Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 80.1: Ji Fanyin, Let’s Leave This Place (1)

Chapter 80.1: Ji Fanyin, Let’s Leave This Place (1)

Cheng Lin did not show a single ounce of respect for Li Xiaoxing. If it wasnt for the two newlyweds stepping off-stage moments earlier, all eyes in the banquet hall would have been on them right now.

Nevertheless, there were still guests seated closer to the stage, who noticed that something was amiss and were quietly watching the situation play out.

Li Mingyue finally caught up to Cheng Lin and said, Lets not make a scene here and talk elsewhere. Im begging you.

Cheng Lin glared at her. You should be begging them instead of me. That dimwit will just be fooled by that woman again if I walk away now!

Xiaoxing, Li Mingyue spoke with a suppressed voice, there are too many eyes here.

Li Xiaoxing quietly motioned Secretary Fan to wheel him out of the banquet hall.

Ji Xinxin left alongside Li Xiaoxing with hurried footsteps. She couldnt help but bite her lips. 

Cheng Lin swaggered ostentatiously behind them. She casually glanced in Ji Fanyins direction and was surprised to see Bai Zhou squatting next to her seat, whispering something into her ears. 

Bai Zhou, that indecisive brat. What is he up to now?

Cheng Lin frowned. She momentarily weighed her choices of interrupting their conversation or dragging Ji Xinxin into the mud, and eventually decided to go with the latter. 

Li Mingyue took the two copies of medical records from her assistant before instructing the latter to remain in the banquet hall to maintain order. After settling that, she quickly followed behind the group. 

Lets find a quiet room to talk. Li Mingyue was glad they had booked the entire hotel for the engagement ceremony, allowing them much-needed privacy.

Secretary Fan swiftly found a nearby guest room for them. 

Xinxin, Li Xiaoxing called his fianc in his deep voice, I want to hear the truth from you.

This was the first time Ji Xinxin thought that Li Xiaoxings emotionless face was terrifying, but she suppressed her nervousness and fear to squat down in front of him. I dont remember much about our past. You were always the one who shared details about our childhood days, dont you remember?

You dont remember? Cheng Lin spat coldly. Of course you dont! No matter how rotten your head is, you cant possibly remember memories that arent yours!

I really dont remember anything at all! I dont know anything about what she recited from that diary or something! Ji Xinxin broke down into tears. All I know is that I love you a lot. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But if you dont love me anymore because I cant prove that I am the girl from your memories, lets annul our engagement right now.

Stop trying to change the topic! Cheng Lin cut right in, leaving no room for others to speak. You just told everyone about how youve known each other for five years. Havent the two of you ever reminisced about your childhood even once during these five years? How could someone who doesnt remember at all, fondly reminisce about their childhood days? Your impromptu skills can beat even the best talk show hosts! Go on, spin your lies. I would love to see how you can turn the truth on its head today!

After finishing her piece, Cheng Lin planted a chair right in front of the door and sat down there.

Li Mingyue: ... 

She shot a glance at the pitifully sobbing Ji Xinxin before stepping forward to hand the medical records to Li Xiaoxing. 

As Li Xiaoxing reached for the records, Ji Xinxins eyes fell upon the words written at the corner of the document.

Name: Ji Xinxin

I requested this document from Evergreen Nursing Home earlier on, explained Li Mingyue quietly. It contains detailed records of her medical conditions from her stay at the nursing home.

Li Xiaoxing took the documents, but he didnt browse through them right away. Instead, he began assessing Ji Xinxin, who was lying on his knees. His intent gaze induced shivers in Ji Xinxin. 

Left with no choice, she desperately grabbed Li Xiaoxings hands and exclaimed, I had no choice! By the time I realized something was amiss, I was already deeply in love with you! I couldnt I simply couldnt let you know that Im not the girl from your memories! What if you didnt love me anymore? What if you decided to court my older sister instead? What would I do then?!

Hah! Cheng Lin raised her hands and applauded loudly. Not bad at all. Ill give you ten points out of a hundred for this excuse. To put it in other words, you took his feelings toward Ji Fanyin as your own so that you could score yourself a rich sugar daddy! 

Li Mingyue coughed softly at that remark.

Cheng Lin retorted indignantly, Did I say anything wrong?


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