Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 100 Arrival

All the Wizard Ghosts disappeared for some reason. Angel was going to turn around and leave, but where could he go? Wherever he went, this wouldn’t let him wind up arriving at the exit in the center of the Labyrinth.

Now that the Wizard Ghosts are gone, Angel speculates that young Sanders may have surprised the Wizard Ghosts by pressing against their bottom line. If that’s the reason, then this is the safest path.

Angel took a deep breath and spat out his reluctance and weakness. With a slightly firmer pace, he went forth step by step.

As he approached young Sanders, Angel slowed down his pace a little.

In the short period of a day, today’s young Sanders was scarred and more haggard than when he had fought against the blue giant yesterday. Watching such a badly wounded young Sanders, Angel felt a little guilty, he did not encounter any demons along the way, perhaps thanks in part to young Sanders fighting at the front lines.

Angel shook his head. There was pity in his heart, but he had no intention of helping him out at all. Yesterday he tried shouting his identity as a human at him, and almost died by those very hands. He had no sympathy for such a person other than pity.

Young Sanders has his eyes closed and was motionless, his stick was scattered to one side, and his dagger that helped Angel identify him also fell to the wayside.

In case young Sanders was pretending to be unconscious, Angel moves closer with tiny steps, and then removes the stick and dagger on the ground near to him and placed them in his hands while flashing an expression of surprise.

Without the threat of these weapons, even if the young Sanders was pretending to be unconscious, he would be unable launch an attack against him, and it also made escape much easier than before.

After receiving the weapons in hand, Angel once again took a look at young Sanders, there was still no sign of movement. Angel even loomed over his body, and saw that his chest and abdomen did not even rise or fall. He came to a startling conclusion.

Is he dead?!

As he raised up his hand, Angel held out his hand and slowly put his fingers above young Sanders nostrils to test if he was breathing.

No breath! He is dead! Looking at the big hole in his heart… being so badly injured, it would be strange if he were able to survive that.

Angel was just a little tense before, but relaxed soon after confirming that, although he still had a little fear of young Sanders, now that the other party was dead, he didn’t have to worry about being hunted down by him anymore.

However, Angel still had some hidden worries in his heart. Where did this young Sanders come from, and what does he have to do with his Mentor in his memory? If this is the real Sanders, then he is completely dead. Angel is worried that without the guidance of his Mentor, he will be stuck in the Nightmare Plane forever? If he wasn’t the real Sanders, then who could he be? Why is his face, voice, and personal belongings all exactly the same as Sanders?

Angel could not answer these questions, and the young Sanders could not rise up to die again. Even if he’s not dead, this man is deaf and unable to answer anyways.

Forget it. Angel doesn’t have to worry about it anymore. Believing that this person is a projection of Sanders, he heads off to the center of the Labyrinth and waits until the real Sanders arrives. Otherwise, he would have no choice but to die in the Nightmare Plane.

After thinking a bit, Angel was not in a hurry to leave, but squatted down next to the body of young Sanders and searched him silently. Anyway, it was useless for him to keep his belongings any longer, it would be better for him to pick up this bargain and put it to good use. He began searching all over his body, not even letting go of his underwear, but Angel did not find anything useful. He can only shrug his shoulders, at least he fortunately received two more weapons he can use.


Before Angel left, he took a deep look at the body on the ground, and finally gave a small sigh, and immediately turned his head to leave.

Shortly after Angel left, the body of young Sanders suddenly changed, the outline slowly changed from a solid outline to dotted lines, then slowly transforming into smoke and disappearing in place, as if he had never existed in this world at all.


Angel’s walk down the path was smooth, and after several twists and turns, he saw the most important sign from afar that marked that he had reached the center of the Labyrinth, a statue of a child peeing on top of a fountain! Angel found it incredible that he had not met any other demons along the way and had arrived at his destination so smoothly.

Angel looked around before and after coming to the center, it was empty with no signs of any demons.

Where on earth are the Wizard Ghosts? Previously, Angel saw several Wizard Ghosts fighting against young Sanders, even if young Sanders “final counterattack” scared them away, the Wizard Ghosts are a social creature, how come none of them appeared right after to investigate?

Although there were no demons, Angel not having to face any danger always leaves him feeling that something is out of his control, which makes him feel uneasy.

Angel slowly went to the child peeing fountain, this last section of the path also had no signs of demons.

Angel smoothly arrived at the fountain where he could clearly see the expression on the child peeing statue as well as a shallow sparkling line into the fountain.

Did he actually arrive here alone? When he learned from the big mouth flower that he was in the underground Labyrinth, Angel did not expect to succeed in reaching the center of the Labyrinth at the rendezvous point. And he also didn’t expect to reach here… even earlier than Sanders.

Angel continues to look around the environment. Although he did not see any demons, he still had to be familiar with the terrain, otherwise if there really was a demon attack, where he will escape or go to hide must be known beforehand.

This area is not too big at a glance, except for the statue of the child peeing into the fountain in the center, there were only four benches around. As to what Sanders refers to as the exit from the Sewer Labyrinth and the strange Guidance Method, Angel did not see any semblance of a book show up.

“This is strange. In such a small place, where is the Guidance Method that Mentor is talking about? Didn’t he say that there was a book? Why didn’t I see anything? Is it hidden somewhere? But the surroundings are just flat ground, and there’s no hidden rooms around the area.” Angel turned around with doubt, and as he had expected, he found no hidden rooms.

The only thing that stands out in this area is the statue of the peeing child. Angel looked around while searching with his eyes, as an aristocratic child, Angel has a natural appreciation of this piece of fine art in front him which is a very vividly engraved statue, it was definitely created by a famous master.

With a smile on his face, the naked child held his little brother in hand while spurting water out that melted into the fountain. This lifelike statue, whether the wrinkle or silk like qualities of the skin, all highlighted the skills of the master carver, this creation coupled with the interesting pose made people who looked upon the statue can’t help but smile.

No matter who looks at the statue, it is still a delicate piece of fine art that fits at the top of this fountain, and nothing about it appears to be unusual. Angel looked back and forth several times and saw no place a book could be hidden.

So strange, where is the Guidance Method and the exit to the Labyrinth that Mentor Sanders mentioned? He looked around the whole area, except-

Angel looked again at the fountain and wondered, “It can’t be hiding in the water can it?”


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