The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 58: Rune Of Doppelganger (1)

Chapter 58: Rune Of Doppelganger (1)

When faced with a harsh reality thats hard to believe, people often freeze in sheer bewilderment.

Their words fail to come out as intended, and their eyes dart around in confusion.

This was precisely the case at the moment.


The person in charge cast anxious glances back and forth between the lifeless body of Black Scythe and the mischievous Little Crock.

What in the world have you done?! How could you dare to kill Black Scythe, a legendary figure?

Neither did he expect the revered Black Scythe to meet such a simple end, nor did he anticipate the mischievous Little Crocks sudden rampage.

Have you lost your mind? You!!!

Ah, youre blabbering nonsense, arent you?

A low, menacing voice accompanied a piercing gaze directed at the person in charge.

Caught off guard by the swiftly shifting atmosphere, the person in charge unintentionally swallowed hard.

What on earth is behind that gaze?

It resembled the intense glare of a ferocious beast, capable of quelling ones spirit.

The timid visage of the young man in his twenties, the Little Crock he once knew, had vanished completely.

Leaving the flustered manager behind, Ryu Min redirected his gaze to the empty air.

[You have committed murder while impersonating another player.]

[The activation conditions have been met.]

[You have discovered a hidden rune in this very placethe Rune of Doppelganger!]

[The acquired rune will be automatically engraved onto the players body!]

Receiving the message about obtaining the Rune of Doppelganger, a satisfied smile graced Ryu Mins face.

Excellent. All my efforts in deceiving them have paid off.

Since he had successfully impersonated Little Crock, the required conditions had been met.

The fake Black Scythe, infamous for his shapeshifting abilities, was no longer a threat.

After all, Ryu Min had got rid of him a short while ago.

Given the guys future destiny as a villain, Ryu Min harbored no sympathy whatsoever.

Little Little Crock! Tell me, why in the world did you kill Black Scythe?

Why, you ask? Because hes nothing but a damn impostor.

Impostor? What do you mean?

Instead of giving a direct answer, Ryu Min brought out a prepared mask and put it on.

Just in case the unconscious woman woke up and witnessed the scene, it would be rather inconvenient.

As an extra precaution, he covered the womans head with a black sac.

The person in charge continued to gaze with suspicion and exclaimed aloud.

You should have killed the woman! Why did you kill Black Scythe? Explain yourself!

Why? Because he was nothing but garbage. And the same goes for you.

What did you just say?

The person in charge mustered up some courage.

He wasnt the type to crumble in the face of being called trash.

With a slight tsk sound, a long, ominous sickle suddenly appeared in the persons hand.

I dare you to say that again.

His voice abruptly dwindled away, as if someone had hit the mute button.

Enlarged eyes were just a bonus effect.

I called you trash, why? Do you have a problem?

The reason was clear. Ryu Min now held the colossal sickle in his hand.

Whats this? Is the scythe? Little Crocks main weapon?

The person in charge felt a sudden pang of embarrassment, seeing their meager sickle.

It seemed downright feeble in comparison.

Ive never seen a player carrying around such a massive scythe.

Wait a moment. They recalled hearing about it.

A player who wielded a giant scythe as their primary weapon.

Like a missing puzzle piece falling into place, Little Crocks words echoed in their mind.

-Hes a damn imposter.

Imposter? C-Could it be?

The person in charge shifted his gaze between the lifeless Black Scythe and Little Crock.

Now did you grasp the situation? Who is the true Black Scythe?

I-It was you? You were the real Black Scythe?

I apologize for deceiving you.

Contrary to the apology, a cynical smile danced upon Ryu Mins face.

With the appearance of the massive scythe, the atmosphere underwent a striking transformation.

Are you kidding? That person I saw earlier wasnt just any kid he was the real Black Scythe.

He could sense it instinctively.

The young man standing before them was unmistakably Black Scythe.

And he knew he wouldnt survive this encounter.


Without a moments hesitation, the person in charge sank to his knees.

Resisting would be futile if the other person truly was Black Scythe.

B-Black Scythe! I apologize for not recognizing you. Your performance was truly convincing

Why kneel all of a sudden?

W-Well, its because I deeply respect Black Scythe.

You didnt bother to kneel before the imposter who fooled you, but now you do this?

A snicker escaped Ryu Mins lips.

Dont play games with me. Beg with honesty. Beg for your life.

P-P-Please spare me.

Sorry, I forgot to say that Im not inclined to do so.

The person in charges eyes widened in a split second, realizing that their plea would be met with rejection.

Little did they know, this would be their final act.

Thud. Thud.

The persons head bounced off the ground like a cluster of grapes.

Rolling away, it came to rest at the feet of the Black Flame Dragon.


Meeting their gaze, the Black Flame Dragon felt a sudden tremor of fear.

The managers face.

A face that failed to register his own demise.

Ironically, it only heightened the terror within.

He couldnt comprehend, just like the person himself.

T-This is the real Black Scythe. Hes on a whole different level.

He hadnt even seen the attack that ended his life.

All he saw was the head falling after he swung that big scythe.

The trembling of the Black Flame Dragon was a result of this encounter.

Encountering an incomprehensible being invoked an indescribable sense of horror.

Now, its just you and me left.

Do you have any idea what Im about to do?

If you have any last words, nows the time.

Given the chance by Ryu Min, the Black Flame Dragon mustered the courage to overcome his fear and managed to speak.

I-I wont waste time with the obvious plea for mercy.

Oh, really?

I-I had something to ask when I met you.

Why did you kill me five times in Round 4? I was curious.

The Black Flame Dragons pupils widened as Ryu Min accurately deciphered his true intentions.

Yes, thats correct.

The reason is simple. I wanted to keep you in check.

Keep me in check? But why.

Because out of all the people I saw back then, you seemed to have some skill. I needed to eliminate the competition.


In that moment, a sense of relief washed over the Black Flame Dragon, as if a three-day-long constipation had been resolved.

Their doubts were finally put to rest.

Any other questions?

Even if I kill you now, you wont have any regrets, right?

The Black Flame Dragon desperately wanted to beg for mercy.

But seeing the manager die right after their plea made him feel it would be unwise to do so.

Ca-Can I ask just one more thing before the end?

What is it?

W-Why do you want to kill me. What have I done.

The response came swiftly.

Because youre trash.

M-Me? What have I done.

Arent you here to kill that woman?

W-Well, yes, but I havent done anything yet.

Havent done anything? Youve been a mere spectator all this time.

Being a mere spectator is also a sin.

Do you finally understand why you deserve to die?

He didnt answer, but their expression still showed a lack of comprehension.

Ryu Min let out a sigh.

Fine then, Ill give you a chance to survive. Unlike those scams, your only crime was being a mere spectator after all.

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