Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon

Chapter 130 130: Nina

[A/N: Due to technical difficulties, chapter 129 is after this chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience.]

"Nano Machine?"

"Queen Mother?"

Corey frowned hearing the female voice in his mind.

[Yes Corey Zane, I'm a Nano Machine created by Queen Mother to help you with things related to Paragons, Supremes and any other thing that I deem needs my help.]

"Help me?"

Corey raised an eyebrow and with his arms folded, he asked:


He did not need to ask who the Queen Mother was since the Paragon Ancestor already told him that the black substance was a reward from his wife so the Queen Mother should be the Paragon Ancestor's wife.

[Queen Mother told me that you'll encounter a problem very soon, and that problem has to do with your hidden stats]

[You'll be forced to show your stats to an Underworld Official after you leave this place and if you don't, you'll die]

Corey frowned heavily hearing the words of Nina, the Nano Machine.

"So how do you plan on helping me?"

[I can conceal the important and secretive parts of your status window]

[People would be able to see your status window but they won't see the important parts of it]

Corey raised one of his brows in slight surprise hearing Nina's words.

"That's... actually good."

Corey said with slight surprise, but Nina wasn't done.

[Also, you'll have to choose which ability of a Paragon you want to unlock]

"Choose? Again?"

Corey frowned once again.

There was one thing Corey was worried about after leaving the Paragon trial space. It was concerning his status window.

When he checked his status window, he found out that he didn't have any of the abilities which the Third Generation Paragon and The Second Generation Paragon used.

Skills like fire breath, swapping with his eyes, void webs and the claws.

Corey didn't know what was wrong and what pissed him off the most was that the Paragon Ancestor had disappeared, so he could not ask him why his status window wasn't showing his skills.

But now, it seemed that he had to choose once again.

Corey released a tired sigh then spoke:

"Let me see the list."


After Nina replied, a translucent screen appeared in front of Corey, showing him a list of his options.

[Void Phoenix Heart: A Paragon has the heart of a void phoenix and the heart gives the Paragon many unique abilities, for example- The Paragon would have an extremely high talent in abilities related to space and time. The Paragon would also have the ability to unleash a Void Breath and also have Void Wings]

[Tri-Pupil Eyes- The eyes of a Paragon has the ability to swap places with objects in their line of sight. Not only that, the three triangles in the eyes of a Paragon have the ability to see the Past, Present and Future.]

[Devourer's Stomach- The Devourer's Stomach gives the Paragon the ability to absorb energies from the surroundings at an extremely fast rate. It also has other abilities.]

[Void Webs- It has the ability to produce webs that can use a portion of the abilities related to the void and also poison. It also has other abilities which you can figure out on your own.]

[Paragon Claws- A hidden weapon of the Paragon. It's durability is extremely high and it has the ability to reform itself if it ever gets broken.]

[Celestial Mana Veins- This gives a Paragon the ability to have a higher affinity towards mana and also control mana better. It also has other abilities.]


Seeing the list before him, Corey stroked his chin as he looked at the six choices before him.

"Which one should I choose."

Corey mumbled as he looked at the six choices.

If it was possible, Corey would choose to have all the abilities at the same time, but for some reason or reasons unknown to him, he had to choose one.

Just as Corey was pondering on the decision he should make, Nina's voice resounded in his ears.

[I would advise you to choose the Tri-Pupil Eyes.]


Corey asked with raised brows.

[Because the Ancestor of Paragons always advises people to choose the Tri-Pupil Eyes first. Also, it has more abilities than I explained. You'll experience them in the future.]

Nina explained and Corey's brows furrowed.

"I was planning on choosing the Void Phoenix Heart since I already have an eye-related ability."

"Also, will I gain the ability to see the past and future immediately? I mean, if I choose the Tri-Pupil Eyes, do I gain the ability to see the past and the future immediately?"

Corey asked and Nina replied:

[No you won't. You'll need to understand more about space and time for you to reach that level with your Tri-Pupil Eyes.]

"Guessed as much."

Corey sighed hearing Nina's reply and he pinched the middle of his brows for a few seconds, then he spoke:

"Give me the Tri-Pupil Eyes."

Corey said with a sigh.


[The process might be painful, so endure]

Corey's lips twitched hearing Nina's words.

'That's what they all say.'

Corey thought and waited with a calm expression and around three seconds later, the pain Nina warned him about came.

Corey felt an itching sensation in his eyes for the first three seconds, then he felt a searing heat in both his eyes.

'This isn't that painful.'

Corey thought and a second after he had this thought, the pain increased but it was not enough to make Corey groan.

Blood dripped from Corey's eyes as his pupils changed to a golden triangle and his sclera changed to silver.

The pain and process continued for ten more seconds before it stopped and Corey's eyes changed back to normal.

'It wasn't even that painful.'

Corey thought as he brought out a tissue from his spatial ring and used it to wipe the blood away from his eyes.

Just as Corey was wiping the blood from his eyes, Nina spoke.

[You can now keep your items in the storage space in your eyes.]


Corey made a confused 'Hmm' sound and he stopped wiping the blood from his eyes.

[It's an ability of the Tri-Pupil Eyes. A Paragon can store objects in their eyes.]

[Just will for your eyes to store the objects and it would do the rest.]

Hearing Nina's words, Corey nodded softly then he continued cleaning the blood on his face.

After cleaning all the blood, he brought out every single object from his spatial ring.

When he brought them out, he closed his eyes and he willed for his Tri-Pupil Eyes to place all the objects in the storage space in his eyes.

A second after he did, Corey felt a large amount of mana in his body disappear.

'My mana feels different.'

Corey frowned but then he ignored it and looked at the objects in front of him, and when he did, a stunned expression appeared in front of him.

He saw a whirling black pool engulf all the objects and a few seconds later, the whirling black pool and the objects disappeared.

Corey winced slightly when he had the sensation that something which had weight hit his head.

At first he was confused but then a light of realization appeared in his eyes when he realized that it was because of all the objects which abruptly appeared in the storage space of his Tri-Pupil Eyes which was connected to his mind.

[Now that you've done all of that, you need to choose again.]


Corey who was trying to get used to this new feeling had an extremely confused expression hearing Nina's words.

"Choose what again?"

Corey asked with a confused tone.

[The blank seed intent the Ancestor of Paragons gave you.]

[I advise you to use it now]

[Choose the type of intent you want to form]

"Oh good Lord."

Corey released a deep frustrated sigh as he pinched the middle of his brows deeply.

"You know what, what type of intent do you suggest I form."

[Axe intent for now. It can be changed later in the future and you can also learn more intents in the future.]

Hearing Nina's words, a relieved expression appeared on Corey's face and without hesitation, he spoke:

"Give me axe intent then."


[After I give you, I'll be going into a state similar to sleep mode and I won't come back unless I deem it worth my time.]

Nina said and Corey shrugged but then a thought appeared in his mind.

"Give me all the information you have about intents before you go to sleep. I mean, transfer it directly to my brain."


Nina said and a few seconds later, Corey felt a stream of information and a different sort of power which was new to him appear in his mind and body.

[The transfer has been done.]

[Sleep mode would now be activated.]

Nina's voice resounded in his ears then the entire evolution center became quiet.

Corey released a tired and relieved sigh then he walked towards the door of the evolution center with a calm expression.


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