Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 307: Returning to the Great Beast Fighting Arena

Chapter 307: Returning to the Great Beast Fighting Arena

Du Bai, for once, did not argue.

He sighed and said, "Yeah, I know!"

He knew he possessed the greatest talent; the effects of the Celestial Fox Vision were undeniably powerful, at the very highest tier of bloodline powers.

Yet precisely because of this, advancing the Celestial Fox Transformation was extremely challenging. He was not a demon, and his bloodline was naturally diluted. Cultivating to the seventh order was already a daunting task; he didn’t even want to think about what he needed to do to reach the tenth.

Tang San patted Du Bai on the shoulder, comforting him. "Take it one step at a time; don't rush things."

Du Bai nodded. "Mm-hmm. Cultivating here feels great with all this life energy nourishing me. I feel like my bloodline power is starting to stir."

It wasn't just him; Wu Bingji, Gu Li, and Cheng Zicheng also felt that cultivating in Golden Valley was beneficial. The dense life energy had an excellent nurturing effect on their bloodline powers. They understood that this life energy played a crucial role in Zhang Haoxuan's breakthrough.

Tang San's array continuously absorbed the spiritual energy from the Kali Mountain Range. The most impressive part of this array was that the Golden Tree at its core received the greatest nourishment. As the tree grew, it in turn enhanced the whole array, enabling it to draw spiritual energy from even farther away and creating a virtuous cycle. Therefore, not only was the Golden Tree growing, but its growth rate was consistently increasing. Given some time, it could easily grow into a towering tree. The life energy it emitted was immensely beneficial to all living beings.

Tang San said, "While we’re preparing for the next group battles, let's all cultivate here. Brother Du Bai, your goal is to break through to the sixth order during this time. And brother Gu Li, you should aim for the seventh order."

"Yeah, I'll do my best," Gu Li said confidently, pumping his fist. He was already at the peak of the sixth order, and just like Du Bai, he faced the challenge of insufficient bloodline concentration. But here, nourished by the life energy of the Golden Tree, he could feel himself nearing that threshold.

The seventh order was also a tough challenge for him, but once he broke through, it would be a qualitative leap in his power. His control over time would significantly improve.

Zhang Haoxuan's meditation had lasted for two full days, and he needed to further stabilize his realm and heal his wounds. Even with the life energy from the Golden Tree, the injuries he had sustained during his tribulation required time to heal.

Having completed his breakthrough to the eighth order, Tang San and his companions, now fully rested, naturally planned to return to the Great Beast Fighting Arena to continue their battles.

They were seven group battles away from becoming nobles.

What they didn't know was that after their last battle, as a team with three consecutive victories, their Shrek "Headshot" Squad had already gained some fame. Besides their strength, their human identity was a significant reason for their fame.

Though Kali City was predominantly demon-inhabited, humans were the main vassal race. Hearing that a team of humans had won three group battles stirred significant excitement among them. Almost blindly, they became fans of the Shrek Headshot Squad.

As a result, the Great Beast Fighting Arena got numerous inquiries daily from people who wanted to watch the matches of the Shrek Squad. Although human vassals couldn't compete with demons in terms of wealth, there were still some among them who held higher status. Particularly among some of the gentler demon clans, the intelligence of humans was highly valued.

Compared to demons, the human vassals were significantly oppressed, most living under continuous repression, and hence had a greater need to express their emotions. Yet, in a world dominated by demons, where could they freely express themselves? A single misstep could mean death, forcing them to live cautiously every day.

Thus, when they learned that a human team had not only managed to defeat three teams of demons in the Great Beast Fighting Arena, but also marked their victories with resounding headshots, nothing could be more thrilling and exhilarating for the human vassals. The audacious act of killing the demons that oppressed them felt truly satisfying.

Consequently, even though the ticket prices were high, they were still eager to witness firsthand how their fellow humans overcame the powerful demons at the arena. It brought them a strong thrill and yearning—yearning for humans to rise.

Even Tang San hadn't anticipated this.

Thus, when the Shrek Squad returned to the Great Beast Fighting Arena, they were immediately received warmly.

It was still the same Bloodthirsty Demon Ape, but its attitude had greatly changed. "Welcome back. Are you ready to take on the next challenge?"

This time, it spoke of a "challenge," unlike before, when it seemed to see them as already dead.

"When can it be arranged?" Wu Bingji asked.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape immediately replied, "It can be arranged right away. You’ll get a match tonight at the earliest. And just so you know, the tickets for your match are incredibly popular. Many of your fellow humans want to see your battle. It seems like they want to cheer you on."

Hearing this, Wu Bingji paused, then turned to look at Tang San and his other companions. In that moment, a fiery light ignited in the eyes of him and the others.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape watched with a cold gaze, clearly noting the emotional shift among them. This was exactly why it had made that statement—to incite the squad to engage in more battles.

For the Great Beast Fighting Arena, who won or lost was not important; what mattered was how to seize profits. A heated match, one that sparked discussions or even controversy, allowed for more betting opportunities.

For example, it had been approved that, starting with the next match, bets would be placed on whether humans or demons would win.

This type of racial rivalry betting carried the most passion, yet previously, humans had never had such an opportunity to see fellow humans go up against demons. Although human vassals were overall poor, they were large in number! And demons would never bet on humans in such matchups. Naturally, the odds for humans would be higher. Thus, as long as the Shrek Squad kept winning, the Great Beast Fighting Arena would rake in huge profits. And if they lost, the arena would suffer no loss, as they merely took a cut from the bets. The more people bet, the more the arena earned.

"Then please arrange that for us. Can we stay here before the match?" Wu Bingji asked. He didn't want to spend more money on hotels, even though they had quite a bit of money now.

"Of course, of course."

After arranging accommodations for the Shrek Squad, the Bloodthirsty Demon Ape immediately went to set up the match.

However, their battle ended up scheduled not for that evening but for the following. The Bloodthirsty Demon Ape explained that the organizers of theGreat Beast Fighting Arena needed time to prepare.

The Shrek Squad residing within the Great Beast Fighting Arena did not know that news of their upcoming match had spread throughout Kali City almost immediately. And this news excited the human vassals.


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