Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 107 - Why Didn’t You Do Anything To Her?????

A deep silence followed as soon as Su Yan's words were delivered and the people in the hall froze into a statue.

Si Ming who had almost turned into an iceberg felt cold wind blew in his mind.

Honestly speaking, earlier when Si Ming saw the blood-stain on the blanket and mistook it as him crossing the barrier with Su Yan, though he felt guilty but more than that he was really happy and thought that they had grown more closer. For a second he even dreamed of ending up with lots of children after this encounter and he was very happy about that. Before he could feel the happiness and joy, a certain mother hen had barged into his room and had chased after him until his soul was on the verge of fleeing away.

But now when he heard the bitter truth, his soul which could withstand Sia's attack for one more hour almost flew out of his body in an instant.

Standing at the side, after hearing the bitter truth and seeing Si Ming's reaction, Lu Jin sighed "Should I say he is very unlucky for not being able to cross the border or should I say he is lucky enough since he can get rid of this overprotective mother hen?"

"No idea...but thankfully he has not become mincemeat under sister Sia's fork or else he would have been crushed for nothing" Yang Jie sighed

On the other side, just as Si Ming's soul was about to leave his body, a certain mother hen once again flared up and chased after him causing the sad soul which was about to leave him to return back to his body in fright.

"Bastard..." Sia yelled

"Ahh, what the hell...Sister Sia, what did I do again? why are you chasing after me? Wasn't everything just a misunderstanding? isn't Su Yan perfectly alright? but why are you still chasing after my life?"

"Bastard...are you even a man? Why dint you do anything to her? Is she not beautiful? or is she unattractive? How could you even sleep when such a beautiful was lying right next to you...on the same bed!"

Sia yelled as she chased Si Ming around the dining table.

"Huh? then why were you chasing after me earlier when I said I defiled Su Yan?" Si Ming asked as he ran towards the living room.

"that doesn't count now. You are in the wrong for looking down on my baby girl so I have to teach you a lesson"

"Fuck...when did I Look down on her?" Si Ming asked in an aggrieved tone

"Isn't not touching her equal to looking down on her?"

"What the hell...Sister Sia, I never looked down on Su Yan...neither now or in the future" Si Ming yelled

"Then why the hell did you not do anything to her?"

"Fuck...Sister Sia, hold on...let's talk this out okay?"

Pausing on her steps, Sia panted lightly and looked at Si Ming who was standing a few steps away from her with a hateful gaze and asked "Si Ming, let me ask you....do you look down on my baby girl?"


"Then why didn't you do anything to her when she was all alone with you in that dark room the previous day?" Sia asked sternly

"that was because--" before Si Ming could explain, Sia narrowed her eyes and interrupted him

"Don't tell me you are actually.....impotent!!"

"No...I'm perfectly alright and healthy" Si Ming retorted without a second thought

"Then do you have someone you like outside? I swear If you lie to me I will really make you impotent" Sia warned aggressively

"No...the only person I love is Su Yan," Si Ming said sternly

"Then why didn't you do anything to her?" Sia repeated the same question almost making Si Ming cough blood.

With much difficulty, Si Ming gulped down the blood that he was about to cough and answered "That was because I was drunk"

"So? Why is it that bastard, psycho, bitchy trash Lu Jin was able to defile my wife but not you?" Sia asked with a frown

"...." 'I guess she really hates me' Lu Jin thought inwardly after hearing Sia describe him

"That...that's because I'm different from him" Si Ming retorted

"How is he different from you? don't tell me you are actually impotent"

"No that's not it!"

"Then why didn't you do anything to her?"

"That because I was drunk and I couldn't do anything to her"

"Then does that mean you would do it if you weren't"

"Yes! no...wait, No! fuck..."

Standing at the side, the rest of the animals were left speechless by Sia's behavior.

"I never expected that Sister Sia would be so unreasonable" Lu Jin commented

"Compared to you, fourth bro is far more unlucky" Yang Jie commented with a neutral face

"True. At least fifth bro was only tormented for doing the deed but fourth brother on the other side was tormented for doing and not doing the deed. Sigh...fourth bro is really pitiful. And the most saddest thing is..."

"The great third bro who is the one and only capable person that can stop this demoness hasn't arriver yet" the three of them sighed in unison.

Just as everyone thought that Si Ming was going to cough and blood and faint under Sia's unreasonable question, the great third brother they were expecting finally descended downstairs with a frown.

Glancing at Sia who was holding a table knife before turning to Si Ming who looked pale and exhausted, the great Mu Jun asked with a frown "What's going on here?"

If it was before, Sia would have paused her action and answered Mu Jun sweetly but now after hearing his voice, Sia was quite annoyed.

Just as she was planning to ignore Mu Jun and continue her killing spree, her cell phone which was in her pocket suddenly rang.

Sia initially wanted to ignore the call but when the call kept ringing without any hint of pausing, she finally gritted her teeth and picked up the call.

Before the other party could speak, Sia gritted her teeth and said aggressively "You better not call me for nothing or else..."

before Sia could say anything, the caller cut her off and said something that made Sia more aggressive.

Clenching her fist, she fumed "That bastard has finally returned? Great....once I meet him I'm definitely going to chop his legs off. Wait for me...I will be right there"

With that said, she hung up the call and clenched her fist tightly.

Looking across at Si Ming who had a cautious look, Sia threw the table knife at him and said "You're lucky, the phone call saved you or else..." she said and gestured a throat slash. Then without waiting for Si Ming to react, she turned towards the door and left the mansion hurriedly.


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