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Chapter 572 572 - Blade King

Next day,

Finally it is the day when the competition will begin and naturally from the morning you can say the whole human Kingdom became busy because of the competition. Even compared to the previous day it became more lively and naturally everyone who came to the human Kingdom to watch the competition was already preparing themselves to go to the arena where naturally the match would begin. 

The opening of the competition will start at 8:00 a.m. so naturally before that everyone wanted to present in the arena. Sam also wakes up around 4:00 a.m. and after finishing his practice he already begins to get ready to go to the arena. Well he already got the VIP ticket from the human King so naturally he will go to the VIP section to watch the competition. 

Unfortunately you can say that he did not get to know what will be the first match in this competition. The human King only told him that the first match will be very interesting and every participant will go to a place where they need to fight Monster to collect points. Naturally he is very familiar with this type of competition because during the college entrance examination he also did the same thing. 

So naturally he was also very excited to know about the competition and around 7:30 a.m. he already began to go toward the arena. The human king and queen and all the other people almost went to the battle arena. When he came outside of the royal palace and began to walk toward the arena he could already see the crowd that was also going in the same direction. Not just only those people who came here to watch the match but even many people who came here to do business also became lively and naturally you can save various shops around the arena. 

Sam was already able to reach the battle arena around 7:45 a.m. and after going to the VIP section he already sat down in a corner from where he could already see the battle arena. Fortunately a big screen was also present in the VIP section and with that naturally they were able to see what will happen in the battle even though if they could use their spiritual vision or technique like that they could easily watch the match. 

Many people also did not want to use their technique and also not everyone had strong vision techniques like that so naturally the big screen will be a great help to them. At this time one by one all the participants begin to come to the battle arena. Fortunately the battle arena is big enough to hold everyone of those participants. 

On the other hand inside the VIP section he could already see many people present but fortunately everyone had a different room and with that nobody would be able to disturb him while he will be focusing on the match. Only for the royal family or people with special status. Naturally even if the king did not give him the VIP ticket he would still be able to come to the VIP section based on his status. 


Actually while coming toward the VIP room he already met many people and many people also recognised him. Naturally not everyone was able to recognise him but those people who had a deep impression on him already recognised him and they already came to him to ask about his situation. Most of the people who came to him to ask about his situation were also present in the war between the human Kingdom and the Toron kingdom. 


"Welcome everyone, I can already see that the whole arena is full with people and everyone is very excited for the competition to start. Well, like you I am also very excited for the competition but before that late will come our vice president of the warrior association in the battle arena. Before the competition started he wanted to give some points to all the participants and I hope every participant will take his word seriously. 

Many people most likely did not recognise that person but he is the blade king. Most probably most of the people already hear the nickname of this person and this person wanted to give serious pointers to every participant so that they did not risk their life in this competition."

Sometime later,

A warrior from the warrior association came to the battle arena and he said that to everyone. Naturally the moment he finishes that every person present in the battle arena begins to clap for the blade king. Who wasn't familiar with the blade King because from children to old man already here about the achievement of this person. 

With that everyone begins to clap and also very excited to see the blade king in person. All the participants present in the battle arena also become excited the moment they hear the blade king will be present there. Sometime later you can already see a person suddenly appear in the battle arena. Naturally that person most likely uses the teleportation array to come there. 

On the other hand the moment he came to that place you can say most of the people present in the battle arena already begin to feel the pressure coming out from that person. But naturally that did not scare those people as they became more excited to see the blade king in person. 

On the other hand The Blade King after coming to the battle arena already begins to observe all the participants of this competition. He could already detail most of the people present there were quite excited but at the same time some of them also quite nervous. He just smiles toward those people to make them relax because naturally in front of his presence everyone of those participants is also feeling the pressure. 

"It is good to see that this many people decided to participate in the competition. Not only that, I can also see many people who belong to the royal family also decided to participate in this competition. Naturally this is a good thing as we will have more powerful warriors who could protect our Terraria if somehow those Demons or other dangerous creatures came to our world. 

Not only that, I can also see that everyone who participates in this competition already prepares themselves for the intense battle and is ready to win the competition. It is a good thing that we have this many Warriors. Now before anything I will tell you an important thing that in this competition none of you will use virtual reality like the previous time because this time we will use the teleportation array to send you to a part of the danger zone where you will face Monsters. 

Many people most likely get more it about this situation because they could also face powerful Monsters but none of you have to worry about that because we will be always present there to prevent any of those powerful Monsters from attracting or interfering in your competition. So none of you have to worry about that.

But we won't interfere in the competition until you do not press the help button. As you already know, the help button that is present in your watch can only be used when your life is in danger or you want to save us. So you also need to know the moment you will use that thing you will get disqualified from the competition and you won't be able to get any points after that.

Not only that I hope everyone that only the planetary grade monsters won't interfere with your competition so naturally you need to worry about those other Monsters. You can create a team and then participate in this competition or you can go alone. That is completely your choice and we won't interfere with your choice. 

But I should tell you one thing that even if you face a big Monster none of you should underestimate any of them because you cannot guarantee The Monster will do anything surprising while their life will be in danger. So I hope every participant of the competition stays prepared for that and also we will be counting the kill points based on the warrior grade. 

Also before the competition everyone of you should know that you cannot use any type of forbidden artifact or technique that could harm the life of other participants. Also killing your fellow participant is not an option in this competition and if you try to do that you will get seriously punished by the warrior association. Everyone of you after participating in this competition will be our observation and we will observe you all the time so even if you try to do that thinking you could escape you should stay careful from us. 

As I told you and most probably everyone of you knows that we are doing this competition to increase the power of the Warriors. So I did not want any of you to start killing each other."

After saying all of these, the old man already finished his explanation and naturally after that the whole arena once again began to fill with the sound of clapping. Naturally everyone thought that most likely like the previous year this time the participants will use virtual reality to go inside of a place where they need to kill the monster. But unfortunately that wasn't the case as they will really go to the danger zone where they needed to fight those Monsters. 


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