The Devil’s love

Chapter 309 - Pregnant

"I wouldn't miss it at any cost. Chen just forced me into this stupid plan of his, I voted against it but he never listens to me," Ziying complained.

"Then you should slap him or make him sleep on the couch for a week." Walking towards them, Grandpa Jiang added, "Or you can just leave him if he tried to bully you." ​​

"Grandpa, what are you trying to do? How can you say something like that about your only grandson?" Chen frowned.

Giving grandpa a hug, Ning smiled, "I am glad you are here grandpa, we all were waiting for you."

"Of course we were." Grinning from ear to ear, grandpa Yang welcomed him. "Welcome to my granddaughter's house Junop. Come sit with us and have a drink."

"I'll get some drinks for you people." Gesturing Yichan to follow her, Ning rushed towards the kitchen.


Inside the kitchen.

"Babe, what happened?"

"You have to make sure that the grandpa's don't start fighting. I don't want them to create a ruckus in the party. I don't know about grandpa Jiang but you know how my grandpa is, he is not gonna leave a single chance to taunt him," Ning explained.

Placing his hand on her shoulder, he sighed, "Don't worry Ning, everything is going to be okay. I am sure grandpa will not do anything like that, he is a sensible man."

"Sensible? Did you just meet him? You have no idea how dangerous he is." Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "He is like those naughty kids who will keep doing nasty things no matter how many times you ask him not to."

"Alright stop stressing over it, I'll keep an eye on them." Taking the tray from her hand, he assured her. "Don't worry, let's go outside."


Living room.

"Hey Bojin, doesn't Junop look a bit old?" Grandpa Mo frowned.

Taking a sip of the wine, grandpa Yang answered, "He has always looked old. Remember when we were in college, he used to sit in a corner like an old man and read books."

"You guys were in the same college?" Chen asked.

"Same college and highschool."

"Then you all must be good friends," Ziying smiled.

Letting out a mocking scoff, grandpa Yang snapped, "Huh good friends, over my dead body."

Gritting his teeth, grandpa Jiang fumed, "Bojin what is your problem? Since I am not saying anything that doesn't mean I cannot—"

Cutting him off, he snapped, "I never stopped you from saying anything, feel free to talk. My granddaughter's house is open for everyone who wants to talk."


"Alright everyone, let's stop this discussion because I believe Guiren and Meili have something important to share with us." Keeping the tray on the table, Yichan quickly turned towards Guiren. "Dude, you wanted to say something."

"Y-Yes." Getting up, Guiren cleared his throat. "Yes, I have an important announcement to make." When Meili cleared her throat, he quickly corrected his sentence. "I mean, we have an important announcement to make."

Placing her hand on the chest, Ning anxiously asked, "You both are scaring me now, what is it?"

"Yes tell us fast, the suspense is killing me."

Helping Meili stand up, Guiren wrapped his arms around her shoulder. "It's nothing dangerous or scary so you guys don't have to panic. I mean it is scary but in a good way." Pausing for a while, he added, "We took a home pregnancy test today and—"

"And?" Ning excitedly beamed.

"And it turns out that we are pregnant," he exclaimed.

Squealing in excitement, everyone started rejoicing in joy. "This is great news, I am so happy for you guys." Giving Meili a hug, Ning sighed, "I am so happy for you. Oh my God, I am going to become an aunt again."

"I am going to become a great-grandpa, finally," grandpa Zhang rejoiced.

"Ahh even old Zhang is going to become a great-grandpa." crossing his arms in the front, grandpa Yang started being grumpy. "I feel so left out."

Giving Guiren a hug, Yichan smiled, "Congratulations man, I am very happy for you."

"Thanks dude, I never thought I would be so excited to have a baby. Since we got married, I had been avoiding having one because I thought we weren't ready but now when the baby is coming, I cannot help but feel complete already." Wrapping his arms around Meili's waist, Guiren smiled, "We are finally going to become a complete family."

Just then Yitian stepped down from the stairs.

"Yitian, come and congratulate Guiren and Meili, they are going to have a baby soon," Ning remarked.

Walking towards them, he gave them a weak smile and quickly congratulated them.

Ruffling his hair, Guiren frowned, "Look at you, why do you look so pale and thin? Aren't you eating properly?"

When Yitian hesitated to answer the question, Ning rushed to his rescue. "He is too stressed about college and assignments all the time."

"Liying always told me that Yitian is very hardworking and is very nice in studies," Ziying remarked.

Yitian's body stiffened at the mention of the person he was dying to meet.

Noticing sudden change in his expression, Ning gently brushed her hand against his before looking at Ziying. "Speaking of Liying, where is she these days? I haven't seen her around for quite some time now."

"She is at grandpa's place. They had been calling her to stay with them for so many months but kept turning them down but a few months back, she told dad she wants to go and stay there for a while. It has been three months and she is still there with them," she answered.

"I see, do you talk to her over the phone or—"

"Hmm not really, the network in that area is very low so it's impossible to get any signal but she did call me yesterday and we talked for a couple of minutes."

"Oh, how is she?"

"She sounded happy." Without waiting for anybody's reply, she added, "Our grandparents love and dote on her very much, maybe she doesn't want to come back after getting too much love from them."


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