The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix

Chapter 329 - Su Waner's Feeling Of Despair

The gloomy dungeon was eerie, with only a few dim oil lamps providing some light.

On both sides of the narrow walkway, there were black Cold Iron grilles, and each cell was equipped with prohibitions that suppressed spiritual energy and closed off the meridians.

With her hair disheveled, Su Waner leaned against the wall of her small single cell, looking up at the corner of the room and carefully observing two spiders making little spiders on their web.



"Hey~ beauty."

An older-looking man in the opposite cell grabbed the bars and spoke to Su Waner with a smile on his face.

Su Waner wanted to ignore him, but she was really bored, not to mention that the guy also called her a beauty. So she glanced over and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Well... Beauty, you've been here for more than half a month and you haven't said a word. Should I be worried that you have thoughts of killing yourself?"

Su Waner rolled her eyes, giving him a condescending look. "Heh... do you think I am the same as you?"

"Ha~" The man raised his eyebrows slightly. "Beauty, don't you know what kind of place this is?"

"What place? It's the Justice Division's dungeon."

"Not quite." The man laughed. "I have lived here for a long time. I can tell you, beauty, that when you enter here, don't think about someone coming to get you out."


"Beauty, are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid?"

The man shook his head and sighed, then said cheerfully, "Let's put it this way. First of all, if someone comes to pick you up, it will be two Division officers. They will ask you if you are hungry. If you say you are hungry, they will bring you a lavish meal, waiting until you have a full belly and are happy. Then, they tell you to follow them out and put a hood on you..."


"You'll feel like you're being taken to the street, your ears filled with the chatter of the cultivators in the city. In about two to three hundred steps, the officer leading you will stop, and another person will take you into a small room. At this time, a man will come and take off your hood, take a look at it, and without saying anything, he will nod and put it back on you..."


"Then, two people will grab your shoulders and tie you to a pillar amid the cultivators' heated comments. Finally..."

Su Waner gulped and asked, "Finally?"

The man raised his voice abruptly, causing the oil lamps in the corridor to flicker and go out. "Bang!! A golden feather arrow will pierce through your chest, and you'll feel an unbearable severe pain. You want to open your mouth and scream but can't make any sound. The things you have done will be replayed in your mind, you will think of your friends and relatives, your throat will be filled with the taste of rust, and then your consciousness will begin to blur..."


"You won't have a tombstone or a coffin. Your eyeballs will be eaten by vultures in the forest, maggots will burrow through the holes in your body, turning your flesh and blood into their own nutrients from the inside out, and spiders will build nests in your belly; the wolves will snatch your juicy thighs... leaving only a pile of bones, and then..."

Hearing this, Su Waner couldn't stop shuddering. She promptly picked up a small stone from the ground and hit the man directly on the forehead.


The stone landed exactly on the man's forehead, causing his head to recoil.

Blood oozed from his forehead and slid down his nose and into his mouth, but the man still laughed creepily. "Ahahahaha-hahahaha--"

"Shut up!!"



Looking at the crazy man, Su Waner's eyes flashed with fear. She quickly moved her butt toward the corner of her cell and hugged her knees a little tighter.

That was what it meant to be imprisoned here for more than sixty years.

Looking at the madman's face, she couldn't help but imagine herself in his place. If she stayed here for sixty years, would she become like this?

She didn't want to!

She still wanted to roam the four regions as a freely wandering immortal.

How could she end up trapped in a place like this?


Su Waner glanced around the cell.

She had never been imprisoned before, especially in such an unbreakable cell.

There were high-level restrictions in place, her meridians were sealed, and not a trace of spiritual energy could be sensed.

She couldn't use her Escaping Technique or Heavenly Picking Technique, there were no available talismans or magic weapons, and even the weird jade bell had disappeared at some point...

In an instant, a feeling of despair washed over her.

Su Waner was deeply regretting now. If she hadn't thought of making money from that kid named Ye, she could be eating a good meal somewhere now. How could she stay in such a dirty and dark place...


Su Waner felt like crying and even wanted to break the bars and call the guards to come and report her injustice, just to find a way to survive. But she also knew that with the Black Star Sect Young Lady's testimony and that young man Ye's operation, her case would probably not be overturned.

Just when Su Waner was racking her brains, thinking about how to free herself...


Two sets of footsteps came along the corridor.

Two Justice Division officers in the Foundation Building stage, carrying long lanterns, came to her cell, opened the door with a jade talisman, and walked in.

One of them took out a document from the storage bag, opened it, and compared it with her face before confirming, "Su Waner?"

"Yes..." Su Waner pulled back her neck and nodded slightly. "What's the matter? Where is Liang Zhu?"

The two officers did not answer her questions, instead, they asked in return, "Would you like something to eat?"


Su Waner's pupils suddenly contracted, and she couldn't help but gaze behind the two people. The crazy man grasped the bars, staring at her with raised eyebrows and a smirk on his face: "Beauty, do you remember the last time you ate? Hahahahaha---"

The laughter echoed within the narrow dungeon, causing the prisoners from the other cells to approach their respective barred doors, looking for food.

"Beauty, help me get some Jade Dragon Steamed Buns."

"Miss, I'd like to drink a cup of Jade Immortal Wine~~"

"I want a sweet-skinned roast chicken... Girl, just think of it as accumulating merits before going on your final way, and give your fellow inmates something delicious to eat."

These people were all in the Core Formation stage and did not need to eat anymore. At their level, they could live without the four desires of "eating, drinking, fornication, and gambling." But here, eating and drinking might have become the only desire they could indulge.

The two officers seemed to have become accustomed to it and did not interfere.

Listening to the "cheers" in the dungeon, Su Waner opened and closed her mouth several times before finally saying in a low voice, "No! Hey... didn't you say that you would hand me over to the Southern Region Crime Department? Why..."

"There's no transfer but direct execution on the spot." The officer replied indifferently.

"Ah? This is different from what was promised!! I want to see Liang Zhu! I have something to say to him."

"So... do you want something to eat?"

"You tell Liang Zhu to come over!!"

The two officers looked at each other, then took out the ropes and a hood from the storage bags. They tied Su Waner's hands with the Immortal Binding Lock, gagged her mouth, and put the hood on her.

"Wooooo? Wooooooo--"

The two officers held Su Waner on each side, her feet dragging on the ground as they carried her out. "Master Liang is waiting at the execution ground. You will meet him later of course. By the way, the execution was ordered by Master Liang and approved by Deputy Commander Yue."

"Woo? Wooooooooo!! Wooooooo--"


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