Soul-swapping:Imperial concubine rebirth

Chapter 121

In the past two days, in order to find Qin Chu, he has been to many dangerous places. These places are high-risk areas, and they have not reached the area of the palace, which is quite terrible. There are eight level Warcraft everywhere.

In recent days, the breath in the forest has changed a little. I don't know why, high-level Warcraft are very active and excited, waiting for hunting. He almost died in the forest of Warcraft. In this case, it is very difficult for him and Qin Chu to reach Fuyao palace.

Unless he's a swordsman.

Otherwise, none of this is possible.

Unexpectedly, the girl has already got the wood spirit fire.

Qin Chu nodded, with a trace of pride in his face, almost did not write on his face to praise me such childish pride, she rarely has such a naive time, Rong LAN smile.

"Where is the wood spirit fire?"

Qin Chu took out wood spirit fire from his own space, Rong Lan was surprised again, "do you have space ring?"

"The Griffin gave it to me. It belongs to the original owner of the white tiger palace. He doesn't need it." Qin Chu said, give him the jade bottle, see situ Zhuo and Liu Ting one eye, a little uneasy, "you back to them."

She was cautious by nature, and she didn't believe anyone except Rong LAN.

Rong LAN looks a coagulation, naturally also know, if she gets wood spirit fire, the news spreads out, I'm afraid she can't walk out of the forest of Warcraft, and will be surrounded by strong men who hear the wind and move.

You have to die.

It's not a joke.

A green spark jumped out of the jade bottle and jumped to Qin Chu's hand. It was very beautiful, smart and warm.

Rong LAN exclaimed, "it's really amazing. This is the wood spirit fire."

Qin Chu smile, the green flame seems to jump in her eyes, the United States is incredible, Rong LAN looked at her, almost into the fan, "you this girl, is really a lucky star."

"Of course Qin Chu accepted the praise without modesty, and then hid the wood spirit fire in the jade bottle, and then put it back into the space, and then showed the fire dragon gall and the nine level magic crystal. With a smile, the evil spirits were gorgeous and the city was completely destroyed.

"Coincidentally, I also help you find the fire dragon gall and the nine order magic crystal." Rong Lan said that the container of fire dragon gall and a piece of nine level fire attribute magic crystal also appeared on his hand, which was quite a surprise to Qin and Chu.

"How did you find it?"

According to the Griffin, the fire dragon is not easy to kill, and it is very dangerous. At least one high-level sword Zun is needed to kill it. In addition, there must be a high-level sword Zun of magic soldiers. Rong LAN is just a sword emperor.

And it was not long before the sword emperor broke through.

How to kill a nine level Warcraft, she saw that he killed an eight level Warcraft is quite difficult.

"I met by chance in the forest." Rong LAN is light hearted. He will not tell Qin Chu that when he is looking for her, he meets a pile of Warcraft, one of which is the fire dragon. He tracks the fire dragon and waits for his order to be done. Even so, he almost killed him. At that moment, he didn't think so much. It would be nice if he could kill and get materials.

Perhaps with such a belief, he actually killed the dragon and got the magic crystal and gall.

This is the first time that he killed a nine level Warcraft on his own, which was quite lucky. Because the fire dragon had fought with other Warcraft and consumed a lot of energy, he finally won the fire dragon.

Qin Chu was a little sad. He killed the Dragon alone and got the fire dragon gall and magic crystal.


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