Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 137: At That Time, He Was Extremely Scared!

Chapter 137: At That Time, He Was Extremely Scared!

"Thank you!"

Aoba nodded at Teuchi then began to eat the noodles in the bowl.

"What have you been busy with recently?" Teuchi sat opposite Aoba, smiled at him, and casually chatted.

"I've been studying recently," Aoba said. He felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. He had repeatedly been reading memories. It could be considered studying.

"You... are still so hardworking!"

The smile on Teuchi's face became even more brilliant. He hesitated a little and said, "I discussed it with Minato and decided to hold a membership sale every month. That way, more membership cards can be sold."

"Sure, I don't think it's a problem. You can set it on a certain day every month and then set it as Ramen Ichiraku's membership day. On this day, there is a possibility that you will get a free membership. Slowly, this day will become Ramen Ichiraku's day." Aoba said while eating noodles.

"This is also possible" Teuchi was stunned for a moment. He felt that Aoba's words were very reasonable. He immediately took out a notebook and recorded it down.

"I think it should be on the 11th of every month. The number 11 looks like two chopsticks. It just so happens that noodles are also used with chopsticks. It can make people think of it at once." Aoba said casually.

"I think it's very good!" Teuchi nodded, again and again, recording this inspiration in his notebook.

"Well... then... you can hold the annual Double Eleven - Ramen Ichiraku membership festival on November 11 every year. Then you can go through some discounts and draw out lucky customers. A large amount of value will be given at a greater discount. This kind of thing with limited numbers and only once a year would be even more precious."

When Aoba talked about No. 11, he thought of Double Eleven. This festival, which was ridiculed initially by everyone, has become the exclusive carnival of the online shopaholic.

"Aoba, you are really a genius!" Teuchi looked at Aoba in a daze. He raised his hand and gave Aoba a thumbs-up. From top to bottom, he admired Aoba very much. He discussed with Minato for several days before concluding that membership would be limited every month. In the end, it was upgraded by Aoba into Konohagakure's festival in a few words.

"It's all because Brother Teuchi's ramen is too delicious. After eating it, the inspiration is very smooth, and I can think of it whenever I think about it." Aoba said.

"What are you saying..." Teuchi was caught unprepared by Aoba's praise and had an embarrassed smile on his face. Then, his gaze fell on the ramen in front of Aoba. He said generously, "This bowl of ramen is on me!"

"Hahaha, thank you, Brother Teuchi!" Aoba had no intention of being polite to Teuchi. He accepted Teuchi's kindness with a smile. Now, he felt more and more the benefits of flattery. It was just that before he transmigrated, he was too shut-in and did not understand so much about the world's ways. Fortunately, it was not too late.

"By the way, Brother Teuchi, when you mentioned treating, I just remembered that I also have to count my 10,000 ryo membership!" Aoba raised his head and asked.

"Of course!" Teuchi said with a smile.

"That's good. When I helped to register, I didn't see my name..." When Aoba said this, he realized a problem. He had thought about it before and didn't have his name in the first place.

"Wait, no, Aoba, you're wrong!" Teuchi immediately noticed Aoba's problem and interrupted him.

"The money you gave me is indeed stored in the membership card. You can also use that membership card, but the name of the membership card is not you!"

Teuchi shook his head and said. He took out the book that recorded the membership card and flipped to the front page as he spoke. There was a penned record of eating ramen on it.


"This is the money for the membership you gave me."

"The name of the membership is Minato!"


"If you didn't say it, I wouldn't have noticed."

"When would you have some money? Remember to store some more money. The money you gave last time is almost gone!"

Teuchi frowned and looked seriously at Minato's consumption record on the member's small book.

"It is going to be eaten all up?" Aoba's eyebrows jumped fiercely. He thought that the money could hold on for a long time, but it was almost gone.

"What do you think..." A satisfied smile appeared on Teuchi's face, and he said, "When Minato doesn't have a mission, he eats several meals a day!"

"That... Brother Teuchi... Minato suddenly has money on his membership card. Doesn't he have any doubts?" Aoba asked.

"No, didn't you all discuss it beforehand? Isn't that his private money? What is suspicious about it?" Teuchi asked in confusion.

"Alright... alright... I understand..."

Aoba's face was full of black lines. He thought to himself, 'Good fellow, you really use it whenever you want. You are really not polite!'


Aoba chatted with Teuchi for a while.

After eating ramen, he left Ramen Ichiraku.

Just as Aoba walked out of the door.

Not far from the street, two people were walking toward him. They were all wearing red and white fan logos on their body.

In a split second.

The two people's eyes fell on Aoba, and they both stopped at the same time.

The two people looked at Aoba with deep panic.


Their panic was not the same reason.

These two people noticed Aoba, and Aoba also saw them.

Good fellow!

It was actually these two.

Fugaku and Mikoto!

A trace of helplessness appeared in Aoba's heart. Konohagakure had too many Uchiha, and yet he could meet two of them on the street just by eating a bowl of ramen.


These two people...

The way they looked at him was a little strange!

Am I that terrifying?


A mischievous thought arose in Aoba's heart, and his gaze immediately turned towards Mikoto.

Their gazes immediately collided.

A look of panic instantly appeared in Mikoto's pitch-black eyes, and the expression on her face was also very nervous. She seemed to want to explain something, but it was not the right time.

A moment later, Mikoto did not dare to look straight into Aoba's eyes. She slowly lowered her head, and her two small hands unnaturally pinched the corner of her ninja clothes.

After that.

Aoba shifted his gaze to Fugaku, directly meeting Fugaku's eyes.

In an instant.

The panic on Fugaku's face was even stronger than Mikoto's.

He shook his head slightly at Aoba.

His eyes flashed with a begging look.

The meaning that was revealed in an instant was entirely incomprehensible for Aoba.

"Cough cough..."

Aoba cleared his throat. He felt that there was something wrong with the two people in front of him. From the way they stood together, it was clearly a date.

According to the progress of the normal plot.

In a few years, Itachi would come out to buy soy sauce.


Judging from the look in the eyes of these two people.

Why did it seem like they were doing something stealthily!

The next moment.

Aoba pretended not to see it and turned toward the opposite intersection, avoiding these two people.

He didn't want to interact with these two important people from Uchiha's clan.

The eye exchange just now only felt that these two people were very interesting.

He had never seen them like this.



When Fugaku saw Aoba leave, he could not help but heave a sigh of relief. The expression on his face relaxed a little.

He did not know how many times he had taken the initiative to ask Mikoto out.

He had finally succeeded!

The two of them had just walked down the road for a while.

Mikoto said that she was hungry and wanted to eat something. However, she mentioned that she did not want to go to Ramen Ichiraku, which she usually liked to eat. Instead, she wanted to eat Dango.

Fugaku did not understand Mikoto's thoughts very well. However, such a small request could still be met.


He never expected this.

Just as the two of them passed by Ramen Ichiraku's door and walked towards the Dango shop.

They actually met his crazy fan that Sekai was talking about!

Fugaku trembled!

If Aoba had gone crazy in front of Mikoto that caught him off guard, this date would have been ruined.

At that time, he was terrified!

He kept praying in his heart that Aoba would let him go!

Moreover, he silently added in his heart that if Aoba could see his situation and not disturb this rare date, he would definitely personally send his signature photo to express his gratitude to this fanatical fan who supported him.

Because of this.

Fugaku saw that Aoba was very tactful and left.

He did not disturb his good deeds.

A big stone in his heart was relieved.

His impression of Aoba had completely changed.

This was a fan!

To be able to fulfill his idol's want!

Fugaku felt that Aoba was a person worthy of deep friendship for a moment. He planned to find a chance to get in touch with Aoba and maybe make friends.


As for Mikoto.

Her mood was completely different from Fugaku's, and her panic was completely different.

Before meeting Aoba, she had a good impression of Fugaku, and she felt that Fugaku was the best of the younger generation in Uchiha's clan.


Even she couldn't say why.

After she met Aoba, she had always been full of curiosity about him.

The mysterious teenager who looked like a spy in her eyes not only said frivolous words but also regarded her as air under many circumstances, but she couldn't help but think more about him.


After not seeing Aoba for a while.

Mikoto gradually dispelled the fantasy in her heart and was ready to open her heart to get along well with Fugaku.

At this time.

An embarrassing scene that she did not expect happened.

She actually met the person she did not want to meet at this time when she was dating Fugaku.

It was over; it was over...

Mikoto had an expression of loneliness that could not be concealed on her face. She felt that Aoba must have misunderstood their relationship.

All of a sudden.

Her mood was complicated, her expression was complex, and her eyes were complicated. Her entire being was very complex.

"Mi... Mikoto... Let's go eat Dango!"

Fugaku looked at Mikoto beside him. When he saw the latter's thoughtful expression, his heart immediately tightened.

It can't be!

It can't be that Mikoto saw something!

Just now, he only had extremely short eye contact with Aoba!

That was really just a small fan.

There was no other relationship!

Fugaku was really afraid that Mikoto would misunderstand, which was very difficult to explain...

"Well, OK."

Mikoto felt that Fugaku suddenly became attentive and caring and immediately put away the regret in her heart.


She couldn't show it!

She tried to control herself from thinking about Aoba but cherished the person before her.

All of a sudden.

The two of them had different thoughts on their minds.

As they walked toward the Dango shop.


Aoba leisurely headed back to Anbu's dormitory.

He had no idea that these two people could actually think so much, so much so that their date had evolved into something.


Aoba was on his way back to Anbu's dormitory.

His mind was indeed thinking about Uchiha's clan.

It was just that it wasn't the love of those children...


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