Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 308: Strength in Unity, the Dawn of Mankind

Chapter 308: Strength in Unity, the Dawn of Mankind

The betting windows at the Great Beast Fighting Arena were opened for battle duration bets and—in an extremely unusual display—win-lose bets between humans and demons.

Most human vassals couldn't afford tickets to watch the matches, but they could certainly place bets! Even if it was just one demonshard coin at a time, the amounts became quite significant when the bets started mounting in volume.

Due to this match, Kali City saw a surge in betting that hadn't been seen for a long time. Numerous human vassals flocked to the betting stations of the Great Beast Fighting Arena, placing their money on the Shrek Squad. The arena even extensively promoted the Shrek Squad’s past three fights, and there was a hint of deliberately highlighting the defeated demon squads. This naturally stirred more excitement among the humans and considerable discontent among the demons who were keen followers of the arena battles. The betting amounts soared.

Tang San and his four companions were resting in their room, strategizing and adjusting their condition.

The following day, they met the Bloodthirsty Demon Ape again. The ape told them that their victories had caused quite a sensation. This meant that if they won again, they would not only receive the guaranteed prize but also a cut from the bets that were placed, as well as from the ticket revenue.

Their cut was one-thousandth in the fourth match, and with each consecutive victory, the cut would increase by five percent. This was the victor's reward. Usually, this was a bonus only granted after six successive victories, but due to their unique situation, it began with this match. After all, if humans could achieve ten consecutive wins and earn nobility status, it would be an incredibly stimulating prospect for all human vassals.

While the cut was just a mere thousandth, given the enormous total bet amount, it represented a significant figure.

Of course, the biggest earner was still the Great Beast Fighting Arena, which charged a handling fee of ten percent of all bets.

Wu Bingji and the others didn’t have a clear concept of the significance of these numbers, as they were unaware of the scale of the betting. However, Tang San knew that this could turn out to be a significant source of income for them. Of course, that was contingent on winning the match. A defeat would mean certain death, and then there would be nothing to discuss.

He also realized that the upcoming matches would likely not be easy to handle!

As night fell, not only were the lights bright within the Great Beast Fighting Arena. Outside, it was also crowded with people.

Guan Longjiang stood far off on the roof of a tall building. From his position, he could overlook the general situation around the arena.

His eyes moistened when he saw the throngs of human vassals, many clad in patched garments, surging toward the Great Beast Fighting Arena.

What do humans need most? Hope, yes, that’s what they need most.

Living in a world dominated by demons and nymphs was like enduring an endless, sunless darkness and the cold of an eternal winter night.

Had humans been creatures of low intelligence, perhaps the feeling wouldn’t be as pronounced. But precisely because they had that very intelligence the demons and nymphs loved to exploit, they yearned all the more to see the dawn.

The Redemption Society had thus been established. However, the enemy they faced was overwhelmingly powerful. The formidable might of the demons and nymphs left humans without even a chance to breathe. Reduced to mere vassals, they could only gain some strength through the shameful reliance on bloodline inheritances from demons and nymphs.

Life was exceedingly hard for humans in this world. While the humans with vassal status had better living conditions compared to slaves, all of them carried a burden of shame. Their very existence meant that their mothers had endured the assault of a demon, and at the same time most of their mothers had been killed by demons once their bloodlines were confirmed. This deep-seated hatred meant human vassals could never truly align themselves with the demons or nymphs.

Of course, these two powerful races did not need human allegiance; to them, humans were dispensable.

And now, amidst this endless darkness and cold, a group of humans known as the Shrek Squad had brought a spark of flame.

Could this single spark start a prairie fire?

That remained to be seen.

The streets around the Great Beast Fighting Arena were filled with humans, except for the pathways cleared by the guards. They murmured and prayed, hoping for victory for their squad. Bound by their humanity, they harbored no doubts as they stood united with the Shrek Squad. Even knowing they might lose their savings and face massive disappointment, they still chose to bet in support.

The human vassals did not bet on the duration of the battle but on the outcome. Despite their poverty, in this moment, they were united as one!

Guan Longjiang slowly sat down on the rooftop, tears ready to overflow from his eyes at the sight.

What a sight... What an unprecedented sight! Never before in human history were we this united. This unity is the true hope of humanity!

He had never imagined that the very thing he had vehemently opposed would evolve into this. Yet he deeply felt the flame hidden within human hearts, the flame of resistance against oppression.

Although humans were still far from being a match for the demons and nymphs, at least they were not entirely submissive at heart. Given the chance, a real chance, humans could unite and stand as one.

Taking a deep breath, Guan Longjiang's expression gradually relaxed. He clenched his fists subconsciously and murmured. "Go for it, kids. Perhaps, you're about to perform a miracle. And whether you win or lose, the light of dawn you brought will not be extinguished. The rise of humanity has begun!"

The match was about to start, and the Shrek Squad was once again brought into the waiting room.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape, surprisingly, did not leave immediately but stared at them with a strange look.

"Is there something else?" Wu Bingji asked.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape chuckled, "Nothing much, but I think it's better to tell you something before you go in. Now, thousands of human vassals have gathered outside the Great Beast Fighting Arena, probably praying for your victory. Most of them have also bet on the outcome of this match, all betting on you. You have no idea of your status now in the hearts of the human vassals of Kali City. It seems like they see hope in you."

Upon hearing these words, the five members of the Shrek Squad were visibly shaken. Tang San's gaze changed instantly. As clever as he was, he almost instantly grasped the key significance. A surge of indescribable excitement rose within him, stemming from one realization: humanity was not numb!

For a race, the true horror was not enslavement but numbness. A numb population was one without any chance of a better future. What did this gathering prove? It proved that within them burned an ember ready to turn into a blaze at any moment.

Across the Daemon Continent, there were many, many humans. If they could truly stand united, they would be a formidable force!

Tang San showed no outward sign of his thoughts, but he understood that the Shrek Squad's upcoming battle was no longer just for themselves. It was also to let the humans of Kali City truly see the dawn—a dawn that would come from humanity itself.


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