The Devil’s love

Chapter 307 - Adults

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"There are so many youngsters who do both, who told you behave like a nerd? Don't blame me for thinking that something was wrong with you." Ignoring the huge scowl on Muchan's face, grandpa Yue turned towards grandpa Yang and Bai. "I even introduced him to a few handsome men but when he did not show any kind of interest in them as well, I thought maybe he is into some different stuff." ​​

"Grandpa," Muchan snapped.

"What? I am just talking to my friends, what is your problem?"

"You are talking senseless things about me. I have a girlfriend now, there is nothing wrong with me and I am not into different stuff," he frowned.

"Uh huh, to be honest even though I don't really mind even if you bring me grandson-in-law instead of a daughter-in-law, I was still very relieved when you brought Nuying home." Looking at grandpa Bai, he added, "She is a very sweet girl, I like her a lot."

"Of course she is sweet, she is my granddaughter after all," grandpa Bai proudly exclaimed.

Glancing at the watch, grandpa Yang frowned, "When will Quan come?"

"Grandpa is coming with brother Bojing and sister-in-law, I think he will be here soon," Yichan answered.

"Old Mo is so happy these days," grandpa Bai remarked.

"Of course he will be happy, he is going to become a great-grandpa soon." Looking at Yichan, grandpa Yang helplessly shook his head. "I don't know when I will get a chance to become one."

"Why are you looking at me grandpa? You should also start bugging Chen, he is also your grandson," Yichan remarked.

Scrunching his brows, he snapped, "Chen is not even married yet, how can I expect anything from him? You and Ning have been married for quite some time now, it's your duty to fulfil this old man's needs."

Just then Ning and Nuying came out along with some snacks.

Placing them on the table, Ning frowned, "Why are you scolding my husband?" Looking at Yichan, she asked, "What did you do again?"

"What? Why do you think I did something?" he frowned.

"Bojin, you shouldn't pressurize the kids like that. They are adults and I am sure they have their own family plans—"

Cutting grandpa Bai off, grandpa Yang snapped, "Please, don't try to act like a monk. What makes you think I don't know how you are trying to force Shaofeng to get married and start his own family."

"Yes I am because Shaofeng is not getting any younger. He is almost 30 just, if he doesn't get married now and start his own family, how are things going to work?" he frowned.

"Grandpa, let brother Feng do what he wants to. It's not nice to force him like that and he is happy with Yifei now, I am sure they have their own plans," Nuying tried to defend her brother.

"Exactly, brother Feng has always been the quiet and introvert kind, I am just glad he found someone who understands him," Ning added.

"Look at the two of you defending him, did he bribe you both?" Grandpa Bai frowned.

"Of course not, we don't take bribes," Nuying chuckled.

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "Whatever it is, I am going to talk to old Han about Yifei and Shaofeng's relationship. I won't just allow him to stay unmarried for another year and enjoy his life."

"Grandpa, you are finally home after so many years, why don't you just relax and spend time with your friends," Nuying remarked.

"I just came back from a very relaxing long vacation, now it's time for me to focus on my grandkids," Grandpa Bai stated.

Without saying anything, Ning and Nuying left to take care of other things in the kitchen.

After making sure both of them were not around, grandpa Bai looked at Yichan. "Is everything okay in your side? I am sure you won't have any problem with the people I have sent over, they are quite skilled and easy going."

Yichan nodded his head and agreed. "Yes, Linhou and Kiara are taking care of everything, in fact, Linhou was telling me everything is running smoothly. I don't think we have to worry about Jason and Elizabeth because they are sensible people."


Mo Base.

Jason's room.

"Come on, I promise I won't do anything this time."

Puffing her cheeks, Elizabeth jerked her head to the other side and crossed her arms in the front. "You always say this but—"

Grabbing her wrist, Jason pulled her towards him. "I won't, I will let you win this time."

"Hey, I don't need you to let me win, I can win on my own," she snapped.

It had been three months since Jason and Elizabeth had been working together. Not only had they become close, their relationship had become much stronger than before. Elizabeth would end up spending the entire day in Jason's room or vice versa. The initial differences were all gone, now they were good friends or maybe more than that.

"Of course you can, when did I say you can't?" he chuckled.

Grumpily slumping on the couch, she retorted, "You always make fun of me."

Squatting right in front of her, he sighed, "I am not making fun of you." When she did not say anything, he added, "Alright, I am sorry and since I am on the wrong side, I will treat you an ice cream."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she demanded, "I want a burger as well and also some cheesy fries."

Pinching the tip of her nose, he smiled, "Of course, you can order whatever you want."

Without wasting any time, she quickly got up. "Okay, I'll quickly get ready. Give me ten minutes."

After Elizabeth left, Jason cheekily smiled and ruffled his hair before jumping on the bed. His heart always leaped in excitement whenever he saw her smile. He knew that she wasn't just his friend, at least not for him. He didn't see her as a friend but something more than that but did she feel the same way for him?

Slumping on the bed, he sighed. How was he supposed to find out? Thinking for a while, he grabbed his wallet, car keys and his coat before rushing out of the room.


Outside Linhou's room.

"What about Chinese?"

"Didn't we have Chinese yesterday?" Scrunching her brows, Kiara added, "Let's eat something light today."


"Linhou." Pouncing into his embrace, Mary squealed, "I have been looking for you everywhere, why are you avoiding me?"

Widening his eyes in shock, Linhou quickly raised both his hands in the air making sure he wasn't touching the woman who was rubbing herself all over him.

Raising her brows, Kiara crossed her arms in the front and gave both of them a weird look.

Quickly detaching himself from Mary, he quickly rushed towards his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her shoulder. "M-Mary, what are you doing here?" Without waiting for her reply, he quickly added, "Anyway, meet Kiara my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend? But I thought you weren't interested in relationships," Mary remarked.

"I-I wasn't in the past but now things are different." Just then Jason arrived.

When he saw Mary, he widened his eyes in shock and was about to escape when Linhou called him out.

"Look it's Jason, he was telling me he has something important to tell you," Linhou snapped.

"Me? Really?" Looking at Jason, Mary smiled, "You want to talk to me?"

Before Jason could say anything, Linhou snapped, "Yes of course, you both should talk alone in private, Kiara and I will take our leave." Giving Jason a pitiful look, he walked away along with Kiara.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jason was trying to slip away but before he could take a step, Mary grabbed his hand. "You wanted to say something."

"I—" Before he could say anything, Elizabeth arrived and saw them together.

Looking at her, Mary asked Jason. "Should we go somewhere alone?"

Widening his eyes in shock, Jason jerked her hand away. "I don't wanna go anywhere with you." Rushing towards Elizabeth, he panic strikingly tried to explain himself. "Liza, it's nothing like that—"

"You can go with her somewhere alone, I will stay in my room." Without waiting for his reply, she made her way towards her room.

"Liza wait—" he shouted before rushing towards her.


Grabbing her hand, he stopped her. "It's nothing like that, she—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "Jason you don't have to explain yourself, you can do whatever you want to."

Scrunching his brows, he retorted, "Of course I need to explain myself, I don't want you to overthink about anything. I don't want you to think that there is something going on between Mary and me when there is actually nothing at all. In fact, this was the first time I have seen her properly."

"She works here?"

He nodded his head and answered, "Yes, she is incharge of the ammunition, she keeps a record of them."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she asked, "Why was she holding your hand?"



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