thought of her hating on him made him feel angry and frustrated.

"Overthinking never helps." Walking towards him, Ning added, "It makes you feel vulnerable and like a loser."

Lowering his head, he sighed, "I—'

Cutting him off, she said, "It's alright, you don't have to tell me anything." Placing her hand on his, she sighed, "Yitian, I am not here to ask you what exactly happened between you and Liying that day, I am just worried about you and so is your brother."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she explained, "I know you have a habit of keeping things by yourself. I also know that you don't want to make Yi or me to be worried about you but that is not how things work in a family. We share our problems and seek advice from one another. Always remember that talking your feelings out is the only way you will feel at peace. If you keep your feelings, frustrations and anger in your heart, it's going to harm you."

When he did not say anything for quite some time, she sighed, "We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. Let me make some hot chocolate for you, it will make you feel better." Before Ning could move away, Yitian caught her hand.

"Liying, s-she left because of me," he remarked.

Tightening her grip around his hand, she encouraged him to speak out.

"That day in college, she confessed that she loves me in the most unexpected situation so I freaked out. I didn't know what I was supposed to say or do so I ran away." Pausing for a while, he added, "When she was here that day, she asked me if I had feelings for her but I told her I wasn't interested in relationships and we should remain the way we are."

"So what is the problem now? She confessed but you want different things and you even told her that, why are you sad then?"

"I—" Stopping midway, Yitian sighed. How was he supposed to answer that question when he wasn't sure what was exactly happening with him. Though he didn't want to get into something as complicated as being in a relationship and he was very sure about it when he told Liying about his thoughts but now when she was gone, why did he feel so awful? Why is he regretting telling her those things and not stopping her from leaving?

Placing her hand on his, Ning explained, "You will feel this way until you don't know what you exactly want. You need to sort out your thoughts and feelings, you have to list down your priorities and work on things which you think are important. No one will be able to help you with this, you have to push yourself out and clear your head first."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he asked, "What if by the time I make a decision, it's too late? What if—" Stopping midway, he thought, 'What if she is gone?'

"Well, there are certain things which you cannot control. If something is meant to happen, there is nothing you can do to stop it." Gently caressing his hair, she added, "Don't stress about it too much for now, I am sure everything will be okay."

"I don't know sister Ning, I think I messed it up really bad this time," he sighed in dejection.

"You know, there was a time when your brother Yichan and I messed things up really very bad but despite everything, here we are happily living together." Pausing for a while, she explained, "You never know what might happen next, maybe you are feeling down now but never lose hope."

When he slowly nodded his head, she smiled, "Now come lets have dinner with everyone, I made your favourite steak."


Living room.

"When are you coming to the hospital for a checkup?" Muchan inquired.

"We were thinking tomorrow but I have to go out of station for a week starting tomorrow morning," Guiren answered.

"Where will Meili stay then?"

"She will stay in the main mansion with mom and dad."

Sitting beside Yichan, Ning remarked, "I have a last routine checkup day after tomorrow, Mei can come with me."

"That is a nice idea, this way you both will be together and I will be there in the hospital so there is nothing to worry about." Looking at Yichan, Muchan asked, "You are coming with her too?"

He shook his head and answered, "No I am not, I have an important meeting early in the morning. I mean I could cancel it but—"

Cutting him off, Ning frowned, "Why would you cancel an important meeting? I am just going to the hospital for a round up checkup, it's not something dangerous."

"Yeah I know but still, I haven't accompanied you for so many round up checkups, I feel sad," he sighed.

Grinning from ear to ear, Guiren stated, "I know you miss me a lot Yichan."

Letting out a mocking scoff, Yichan snapped, "Who misses you? I just miss how things were so easy at work when you were working with me."

"So you are missing my work and not me?" When he nodded his head, Guiren rolled his eyes, "That doesn't even make any sense."

Looking around, Nuying inquired, "Where are the grandpa's?"

"They just stepped out in the garden to get some fresh air," Chen answered.

"If you people are busy then I will accompany Ning and Meili to the hospital. I am not doing anything the day after tomorrow anyway," Roger stated.

"Well then we have nothing to worry about, I will book the appointment for you ladies," Muchan remarked.


Yitian's room.

While others were talking and enjoying the party, Yitian was already back in his room and was staring at his phone hoping that she would call him. Burying his face on the pillow, he groaned in frustration. He was hating this feeling but he also couldn't ignore or unfeel it.

Just then, his phone started ringing. He quickly sat up straight and received it when he saw the caller ID.

"Hello Liying?" he excitedly exclaimed.

"Hey, how are you?" she asked.

"I am fine, what about you?" Without waiting for her reply, he quickly said, "Why didn't you call me for many days? Not even a text or anything, I was so worried about you."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she answered, "The network is very weak here and—"

"Even if it's weak, how long does it take to send me a simple text saying that you are fine," he frowned.

"Umm I—"

Cutting her off, he stated, "I am switching to the video call, I really need to see you." Without waiting for her reply, he quickly switched to the video calling mode.

When her face flashed on his screen, he breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing her after so many months even though it was through the screen made him realize how much he had missed her. He scrunched his eyebrows when he saw her rubbing her hand on her palm. "What happened? Is it too cold there?"


"Then what are you doing outside?" he asked.

"There is no network inside, I had to step out and—"

"Why are you wearing so thin if it's cold? What if you catch a cold?" Just then someone appeared from behind and placed a black leather jacket in Liying's shoulder.

"Here wear this otherwise you will catch a cold," the man stated.

Turning her head towards him, Liying pulled the jacket closer and smiled at him. "Thanks Carl."

"Are we still going to the movies?" Carl asked her.

She nodded her head and answered, "Yes we will after I am done talking with my friend."

"Alright, take your time. I'll go grab your coat from your room."



Greeting Dear readers,

2020 has been a very rough year for everyone around the globe, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for being a major part of my 2020. Despite the stressful atmosphere, your comments, reviews and support encouraged me to carry on and create these beautiful stories which are loved by many.

Thank you for making my 2020 memorable and easy going.

Let's remember that only the year is ending but we have a long road ahead of us. I cannot wait to make you a part of my 2021 and the many more glorious years to come. Cheers to our blessed and angelic relationship, let's strengthen this bond and keep loving each other till eternity ♥.

I hope I can keep making you smile, laugh and maybe also cry :p in the future as well.


Amidst the celebration, let's not forget that 2020 is over but not the virus. Let's keep taking measures and keep fighting.

With love,



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