B2 – Chapter 30
[Year 1 of The Eternal Age]
Lyn landed atop the fortress at the heart of Lynhold and made a beeline for Kory's cell. She pushed open the door and walked over to the still-sleeping man. This is for you, Gina. She held her clawed appendage over him.
"Gwin tho tauns / hen i lúg Gina Peterson." She felt the very slight outpouring of mana that – thanks to her new divinity – she could see as a clear stream floating through the air. It surged down into Kory, and he rolled over in his slumber. She then saw the stream stay connected to his chest, his mana core, before it extended and shot off into the distance. One promise kept.
She walked to the small writing desk and left Kory a note advising him of the spell being performed, and then left the fortress. It was late in the night, and none except the guards were awake, and they saluted Lyn as she passed by. They took in slight inhales at what she assumed was their reaction to her cosmetic changes. Turning to one, she saw the look of wonder in his eyes.
She continued onward into Lynhold proper, approaching the Baxter house. She extended her wings and flapped up to the small balcony next to Ben and Trisha's room. Landing, she knocked gently on the door and waited.
Ben slid the door open, dressed in pajamas, and wiped the sleep from his eyes. "Lyn? What's up?" he asked in English.
"Do…do you not see this?" she asked as she gestured to the horns.
He yawned and rubbed his eyes once more before blinking them clear. Then, his jaw dropped. "Holy shit…you actually did it? And you're still—"
"I'm still me," she replied as she grinned. "I did the spell for Gina. I can do it for you and Trisha now."
Ben let her inside and gently woke Trisha. She rolled up in bed as Ben rapidly explained what Lyn had said. Her eyes went wide, and she sat next to her husband. Looking up at Lyn, she smiled with tears in her eyes. "Thank you for this. Keeping us together forever."
"You're welcome." Lyn repeated the spell as she held her hand over Trisha, replacing Gina's name with Ben's. "And now your souls, consciousness, whatever it is, they're bound together. You'll find each other in every next life you have." She smiled. "It's not as good as eternity in my eyes…but I must admit there's a bit of a romance allure to finding your soul mate over and over again."
Trisha got up and hugged Lyn tightly, weeping for joy as she whispered thanks over and over. Ben came over and held the two women, and Lyn let herself sink into the embrace of true friends.
[January 28, 2026, 7:46 a.m.]
William Westerly, former Artificer hero, got to school and went right into the gym locker room on the boys' side. First one in, he thought as he pocketed his phone.
He had woken up in bed in his room. An hour ago, he had returned to when he would have been woken up by his alarm. As Gina had put it when he flew into her as a mana core, "We will wake up the same morning we were summoned. Whoever the first Artificer hero was that made the summoning statue of Aelor…he was gentle for that."
William sighed as he put the phone in the locker. He had enjoyed his time on Ghomar, but he wanted to really bring some new concepts back with him. All of his experiences, all of his knowledge, all of his ideas spurred by the Artificer core's ability to create innovations based upon desires – they were etched into his mind. I can fix things, he thought.
After waking up an hour ago, he had immediately put pen to paper and wrote out every single piece of information he could pull up from his brain. He hid the composition book in his special hiding spot, behind a picture frame on the wall so his siblings wouldn't find it.
But now, he was back at school. All you have to do is graduate, he thought. Get into college with one of those inventions boosting your cred. Then, you can make inventions to help save the world. The thought of being an innovator and inventor unlike any other filled him with a giddiness, and he caught himself chuckling as he dressed for P.E.
Elias and Darius walked in and looked at William. "You too?" Elias asked.
William nodded. "Yeah. I learned so much I coul—"
Elias just huffed and walked to his locker. "Fucking waste of time. The only good thing from that whole experience was I got to have a few years of fucking around before I died."
Darius looked over at William and shrugged. "I got to bang a lot of chicks while I was there, so that's a massive plus." He laughed and began dressing in his own set of gear.
William shook his head as he closed his locker and slipped his phone in his pocket. "We had an experience…no one else has. We literally were in another world. And that's all you two took away from it?"
Elias slammed his locker shut and stomped over to William. "I fucking died! You died! Darius died! It was a cruel, fucking joke, and I can't wait to forget about it. Don't you fucking bring it up around me!"
Darius walked over and pushed Elias back. "Chill dude. We won't bring it up." As Elias turned to walk out to the field, the sportsman looked over to William and clapped him on the shoulder, "I don't mind talking about it if you need to."
William nodded. "I'm good for now. But…thanks."
"No problem, bro. I wonder which girls came back?"
William followed the larger man out to the field. He saw Ms. Gundy waiting at the start of the track, holding her attendance clipboard, dressed in a full set of joggers. William began stretching out alongside Darius, but Elias just stood there at the start line, stewing as he stared ahead. "The rest of the senior class must have had a wild night, eh?" Ms. Gundy asked.
"Yeah," Darius replied. "Wild party last night."
"You guys made it back!" William looked to the voice and smiled as he saw Ashley walking over from the girls' locker room. "It's good to see you!" She hugged William, then Darius, and gave a slight side-hug to Elias, who shrugged her off.
Ms. Gundy chuckled. "We had class yesterday." She eyed the young woman. "Ah, unless you're…well, none of my business. Alright, warm-up lap – you know the drill."
Elias put in his headphones and began jogging, and Darius bolted past him as he moved much quicker. William walked next to Ashley. "So…what are you going to do with what we experienced? What we learned?"
Ashley grinned and pulled out her phone. "I already started writing down a story. I'm going to write an amazing book and use that to propel myself to influencer fame and glory."
"That's good!" William said enthusiastically.
"What about you?"
"I have all these neat inventions figured out. I can fix emissions that contribute to climate change. I've figured out a fusion reactor that will work…I really think I can fix Earth."
Ashley smiled. "Well, at least you're doing something useful." She pointed at Darius who was halfway around the track. "What do you think he'll do?"
"Honestly? He's going to be some type of fuck boy."
Ashley laughed in a mesmerizing way. William always found her attractive. "I'm happy you chose to come back," she said softly as she reached for his hand. "When you die and have years to reflect…you realize there's no point in waiting. So, how about it? Want to date?"
William grinned like an idiot. "I'm all for that."
They both looked over as Ms. Gundy was yelling at Julie, who was late as usual. The class bitch – one of Cecily's best friends, go figure – jogged up to the duo holding hands. "Can you believe Lyn? That bitch."
William frowned, and was about to say something, but Ashley stepped in. "She's not around anymore. So, you can stop blaming her for, quote, 'taking your man.'"
Julie flipped her off. "Fuck you, you ugly bitch."
Ashley shrugged. "You wouldn't have a chance in hell even if I was into women."
Julie mumbled something under her breath and fast-walked in front of the duo.
William leaned over to Ashley and whispered. "You handled that well."
She whispered back. "I know. I'm good at deescalating situations." She rubbed his hand with her fingers and the touch sent shivers down his spine. "I want to make the most of this life. I want to tell our story. Get rich. Do something good with my money."
William smiled and looked up at the sunrise that began to crack over the mountains in the distance. "We'll make this world better."
[Year 6 of The Eternal Age]
Trisha rolled out of bed and stretched. She was pulled back into bed and giggled as Ben assaulted her with kisses and snuggles. "Hon, I've got work today," she said in English.
"Mmmm, five more minutes," Ben mumbled into the pillows.
Trisha lightly slapped him on the thigh. "You have work today also. Eli comes home from mandatory service today."
Ben shot up in bed. "Shit! I forgot. We have to make sure the cake is ready!" He shot out of bed and ran into restroom. Trisha followed him in and began brushing her teeth as he activated the inscription on the tub, filling it with hot, soapy water as he washed up for the day. After a few minutes, the two swapped.
"What flavor does Eli like? Was it chocolate and blueberries?" Ben asked.
"No, that's Gil. Eli is chocolate and blackberries."
Ben spat out the toothpaste that Brad had developed to improve dental health across Ghomar. It tasted foul, but cured all cavities and prevented all manner of gum and mouth diseases. "Alright. I'll make sure I get the baker to make a good one."
Trisha got dressed and went downstairs. Lyndra was standing in the kitchen, dressed in warrior's leathers. She looked back at her mom and gave her a quick hug. "Soon enough, right? At the end of the week?" she asked in Triskol.
Lyndra nodded. "Yeah. I'm off in three days." She sighed and turned around, leaning against the countertop. "Two years of service?"
"You know it's required," Trisha reminded her daughter. She began to set out plates for the two youngest who were just waking up judging from the sounds directly above her. "Everyone serves from eighteen to twenty."
Lyndra sighed. "Even prodigies like us?"
"Especially us."
Lyndra crossed her arms. "I'm named after Empress Rivers, right? I never asked…but why?"
Trisha gave her daughter a warm smile. "You were named after someone else. A woman named Lyn. A hero, just like your dad and me." None know save the heroes, she thought.
Lyndra nodded and grabbed a hunk of bread, slathering on jam as she gave her dad a nod, the tall man descending the stairs in a hurry. "Alright. Well, I'm off to the training field."
Ben tutted. "Nope. You're with me today. We have to get the stuff for Eli's cake. Plus, I talked to Lyn—"
"You did?!" Lyndra exclaimed as she squealed with delight. "Yes! Did she say when?"
"Today. After Eli's party." Ben gave Trisha a look of "I'll handle this" as he led his eldest daughter out of the house.
Trisha just chuckled slightly. Lyn had offered Lyndra something special: a spear artifact. She had offered to make an artifact for each of the Baxter children at the start of their service. In her words, "I made a promise to William that I would do all I could for your kids. This is part of that."
The two youngest girls ran downstairs, all dressed up and ready for school. Misty sat down and began scarfing down the food Trisha set out, but Ginavieve slowly, methodically ate her meal. "Excited for today's lessons?" she asked the girls.
Both nodded enthusiastically. Ginavieve might be more measured and slower-paced of the two girls, but she did show her own type of enthusiasm – her feet tapping the floor the indicator of her anxiousness to leave.
Misty, however, was a bundle of energy and just went off with a rapid flurry of words. "Today we are supposed to learn how to do something in Elenthir I've been wanting to try! Internal spells! I get to be big and strong whenever I want! Just like Empress Rivers. And even better, the teacher told me that I might be able to do shifting spells!"
Trisha leaned back and smiled softly. "That would be something incredible to experience. Flying and all that."
"Why can't you do that?" Ginavieve asked.
Trisha sighed. "Well, I have a good mana core, but I've focused on honing my mind. You two, though, every day I've had you doing that mana exercise. I bet you both can do spells I couldn't dream of."
She stood up and walked to the staircase as Gil came down. He was twenty-one, and the only one of the Baxter family that stood out as not their genetic child due to his crop of curly hair. But he was still her son, despite being adopted, and she gave him a hug. "It's good to have you home," she said softly.
He returned it. "Good to be home, Mom." He had finished his mandatory service a month earlier and had spent two weeks gallivanting around Kor's Hold, visiting King Marshall's sons and experiencing the joys of being pampered like royalty. "No place like home," he said with a light sigh.
Trisha nodded and pulled away. "Do you mind walking your sisters to school today?"
"Mooom, we're old enough," Misty complained.
Ginavieve nodded as she cleanly wiped her mouth with a cloth napkin. "Lynhold is the safest place in the empire, Mom. We'll be fine."
Gil chuckled and walked past Trisha, turning back to her and mouthing "I've got this" as he herded the two girls toward the door and walked them down the boulevard.
Trisha stood at the doorway and let out a contented sigh. Where is Lawry? she thought. She grabbed the communication amulet. "Lawry, are you in the Raven Tower again?"
"… Yeah," the teenage boy's voice came through the amulet next to her ear.
"Did you sleep up there again?"
"… Yeah."
She sighed. "You've only got a year until your mandatory service."
"I talked to Miss Finala about that. She said that I can serve the empire under her instead of joining the military."
Trisha felt a slight bit of confusion but a large amount of relief. Military service wasn't necessarily dangerous given the peace that reigned in the empire, but keeping ravens was much safer. "Alright. As long as she approved it."
"Spymaster Velenna approved it. Right from the top!" His enthusiasm coming through his words was palpable. "Empress Rivers asked for me specifically to be her underling on the council!"
"That's wonderful news, honey!"
"I'll come by home later. Gotta go! I have a new brood that's waking up."
Trisha let the amulet slip from her fingers and looked at the massive fortress at the center of Lynhold. You've done so much for our family, she thought. Smiling, she closed the door of the Baxter home and headed to the hospital.
[Year 6 of The Eternal Age]
Ben walked with his daughter through the bustling capital city of Lynhold. She was right behind him, and the two popped into a bakery. Ben quickly detailed the order and pulled out a pouch of coins imprinted on one side with Lyn's profile, and the other side the symbol of her empire – three interlaced triangles reminiscent of an old band logo.
"What's it going to be like?" Lyndra asked. "Serving, I mean."
Ben finished with the clerk and grabbed the receipt before turning to his daughter and walking outside with her. "Let's find a place to sit," he said as they made their way to a small café, sat down, and ordered some tea. He stirred the drink slightly trying to think of how to best approach his response. "Well, in all honesty, it's going to suck. You probably won't see much combat – most likely you'll be doing training and drills. But because you're my kid…you'll be targeted by others."
"How come Gil didn't get that same level of treatment?"
Ben grimaced. "He's not my biological kid, sweetie. Even dumb grunts – sorry, fellow citizens – who know little about the heroes from the last cycle know that. But Eli…and you…you are unmistakably our kids. You'll be put through the wringer."
She leaned back and took a sip of her own tea. "I'll be fine. I've been training with someone special."
Ben leaned forward and took another sip. "Oh? Who is that?"
Lyndra leaned in and whispered. "Empress Rivers."
"Really?" Ben was floored. I had no idea Lyn was doing that. What the fuck? She could've told me. "So that's where you've been every day after classes."
She nodded and kept her voice low. "I go into the Conclave of the Fortress, to this really old cavern with a weird inscription at the end, and a pool of obsidian. She's been giving me lessons. An hour a day, but I've learned a ton."
Ben nodded and took another sip. "Just don't forget your roots. Weapons can get lost, but—"
"I'll always have my fists," Lyndra finished. "Yeah, I know. You drilled it into all of us. Except Lawry."
"He's a softer lad. Not like Gil or Eli…or you," he said with a chuckle. "I think Ginavieve will be like Lawry in that regard."
"Is that some type of joke?" Lyndra replied haughtily. "Calling me a hard woman?"
"It's a compliment," Ben replied as the two laughed. "Come on, finish your tea. I've got a surprise for you."
She gulped it down, and Ben tossed some coins on the table, nodding at the Newen server who scuttled past. The duo walked down to the large lake at the edge of Lynhold, and he led her to a warehouse partially in the water. Pulling out a key, he unlocked it and led her inside. "I know you've always wanted to explore the sea, so I asked Thomas—"
She squealed with delight and ran over to the partially submerged metal vessel. "How'd you get this?! One of the submersibles?!"
"Like I said, Uncle Thomas made it. It will seat two people."
"Can we take it for a spin?"
"I don't see why not." Ben helped his daughter in, sealed the small hatch, and poured mana into the inscriptions as fresh air circulated around them, the space pressurized, and he pointed out the small joystick in front of her. "Go on, give it a go. Pour mana into it to make it move."
Lyndra took hold of the stick and pushed forward and down as the vessel shot off toward the bottom of the lake. She was giggling ecstatically, and Ben couldn't hide his grin.
[Year 6 of The Eternal Age]
It's time, Kory thought as he stood up. He looked out the window one more time as he prepared to go through with his plan.
The idea of ending it all himself had gone through his mind several times. Lyn had tied his soul to Gina's – they would be together in their next life or the one after. But she was living that new life and already five years ahead of him. If I died today, I'd be reborn hopefully within a few weeks. That puts me within a few years' range of her. A five-year age difference isn't too creepy.
He began to slowly tie the knots in the rope of the bedsheet. For five years he had been a prisoner in the fortress. After years of circulating mana to try to build a larger reservoir, he had maybe as much as a dog or cat. Animal cores were very, very weak. Fuck you, Lyn. You gave me a shitty-ass core.
He slung the rope through a very small hole he had been picking around one of the support beams above him. He finished tying the knot and sighed. He had spent the past years of his life doing nothing but listening to Gina's message, reading, writing, and staring out at Lynhold. The world that moved on without him. He was only remembered in history books and stories. Kory Smith, Berserker hero…locked away and forgotten.
He slipped the noose around his neck and stood up on the chair. This is it…I'm really doing it.
The door opened, and he looked over. Lyn stood there, tapping her clawed foot as her horns glowed with a black, cosmic radiance. "Really? Taking the bitch's way out?" she asked in English.
Kory frowned. "Shut up. This is my life. I'm going to choose my death."
Lyn walked over to him and looked into his eyes. Her irises were surrounded by multicolored sparkles that showed countless possibilities. "I wouldn't advise it. Hanging, I mean. Unless your neck snaps, you'll go painfully." She flicked her wrist, and the rope vanished.
Kory got off the chair. "You…you're a bitch."
"Yup. But this bitch is a goddess. You are only alive because I am fine with Lawrence's decisions about how to treat you. And I only tied your soul to Gina's because she loves you." She reached into a pocket dimension and pulled out a pill. "Brad made this at Lawrence's request. My seneschal has been keeping an eye on your mood and behavior. We all saw this coming. This is the only mercy I give you. A peaceful death."
Kory grabbed the pill and nodded. "Fine." He put it into his mouth and swallowed.
Lyn gestured to the bed, and Kory sat down on it, feeling sleepiness overtaking him as he lay back. "Any last words?"
Kory let out a weak chuckle. "Tell Lawrence…he's a good guy." He weakly pointed to the nearby desk. "I wrote letters…to everyone." The darkness began to close in on his vision, and he felt his heart slow as his breathing faded.
This is it.
I'm coming, Gina.
[Year 10 of The Eternal Age]
James stood up from the throne and took Maria's hand. The two were dressed in their most resplendent attire, and both walked down the dais to the waiting couple.
Tevol stood, arm in arm with a beautiful Raptol woman who he had fallen for when he was on diplomatic mission up in Trisk. His brother stood nearby, the best man, and the broad smile on his face reminded James of his own wedding.
There was a flash of blue, and within an instant, Lyn Rivers, the Empress of the Eternal Empire, stood next to James opposite Maria. She looked at the two and nodded. "Sorry I'm late," she whispered in Khrelardian.
James shook his head. "We are just about to get started." He looked out to the gathered crowd in the throne room and raised his hands for quiet. He raised his voice. "Thank you for coming to this momentous occasion! We will move on to the ceremonies in just a moment. But first…" He turned to Maria, and she handed him an elegant brooch with a matching belt. James walked down to the happy couple and attached the belt around his son's waist. He then pinned the brooch on Tevol's new wife.
He stepped back to the dais. "The ceremony will now begin!" He stepped back and waved a man over – his seneschal that doubled as a master of ceremonies. He stood behind the man as he began to go through marriage vows.
Maria squeezed his hand, and he turned to his wife, the love of his life. The woman who had saved him from the corruption of his persona through the Paragon core. The person he trusted most in the whole world. And here he was, at something he never expected in his wildest dreams back on Earth. Watching his son get married off.
Unauthorized duplication: this tale has been taken without consent. Report sightings.
As the seneschal concluded, Lyn walked forward – much to James's surprise. What is she up to?
She raised her hands, and a prismatic flourish arced through the air. "As you know, my empire will choose the next ruler of Khrelardia based upon my determinations through a meritocratic process. Tevol has exceeded my expectations, and I wish to encourage him – with the assistance of Marcelline, his lovely partner – to continue with his path of learning from his father." She turned to James and gestured to him. "King Marshall, you have guided Khrelardia these past years with grace and wisdom. And your wife, Queen Maria, has been an inspiration to mothers across the empire."
There were cheers and shouts of approval, and she raised her hands for silence once more. "Continue on the path you tread, and your sons will succeed you." She turned to Tevol and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You, young man. Treat this woman well." She looked to Marcelline. "And you, treat your man well."
Lyn walked over to Tovol, who stood at rapt attention, straightening up when she approached. She whispered something to him, and he nodded enthusiastically. Lyn returned to the dais. "I have taken the liberty of providing a feast unlike anything Kor's Hold has tasted." She raised her hand, snapped her fingers, and spouted off a multi-verse Elenthir phrase faster than James could follow.
There were shouts of joy and celebration from outside, and the crowd began to funnel out to see the fuss. James looked at her. "What did you do?"
"Lined the streets with tables full of all types of delicacies."
"A bit over the top," James replied. "Plus you're taking the attention off my son."
Maria shook her head and giggled. "Sweetie, just look at the two. They've only had eyes on each other. They couldn't care about the crowd."
James did follow her gaze, and felt a flutter of happiness as his son just stood there, staring at his beloved.
"I told Tovol that I have passed along his request to try out for the Riverguard. I don't know if he told you he wanted that."
"He did," James replied. "I had hoped to train him up to co-rule with his brother."
"Let him follow his dreams," Maria replied. "You know he has a romantic interest in Ginavieve Baxter. If he's part of the Riverguard, he'll be at Lynhold and can court her."
James smiled at the thought of tying his family together with Ben and Trisha's. "Alright."
Lyn nodded and smiled softly. "I'm off. Enjoy the festivities." She vanished in a flash of blue light.
James looked at his wife and into those gorgeous eyes, leaned in, and kissed her. "Thank you for saving me from myself," he whispered.
[Year 10 of The Eternal Age]
Vael lay on the hammock spread between two trees on a tiny spit of sand and trees a few hundred feet from the shore of Sidalon. She was sure to stay in the shade so she wouldn't get sunburn. She was reading a book written by Scholar Thomas with input from Ben the Guardian, and Marshal Remora. A new field manual to the next generation of warfare on the seas.
She looked up as she heard the slight splashing. Naila walked up out of the waters, the moisture dripping off of her tanned bronze skin and muscular physique. She walked over and hopped into the hammock next to Vael, absentmindedly letting her hand dangle next to Vael's before grabbing it softly.
"How was the dip?" Vael asked as she dog-eared the book page and closed it.
"Excellent," Naila replied as she leaned back into the soft fabric. "We have what, two days left for this rotation?"
Vael nodded. "Yes. Then I have to go back. It'll be a week before we see each other next."
Naila sat up out of the hammock and looked over at Vael, brushing the Duskari woman's hair out of her face. "Then we have to make sure we really spend every moment we possibly can doing whatever we want." She got out of the hammock and pulled on Vael's hand. "Come one! You're going for a dip!"
Vael giggled as she extricated herself from the fabric. "You know I am not a skilled swimmer."
"Then just sit in the sand in the water," Naila replied, dragging her to the shadows in the surf on the leeward side of the small spur. Their little island getaway from the large harbor-city on the western coast of Sidalon. The two sat in the gently lapping, warm water as they looked off to the west. "It's gorgeous," Vael muttered.
Naila brushed Vael's hair with her fingers, letting the tips of her nails trace upon the back of her neck with each stroke, sending chills down her spine. "It is even better from my view," she replied.
Vael looked back at the taller woman and saw that she was unabashedly staring down at her bosom. She acted aghast, and splashed Naila.
"Why you—" Naila playfully tackled Vael into the shallows and the two laughed as they twisted in a passionate embrace in the shallows.
[Year 10 of The Eternal Age]
Gael took in deep, heavy breaths as he finished ascending the summit. Bolvon was even worse off, and looking behind him, he chuckled as the slimmer Duskari slumped down on the rocky slope. "Come on, you're almost there!" Gael extolled him.
Bolvon nodded and crawled the rest of the way up to the top, collapsing once more and taking heaving breaths. "This…was…shitty…"
Gael took a deep breath of the crisp, clean air. The top of Shiverburn Summit was, as usual, covered in snow. But Lyn had done him a favor for this special occasion. His and Bolvon's ten-year anniversary. He went over and scooped Bolvon up in his arms, walking him toward the lava.
"What are you doing?!" Bolvon shouted as he registered the bubbling lava.
Gael chided him. "Shush. It'll be fine. We are just going near it so we don't slip down the mountain." He walked along the edge of the caldera – high enough to not be roasted, right on the borderline where the snow melted and the stone was beneath. They went around the exterior and all the way to an outcropping of rock that hid below an overhang. Gael set Bolvon down, reached into his pack, and pulled out the climbing spike, tapping it in as he threw down the knotted rope and descended to the small ledge.
Bolvon scampered down, drawing on his expertise in climbing, and gasped. There was a large room carved out of the side of the volcanic summit – a sumptuous setup with luxurious fur-lined bed, stove with plenty of wood, and a full larder of supplies. "This is all for me?"
"Happy anniversary," Gael said as he kissed his beloved. He grabbed Bolvon by the shoulder and turned him out to face the gorgeous view. Below them was the fortress, and beyond Lynhold, and further out the whole of the Valley of the Volcano, out to the Dragon's Maw, and then the horizon off in the distance.
"You always said you wanted to have a day to just stare out…well, here it is." Gael reached into his pack and pulled out several bottles of wine, setting them into the small cubbies on the wall. "Empress Rivers said I can take a whole week off to spend with you up here. I plan on making use of it."
Bolvon chuckled. "Really? You told her about that fantasy, too?"
"Which one? The one where you get to fuck on dragon-back flying through the sky? Or the one where you are chained up to a chair? Or the one—"
Bolvon stepped forward and silenced Gael with a kiss before pulling away. "Making love at the top of the world."
"Well…we are slightly below the summit."
Bolvon laughed and embraced Gael, the two losing themselves in each other's body.
[Year 10 of The Eternal Age]
Brad cracked his neck as he got out of bed. Well, not his bed. Lyn's bed. She had taken to bringing him into his quarters quite frequently – especially since her usual bed fellows Vael, Gael, Rashanna – were all busy with their duties and their own significant others. He slapped her on the rump, and she shot up.
"Hey! I'm still your empress. And a goddess."
"With a fine ass."
Lyn flipped him off, and he just chuckled as he entered her luxurious bathroom, pouring mana into the inscribed tub and washing up. She walked over and leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms and pushing her breasts up into quite a salacious position. "You are incorrigible, you know that?"
"You started this by inviting me into your bed. Over, and over, and over, and—"
She shook her head. "Yes, I get it. Just remember…I don't mind us talking like this in here, but out there? You have to be a bit more careful. You slipped up yesterday at the council meeting, and when you walked by you were a bit too close." She raised her fingers and did air quotes "'Accidentally brushing my horns with your arm'? Seriously?"
Brad chuckled and got out of the tub. "You know you love it when I use your 'love handles'."
Lyn groaned and put her face in her hands. "Why did that catch on with you lot?" She was, of course, referring to the twins and Rashanna, who all had this secret pact of only referring to her horns as her "love handles" during their amorous activities.
Brad pushed her toward the tub, then wrapped a towel around his waist. "You know, you are one fine lady."
"Yup, and you're a good lay. Nothing more."
Brad nodded. "I'm good with that. No strings attached. Just like we agreed to. Plus, immortal relationships would turn out messy, I'm sure."
"No shit. Oh, that reminds me, did you check your clone backup?"
"Yes. Every year. Trisha insists and reminds very consistently."
Lyn submerged herself into the tub before coming up. "Good." Her eyes went pure black for a moment, and she stood up, her armor manifesting around her as she looked at him. "One of the creatures approaches."
Brad smiled and pointed up to the ceiling. "Don't mind me. Go protect the world, oh mighty goddess."
Lyn smirked and vanished in a glimmer of multicolored sparks. Brad imagined the fight above in the heavens, beyond the planet's outer limits. Lyn would be manifesting Cataclysm's blade of pure destruction and fighting off the creature from who-knows-where, drawn to Ghomar because of her mana-heavy world, which – until Lyn ascended to godhood – had no singular beacon of mana. Like a moth to a flame, Brad thought.
He left her quarters after dressing and made his way to the apothecary and pharmaceutical building. He checked in on the production lines and was quite pleased to see that his universal cancer vaccine was already completed and going into mass production. We need more horses to create more of them faster.
He drew up the order request and walked it over to Steward Mol, dropping off the paperwork before he went for lunch at a restaurant in the capital. He had his pharmaceutical industry. He could make clean-high, non-addictive substances. He had created medicines and vaccines – with Trisha's help – against practically every single disease. Those that weren't already prepared for were in the testing stages.
Plus, he was banging the empress herself. Not to mention he would live forever if he checked his clone backup consistently.
Life was good for the once tortured and maimed hero.
Note to self, she screams louder in doggy style…he cackled as he pulled out his notebook and jotted down some ideas for the bedroom.
[Year 15 of The Eternal Age]
Lawrence walked out into Lynhold. He went to the new construction that Lyn was working on with the help of the feysmiths of Feylin. A massive triangular structure that was erected on the east side of the Valley of the Volcano. "How goes it?" he hollered up to the foreman in the Sloren tongue.
The Sloren leaned over the railing. "Puttin' tha finishin' touches on it!"
"Yes!" Lawrence shouted as he gave a thumbs-up. Finally, after fucking years of asking for it. Lyn had finally given in and allowed him to implement a rail system. A way to cross Ghomar quickly and efficiently. This central hub would power everything – a massive inscription that would require an enormous amount of mana.
But that is why the feysmiths were there. They could turn it into an artifact with enough time. That would reduce the mana requirement by an enormous amount. This eastern tower would take people up to the top of the valley's fortified walls. On the inner edge, rails were installed as a floating train system was ready for the cars to be added. Rapid transit across Ghomar, Lawrence thought with a smug grin.
He knew that logistics were king, and this would reduce the requirement to rely on the raven delivery services. The rail lines would follow the walls over The Rill, the Azure Divide, and the Flontar River, before circling around the exterior of Ghomar itself. Smaller lines would split off to the various duchies, minor kingdoms, and vassal states. Ravens would still be used to deliver goods and services – and act as a taxi service – for more flung-off places. Villages and smaller towns where a rail system wouldn't make much sense.
Lawrence rode the elevator up and emerged atop the enormous wall overlooking the whole of the Shatterlands. The remains of Valagonia. Some people had settled there, and it was under Lyn's control. The Eternal Empire ruled Ghomar.
But…the Shatterlands were not really needed. There just simply wasn't a use for all that space. However, Lawrence planned to change that. He knew that open space was perfect to prepare for a spaceport. Centuries, possibly millennia down the line of Ghomar's history. But, with backup bodies, he was practically immortal.
Spaceships needed large areas to be built, maintained, and land. That abandoned landscape was perfect.
Soon enough, he would be playing city-builder with the whole of Ghomar, instead of just Lynhold. And that filled him with a sense of fulfillment he had craved.
And with Lyn, he had the cheat code to reality. Anything he needed, she could provide. He could finally, finally, do something he loved doing in video games.
[January 30, 2026, 9:00 a.m.]
Stellas checked the clock as she walked into the enormous, metal and stone city. Her ears were assaulted by the countless noises of honking, grinding, shouting, screaming, and music. It was a cacophony unlike anything she had ever encountered, and she stumbled into an alley as she tried to tune it all out.
"Hey lady," a voice said. She looked up and saw a Human dressed in near-rags, holding a bottle. "You look pretty. Whatcha doing in a dump like this?"
She muttered an Elenthir verse to stabilize her senses, and to her relief felt her mana core within respond, pushing the mana up through her channels and into her brain as her senses were suppressed. "Just getting my bearings," she replied.
"Ah. So…you some type of performer?" he asked as he took a swig from the bottle.
She nodded. "Yes. A cosplayer," she replied. That was the answer Thomas had told her to use as an excuse for her unique attire. Nothing on Ghomar quite matched what Empress Rivers and Thomas had described, but it was close. Obviously, something was off. Perhaps the fabric? she thought. "Would you know where the nearest pawn shop is?"
The man nodded and pointed down the road as he stepped away from the alley. "Two blocks that way." He trundled off with a wave, and Stellas slipped out of the alley. The city was cold – snow covered the streets, and she saw several enormous towers just like what Thomas had sketched out in preparation.
Nonetheless, she was still completely overtaken by the sheer size of the structures around her, and she spent several minutes taking in the architecture. The vehicles that whizzed by. Cars, she thought. Propelled carriages. The sheer number of people was more than she had ever seen before.
Walking down the street, she came across a group of people waiting in front of a street. A green image of a man walking appeared, and she shuffled along with the rest of the people. Keep calm, she thought as she checked the odd device Thomas and Lyn had designed for her. An inscribed item that kept track of time down to the second. Thirty minutes already? That meant two and a half years had passed back on Ghomar.
She saw the symbol of golden scales and walked into the shop, hearing the ring-ring of bells as she entered. There were glass windows – thick ones – all around the small entryway, with holes poked out of them and slots in the bottom. A portly woman with swarthy, dark skin sat behind the window. Stellas walked up and placed the gold and gemstones into the slot. "I need money," she stated.
The woman nodded and pulled out a small, flat, silver pad with numbers across the front. She placed the gold on it, made some notes on a sheet of parchment, and then pulled out a jeweler's loupe and inspected the gems. "High quality," she croaked out, her voice scarred from some type of screaming or yelling, perhaps. "You look like a country girl. From out of town?"
"Yes," Stellas nodded.
"Go across the street to the jewelers for the gemstones," the woman said with a soft, warm smile as she slid the gemstones back under the window. "I can take the gold. Standard market rate."
Stellas nodded and scooped the gems back into her pouch. "That's fine."
The woman counted out some type of paper currency, slid it under the window, and handed her a card with writing on it. "Tell the owner I sent you."
"Thank you," Stellas said with a small bow as she left the building. She saw these cars racing across the street, and looked both ways when there was a gap – like she was taught – before running across. She entered the jewelry store and saw a vast amount of wealth on display. Many large glass cases were filled with gold, silver, gemstones, and more. She walked up and set the card on the counter. "The shop across the street sent me over."
The shopkeep took the card and nodded. "That's me. What you got?"
Stellas pulled out the gemstones and poured them onto the small, padded mat. The man produced another jeweler's ring and examined them. "Did you want commission? Consignment?"
"Just money, please."
The man nodded. "Can do. One minute." He went into a back room with the gems and came back with a pouch. He opened it and counted out more paper currency, setting it on the counter as he counted, before putting it all back in the pouch and zipping it. "Pleasure doing business."
"Can you point me to a place I can buy a laptop?"
"There's an electronics store about a half mile down the street," he replied, pointing down the road. She thanked him and went on her way. One hour gone. Five years passed.
She found the shop quickly enough. She went inside and purchased this laptop – an odd, black, flat device in a padded box – and also bought this "hard drive" she was told to purchase.
Last is this generator, and then getting onto this world wide web. Thinking of those words made her shudder as she instinctively thought of spiders that covered a whole world in their webbing – but she knew that it was just a nickname for an information network. One that promised near-limitless knowledge.
She easily enough purchased a portable, hand-cranked generator, and then found a restaurant with a large, golden pair of arches marking the location. She set up in the corner, and pulled out her notebook, following Thomas's instructions exactly.
Two hours passed. Another ten years, she thought. But after the time had elapsed, she downloaded this entire database. An online encyclopedia that, according to Thomas, had practically unlimited knowledge. She then copied that to this hard drive, packed up the supplies, and headed outside.
Now to find a quiet place to return. She made her way through the city and found a park in the center. It was filled with many, many people. But she found a space underneath some bushes and poured mana into her ring.
She felt the world shift around her and was suddenly inside the Conclave of the Fortress. Glancing back, she could see the tiny pinprick of green – barely the size of a pinhead. The world-bridge stayed! she thought with excitement. She grabbed her amulet and willed it to contact Thomas and Lyn. "I'm back!" She reached over and grabbed the lever that would collapse the bridge behind her. But it was stuck. Damnit.
Lyn appeared almost instantly, and she looked…different. Her eyes were different, as were her horns and scales. "Report."
"First, the lever," Stellas gestured. Lyn reached over and pulled it. The bridge vanished. Stellas then gave a detailed account of everything. Every little detail. Thomas arrived halfway through her recitation. "Forgive me," she said as she concluded. "How long has it been?"
"Twenty years," Lyn replied.
Stellas looked down at the device Thomas had given her.
[January 30, 2026, 1:00 p.m.]
"This says four hours."
Thomas smiled. "Good! We know the time dilation. How do you feel? Any side effects? Dizziness? Headache?"
Stellas shook her head. "No, I feel just how I felt when I departed."
Thomas reached for the objects she held and opened the laptop. He cackled with delight. "We got it! The blueprint to modern society. And…practically endless knowledge for you, Stellas."
Lyn smiled, "Great job, Stellas." She looked to Thomas. "It is one hour for five years?"
Thomas nodded. "Yup. One hour there, five years here. I don't want to get too much into the numbers, but just keep halving it. Thirty minutes there, two and a half years here, and so on."
Stellas felt faint and began to collapse. Lyn stepped forward and caught her. "Fuck!" She waved her hand over Stellas and muttered something. Stellas caught her breath and sat up in Lyn's hands. "What was that?"
"You just aged," Lyn replied as her eyes were covered with a pink hue. "You instantly aged twenty years…minus the four hours."
Thomas clicked his tongue. "So that basically means that only Ari or Duskari could make the journey to Earth without issue."
Stellas coughed slightly and pushed herself up off the ground with Lyn's help. "I'm sorry."
"Why? You did just what we needed," Thomas replied. "You scouted out the time dilation and brought back a trove of knowledge."
Lyn nodded. "Come on, take some time off and relax. Maybe visit the hot springs."
Stellas shook her head and walked over to Thomas. "Let's get that up to the archive and read it!"
Stellas pulled Thomas up from the ground as she picked up the hand-crank generator. "Come on! I need to see what all is in there!"
[Year 20 of The Eternal Age]
Thomas heard a knock at his hidden door within the archive. He stood up and walked to the lever, pulling it as the latch opened and the door swung open.
Stellas was there, smiling, with slightly grayer fur – a physical sign of her rapid aging. "It's my turn."
Thomas nodded and gestured into the room as the Vharthon woman went into where they kept the few technological items from Earth. The duo were taking turns finding various technologies from the article pages and figuring out a progression path that wouldn't cause any sudden "shock" to the populace. The trains were just teetering on the razor-thin edge of that blade. Let alone Lawrence's plan of going for spaceships – that would need to wait a long time.
He shut the door to the hidden chamber and sighed as he left the archive. I should…
He felt restless. The type of restlessness where you want to do something but there's nothing to do. He had no projects, no goals, and no real…desire. I need to talk to someone, he thought.
The city was buzzing with activity, and Thomas found himself wandering the streets aimlessly, just letting his feet take him where they would. Trisha was probably busy, as was Ben, Lawrence, and Brad. Lyn was doubtless embroiled – he only saw her at council meetings as of late.
He walked to the nearby forest and found a smooth log that he sat upon. A place where countless others had no doubt sat, and he looked up at the canopy. The chirping of birds and the sing-song nature of their sounds and calls were soothing.
But he still felt restless. I need to do something.
He sat there, contemplating what he could do, when he caught sight of a group of children from various races running through the tree line. They were shouting in delight as they played some game, and he felt a sense of satisfaction. He had helped make this place something special.
And yet, the boredom and desire to…do anything still pestered him.
He picked up his amulet and focused on Lyn. "Hey, you free?"
"Sure, give me a moment."
He set the amulet down and five seconds later, in a flash of blue light, Lyn was sitting on the log next to him. "That was fast."
"I did say a moment. I wasn't busy." She looked over at him and crossed her legs. "What did you want?"
"I…" Thomas looked forward into space. "I'm restless. But I don't know how to fix it."
"You need a hobby."
Thomas chuckled. "Really? Please. I just finished the third volume of the history of Ghoma—"
"No." She cut him off. "That's a job. I mean a hobby. Something you just…enjoy."
He looked at her before shifting his gaze to the ground. "I…I don't know what, though."
Lyn smirked. "I can think of something." She held her hand up in front of her with the palm facing up. There was a prismatic sparkle of energy that surged up from her palm before churning around in a circle and forming a spherical shape.
"Holy shit. You're serious?!"
She handed him the dragon egg. "You were the happiest when you had Hector, and were left to your own devices. You've done a lot for the empire…and I never truly paid you back. So…thank you, Thomas." She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "You deserve this."
Thomas was awestruck. "I…I don't know what to say."
Lyn tapped the top of the egg, and it began to hatch. Thomas held his breath as a small set of horns poked through the shell. Silver horns. They wiggled back and forth for a few seconds before the eggshell began to give way and little, clawed feet pulled at the edges of it. The hatchling that stared up at him was deep, ocean blue with silver edges on the scales. Its eyes were a piercing silver, just like the horns and tips of the claws.
"Erp?" It made an…interested noise. Lyn waved her hand over it, and sparkles descended from her palm as the dragon's eyes widened before returning to normal. "Oh…hi," it said in Arinol.
Thomas felt a surge of emotions within his torso and hugged the small dragon to his torso. His dream since arriving on Ghomar, granted. Thomas could feel the tears rolling down his face as he took in shuddering breaths. He pulled away, and the hatchling cocked its head sideways. "Why sad?" it asked.
Lyn snapped her fingers and the hatchling's attention was riveted to her. "He is happy. Go ahead, tell him your name."
The hatchling turned back to Thomas. "I'm Hector."
Thomas looked to Lyn. "Is he-"
She nodded. "I brought him back for you. Your Hector, in a dragon's body. He'll remember you, given time; I didn't want to rush things too fast and would rather your bond developed nat—" She was cut off as Thomas hugged her.
He was choking back sobs. "You…gave me back my best friend," he whispered in English. "I…I can't ever pay that back."
"You've more than paid for it. And you'll keep helping the empire. Dragons live a long, long time. He can be with you for all of your lifetimes." She slowly pulled away. "I have to go," she muttered as her eyes flashed a deep, abyssal black. "Ghomar needs protecting." She vanished in a glimmer of bright blue.
"What's wrong?" Hector asked in Arinol as he dug his claws into Thomas's pant legs and the skin underneath.
Thomas looked back at his support animal…reborn with intelligence as an actual dragon. "Nothing…life is perfect, now." He stood up and hoisted Hector in his arms like he was holding a baby. "Come on. I want to show you all the wonderful friends we have."
"We have more friends?"
Thomas nodded and headed toward the Raven Tower. "Yes…we do, best buddy."
[Year 20 of The Eternal Age]
Lyn floated above Ghomar and held Cataclysm, the blade of neon-blue lava cascading with pure, destructive power. She had fully activated every single internal spell at her disposal. A true deity. Inexorable and unstoppable.
Despite her vast, enormous powers over the very fabric of reality itself, the entity before her was still a threat. She had named them Mana Devourers, as they were drawn to her as a moth is drawn to a streetlamp. She had dealt with five in the past twenty years, each at a varying interval.
This Mana Devourer was a colossal serpent that wended its way across the black of space. The only indication it was present was when its sinuous, gigantic form would dash in front of a distant star.
Lyn smiled and flew forward toward the creature. It lashed toward her – the mouth the size of the planet behind her – and she went right inside of it. Dumb creature, she thought. She shot through the back of its neck as her blade of pure destruction carved a path that disintegrated the creature wherever the blade impacted.
She floated behind it as it wheeled around and struck out once more. Standing her ground, she willed the blade to expand in length until it was the same size as a ring around Saturn – dwarfing the creature and Ghomar. She chopped into it and severed the head cleanly in two. The form writhed before vanishing into black motes that slowly faded away.
Lyn put Cataclysm away and willed her focus back to Ghomar. Within an instant, she was back in Lynhold where she had left Thomas. The man was walking away and talking to his new pet. Happy I could help you out, she thought.
She walked through Lynhold, and the people bowed, singing her praises as she passed by. Being worshipped did nothing for her power-wise…but damn was it one hell of an ego booster.
"Empress Rivers!" a voice called out behind her in Triskol. A familiar voice. She turned and spotted Lyndra – now a young woman of twenty-eight and member of her Riverguard – approaching as she saluted.
"Yes?" Lyn prompted.
"I had a request."
"Do tell."
"Empress…may we talk in private?"
Lyn nodded and gestured for Lyndra to follow her into the fortress, to the throne room, and ordered the Riverguard to seal the chamber, leaving her and Lyndra alone. "What do you want to talk about?"
Lyndra took off her helmet and held it under her arm. "I…I want to ask for permission to leave the Riverguard."
"Why would you want that?"
"I want to join Gil and Eli."
Lyn chuckled and turned in the throne so she could let her legs dangle over the armrest. "You three want to go looking for dungeons, don't you?"
Lyndra nodded. "We know that there is not any purpose to acquiring dungeon cores…so I would ask that you allow us to become your dungeon hunters. We'll find them, defeat them, and then bring any mana cores back to you. But…we want to keep the other loot."
"Why would you want to take such a risk? Dungeons are dangerous, you know."
Lyndra sighed in frustration. "We were…we've been told all our lives about what amazing deeds our parents did. We want to make our own mark on the world."
I can't blame them for wanting prestige. Hell, I wanted the same when I first returned. That was the whole point of coming back. "Very well. I accept. You will report to High Riverguard Vael. Keep the armor and inscribed items…you'll need them." She held her hand up and incanted a spell.
Lyndra stood stock-still before she gasped. "I can see…streams of light on the ground. Like paths. There's…hundreds! But they are faint."
"This is my gift to you for your service these past eight years. You will see the path to dungeons. Stay safe on your travels. Oh, but first, talk to Brad and get all the healing concoctions he has and is willing to give you. And, give my best to your parents."
Lyndra bowed and grinned. "Thank you, Empress!" She formed her hand into a claw over her heart and then left the chamber.
Lyn shifted her position on the throne to sit upright and pushed her consciousness down into her mana core. The spectral forms of Yheron and Raevan appeared.
"What can we help you with?" Raevan asked in Arinol.
"I've made up my mind."
Yheron lay down and rested his massive head next to the two Duskari. "Good. About time. What is the plan?"
Lyn crossed her arms. "Now that I know about how the time dilation works, I have inscribed items that will revert the effects. My concern is that when I make the bridge more permanent…will mana…I don't know, "awaken" on Earth?"
"I never tried reaching out to other worlds," Raevan muttered. "I can't speak to what would happen. Are you sure you don't want to focus on expansion in this reality? The space around Ghomar?"
Lyn nodded. "I need to fix Earth. They need direction and guidance, like what I provide to Ghomar. And I can't send divination sensors far out enough in this reality to find other inhabited worlds. I'd rather go for the sure-shot place I know can be saved."
Yheron chuckled. "What of these technologies? They sound quite difficult to combat."
Lyn waved her hand dismissively. "I could crush them."
"Is that the wisest move though?" Raevan muttered. "Crushing them? Wouldn't you rather descend from on-high as a deity and fix all their problems, turning them to you with love and affection?"
"Yes," Lyn replied. "I'd like that. But realistically, the people in power there won't give it up that easily and be subservient to another foreign entity. We know the lesson that Yheron's mere existence caused." She turned to the true dragon. "The world united against a common threat. I would be considered that common threat."
Yheron nodded. "True. And with the way information spreads on Earth from what we've seen in your memories…the masses can be mobilized against you by fearmongering propaganda."
Lyn nodded. "It would have to be a slower, insidious process. But it can be done…I want to do it." She sighed. "In a few hundred years. I want to let the Eternal Empire advance further technologically."
Raevan smiled. "Your return could have been ruinous to all on Ghomar if you had chosen that path…but you chose a more enlightened path. I am proud of you."
"Thanks," Lyn muttered.
"You've done your dragon daddy and Duskari mommy proud," Yheron said jokingly.
Lyn flipped him off and focused on returning to her body, coming back to herself in the throne room, seated upon the powerful object. Once we hit the Industrial Age, I think. Maybe later…if I'm patient enough.
She nodded and stood up, walked to the doors, and threw them open before walking out into Lynhold. She manifested her wings and flapped up until she was far, far up above the Valley of the Volcano.
Lyn looked to the southwest, toward Khrelardia and the Free City of Bashinol. Memories of her first arriving as the Scout hero flooded her mind and she smiled as she remembered her allies being welcomed in a huge parade. I came here to save the world. And I did so.
She looked north, to Trisk, Vharthos, Raptol, Fosk, Feylin, and the Ruins of Elent. The memories of her near-immediate return sparked into her mind, and she smiled at the recollection of traveling with allies once more. I proved my dominion over others…and my benevolence.
She looked lastly to the southeast, the abandoned kingdom of Valagonia – formerly Shereld – now called the Shatterlands. Her defeating of the Elenthians in their ethereal forms, and capture of Cecily played through her mind. I saved it a second time.
Lastly, she looked up into the skies above. Her eyes could make out the countless stars and wonderous display above – a tapestry of creation and possibility. All of that could be mine to rule.
Then, she thought of Earth. The heroes that had chosen to return. By this point, approximately four hours would have passed since they woke up on the day of their summoning. She envisioned descending from the skies above Earth – maybe a big city, like Los Angeles, London, or Tokyo – and declaring her new world order. Now, with the inscribed "bridge" between worlds…she could reliably send people back and forth.
I'll return there eventually. I'll destroy and ruin all those who oppress the innocent. I'll set that world to right, just as I have Ghomar.
It's my right to rule everything.