Small upgrade system

Chapter 574 574 - Checking the surrounding area

Chapter 574 Chapter 574 - Checking the surrounding area

Emma and the others also went toward the teleportation array and everyone of them held their hand. Instantly, the whole teleportation array begins to shine and alongside with them those other people already disappear from that place.

But that wasn't over as you can see many more people still needed to go to the danger zone and one by one everyone of them was also going to the teleportation array and at once you can say almost 42 to 45 teams were able to go to the danger zone.

But naturally as you can see the number of those teams is much more and because of this it will need much time to send everyone of them into the danger zone. Naturally, that also very existing work for all the Warriors of the warrior association and because of these the warrior association also prepared a second and third group of Warriors who will take after that work when the first team will get exhausted completely.

On the other hand,

In the big screen you can see everyone of those teams who are already able to reach the danger zone. Naturally the Warrior association now shows everyone of those teams one by one and with that everyone also gets the situation of those Warriors who are already able to go inside of the danger zone.

At this time you can see every person appear in a different position alongside their team and the first task of those people will be to understand their surrounding area and after that they will start hunting the Monsters.

They also needed to understand if the Monsters around them were powerful or not because that would decide if they would be able to fight those Monsters or not. Suppose a team where everyone around Elite grade meets Monsters who are already able to reach the peak Epic grade, naturally that would be an impossible thing for those Warriors to fight those Monsters and at any condition they needed to escape from that place.

That is very risky for everyone and also if they did not want to get eliminated just after coming inside of the danger zone they should first understand the situation.

It is a very good thing that a very large area of the danger zone got selected for this competition and because of this, every team who will be participating in this competition will be coming to a different place and naturally they will not face each other just after coming inside of the danger zone.

One thing you should know is that a team could also challenge other teams to take the points from them. So naturally every team did not want to meet other teams the moment they came inside of the danger zone.

Now in the big screen that is present in the VIP room where Sam and the others are looking already showing the situation of those Warriors and naturally sometime later it already shows the situation of Maria and the others. They successfully came to the danger zone and right now they are in a place where just in front of them you can see a river present and fortunately Emma is already trying to observe the situation around her.

Naturally, before anything she wanted to find the grade of the Monsters that will be present in that area. If everyone of those Monsters will be around Epic grade, they need to be dangerous for Maria and the others.

Fortunately it did not take her that much time to understand the situation around her and with that she also gave Green signal to everyone. Maria, Livia, Ruri and others also observe the surrounding area all this time but they already relax a little when they get the green signal from Emma.

See already inform everyone of them that the monster around them will be around intermediate elite grade, so with that they did not have to worry. Emma did not even finish explaining the situation when she directly felt the attack coming from behind. But compared to that attack she was faster and already you can see, she disappeared from that place.

But it did not over there as in the next second air bullets directly went toward those Monsters that attacked her previously. Emma, naturally, is the one who attacks those Monsters. She attacks those Monsters even without looking at them as she already knows the location of those Monsters.


One by one, everyone of those Monsters got hit by the air bullets and naturally at the same time all the places that the air bullets hit exploded. In the next second you can hear the crying voice of those Monsters but this time Maria and the others already reacted and they also already began to attack toward that place.

Fireball, thunder bullets, water bullets, Bloody vines, air blades, light Spears, blade strikes, one by one everyone of those attacked begin to go towards Monsters and with that naturally those Monsters did not even get the time to do anything or counter attack.

Once again that area exploded because of those attacks and in the next second everyone of them already can see that they got a point in their watch. On the other hand when the layer of smoke got cleared they finally were able to see the Monsters. Those are the frog Monsters that usually live in the river and naturally those Monsters thought they were able to attack them sneakily.

But instantly they became alert as one by one they could already hear the sound of those frogs crying. It looks like previously the crying voice of those frogs also attracts the attention of other Monsters and with that those frog Monsters already begin to come out from the rivers and wasting no time they already begin to shoot poison toward Maria and the others.

Everything happens very quickly. You can say before those Monsters good came outside of the river they tried to shoot toward the direction where Maria and her teammates were also preparing for the counter attacks.

The first rule of the Dungeon will be that you will never rest and even if you kill a group of Monster you need to prepare to attack the next group of Monster who would probably attack them in the next second.


Because of this,

They are already able to prepare their attacks once again and one second attack toward those Monsters. But it looks like even with their attack they won't be able to block everyone of those poison bullets. Those Monsters keep shooting those poison bullets that had violet color and naturally everyone also knows that if they got touched by that poison then it would be dangerous if they instantly did not take the antidote.

Even with just a single touch the poison would immediately affect the nervous system of their body and instantly it will block the circulation of their blood and spiritual energy. So with that you can already tell?poison is also very dangerous.

Also they are not able to fully counter attack those poison bullets as one by one those Monsters just keep shooting and also you can say by the clash between their attack those poison also spreading everywhere in that place. The moment those poison falls on the trees, even those trees begin to get affected by that.

Instantly it looks like the vitality of the trees begin to suck away, buy something and injust 5 seconds everyone of those trees already fall down. On the other hand the moment Maria and the others already realize that they won't be able to fully counter attack those poison bullets they already created the spiritual barrier in front of them and at the same time Emma also did the same thing.

But that wasn't over as she was already preparing the next attack and this time this will be a powerful attack that will come from the sky.

Instantly, those poison bullets begin to hit The Spiritual barrier in front of them but unfortunately even with their poisonous effect those poison bullets are unable to do anything to Maria and the others. The power of that spiritual barrier already became very powerful as everyone channeled their spiritual energy and because of that a single spiritual barrier was created.

In the next second you can say one by one those frogs begin to be cut down by the air blades that suddenly fall on them. Naturally, Emma, who is doing all of this.


Sometime later the danger that previously could affect Maria the others already decreases and because of this they also already begin to attack those Monsters once again and this time they just keep attacking them without giving those Monsters the time to fight back. They wanted to kill them as quickly as they could to show they were not able to call for reinforcement and also naturally they kept getting points the moment they were able to kill those Monsters.


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