Spider-Man 0X

Ch: 102 [An offer you can’t refuse]

Ch: 102 [An offer you can’t refuse]

Maddie hung her head down, crying.

I didn't say anything at first. Just tried to understand her dilemma. She is not wrong in that regard, Michelle's life is kinda messed up. She buried her dreams and desires to save her mom. Damn, I don't know how to handle this situation. I'm not good with this kind of emotional situation. The main problem Maddie and Michelle are facing is money.

"How much is the debt?" I asked her after thinking about it for a while.

"It's 6 million dollars."

Holy shit! That's a big sum. What the fuck did that bastard do with all that money? Just gambling? I doubt it. Maybe bought drugs, whores, and all types of low-life shit? Well, whatever it is, that debt is too much even for Maddie to pay it off. Hmm, should I lend it to them? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. But if I give out money to everyone like a charity, then they'll end up depending on me forever. No, that's not what I want. I need them to stand up on their own feet.

"Bank loans? Or did he take money from somewhere else too, excluding the mobs?" I inquired Maddie after thinking for a while.

"Loans... He took loans from everywhere. Banks, loan sharks, private organizations, mobs... Everyone. He spent everything without even caring about us. I tried to stop him many times, but you already know the story."

Well, damn! That's some serious debt. Bank loans would cost interest too and she needs to pay it back. Private organizations, mobs... She can forget about them. They'll probably try to threaten them again and force them to work for them. Loan sharks? Hmm, they are the worst type of people. They'll harass her day and night until she pays them. She needs to deal with all of these somehow, but alone... Even if there's Michelle... Nah, that would be impossible for them. They will be on the road after the bank takes away their house and stuff.

"You got the documents?" I asked Maddie, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Yes, give me a sec..." She went to her room and brought me a folder full of documents.

I looked through them and found all the loan papers and documents of bank loans. Holy crap! How could he spend such a huge amount of money in just six months?

Hahaha... Damn! Even I, who likes to spend money on stupid things, don't remember spending this much money after buying a house and car. So far, all the gadgets I made are from the money I recovered from those small criminal organizations. But, Philips... Seesh...

Three big bank loans under Maddie and Michelle's name. They put their house, farmhouse, and some acres of land under mortgage. Wow! These banks... They're ruthless, huh? I always knew they were a bunch of greedy bastards but never knew they were this much. The interest is too much. Well, no point complaining about it now.

Now, let's see... Loan sharks. Wow! The interest rate is insanely high. Damn, these loan sharks are worse than the mobs. At least, mobs are straightforward with threats and bullets, but these loan sharks are sneaky assholes who hide behind legalities and deceit. I bet these loan sharks are even worse than the mobs when it comes to threatening and harassing people.

I put the documents back into the folder and kept it aside. Well, I need to think about this seriously before coming to a decision.

"What if I pay your debts?" I asked Maddie, looking straight into her eyes.

"Huh!?" Her eyes widened as she couldn't believe what I said.

"If I pay your debts, what happens?" I repeated my question.

She looked down, thinking for a while before looking back at me with teary eyes, "You aren't joking, right?" She asked, sniffling.

I shook my head and replied, "Nope. Not joking. It depends on you whether you want my help or not. So, I want you to tell me what you can do for me if I pay your debt. I'll even pitch in some for Michelle's studies."

Her face brightened up instantly after hearing me paying for Michelle's study too. She wiped her tears and thought for a while before replying, "I'll do anything you ask me to. You have already done so much for us and if you even do this big of a favor to us... I... I... Don't know how to repay you. We won't be able to repay you back even after our lives... I've nothing to repay you. So, please ask me for anything you want me to do."

The golden words... 'Anything you want' is like the best reward a man could get. For that kind of reward, I am even ready to fight dragons, armies, demons, monsters... or anything. Hahaha, my heartbeat increased like the speed of sound. Anything, huh? Wait, what exactly am I getting so excited about?

Control, Peter, don't you dare drool thinking nasty about your girlfriend's mom. Ahem! Back to serious mode. Now, let me think. I already know what I need and want her to do for me. Let's not be a perv and slowly win her over.

"Work for me and I'll take care of both of you. You won't have to worry about anything anymore. As for what work?" I replied and continued, "I'm thinking of opening a spa resort. I'll put May and you in charge of that place. So, for the next few months, you are going to learn about massages and other skin and hair treatments along with May. By that time, I'll have everything arranged. And, not to worry, it's going to be the girls' exclusive place. So, what are your thoughts?"

She blinked her eyes a few times after hearing me as though her mind hadn't processed my offer. She kinda looked baffled. Hahah! I'm sure that she wasn't expecting this kind of job proposal. Her expression says that she was thinking something different altogether.

"Th-this isn't some kind of...uh..." She stammered while talking but ended up staying silent.

"What? You thought I'd ask you to sleep with me and ask you to pay me with your body?" I raised my brows, pretending to be surprised, "Do you really think I am some kind of pervert who's unable to hold back my emotions around my girlfriend's mom and asks her to strip and whatnot?" I shook my head and said, "Such an appalling mindset you have!"

"Wha-What? No! I... You are serious, right? I can understand that you are dating Michelle, but still... I mean, what's the catch?" Maddie asked, avoiding my question and getting straight to the main topic.

Well, to tell you the truth. I want your ass... Badly. Both your and Michelle's sexy, plumpy, and curvy asses. Yeah, I can ask you that and you'll definitely not refuse that. But if I act upon these perverted and nasty thoughts of mine, what would be the difference between me and those low-life bastards? Will I even be allowed to call myself a good person? Yeah, I killed too many criminals, stole from them, think about sex and girls all the time, but at least I've never done anything to hurt innocent people. So, yeah, I'm a little on the unstable side when I'm dealing with criminals, but I'm not a bad person.

"Oh, straight to the topic, huh? Well, there's a catch. I'll take massages from you whenever I want," I gave her a charming smile.

"Huh?! Only that?" Maddie blinked her eyes in surprise, "T-This job is a way better offer than I could've imagined. Are you for real, Peter?"

"Yep. Of course," I nodded as I touched her hand, "So, what do you say?"

"Of course, I accept your offer. You don't know... I..." She stuttered.

"No need to thank me again. Just make sure not to mess up this new opportunity I just gave you. Work hard and live happily," I told her, tapping her shoulder.

She teared up as she came close to hug me. Wow! Her boobs were squeezing against my face. I took a sniff and she smells so nice! Holy smokes... Don't push any further or I'll become a bad person, right now.

I sighed and hugged her back.

"Ahaha, thank you so much, Peter," she smiled, sniffing, as we separated.

"You're welcome."

Oh! Her shirt's buttons were undone and I could see her right boob. That chocolaty nipple poking out from the side of her shirt... Mmm-mm...

"Uumm... Maddy," I called out, sounding awkward.

"What?" She asked, noticing the sudden change in my tone of voice.

"Your buttons are open..."

"Huh?! Ah!" She suddenly looked down at her breast and quickly pressed her shirt. She smiled shyly. "Sorry about that. It must be weird to see an old lady's boobs."

"Old lady? Who?" I said as I looked at her from head to toe twice more.

"Oh, you... Don't try to flatter me," She gave me a playful grin.

Weird... This whole exchange is almost like a conversation you might see between husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend. If anyone looks from a third-person point of view, they'll surely think of me and her as some kind of couple in love.

"Okay, you are only the most beautiful 'technical single mom' for me, then. I mean, after I saw you, I finally knew where Michelle got her beauty from," I gave her a mischievous smile.

She scoffed, "Oh, shut up."

And so we continued to chat as the grim air finally cleared.

Well, with this taken care of, and Flash in prison for attempting murder of Liz that evening in the park... Oh, I forgot to mention that, my bad. Flash's luck ran out and he landed in prison after that video went viral. Plus those cops got fired. Flash's aunt also gave up on him after seeing his unstable condition. Figures, I mean, how long would she cover up the mess that fucker did on a regular basis? Yeah, it would've been bad for her career too if she had continued supporting that lunatic.

Now that's out of the way, it's time to hunt down Green Goblin. I'll start tomorrow... Those trackers are still working nicely.


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Next, Ch: 103: Goblin's hideout

Ch: 104: Confrontation

Ch: 105: Spidey dead?!

Ch: 106: Exo-Skeleton Armor [End of Vol-2]


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