Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 79.3: Look Closely, Stupid! (3)

Chapter 79.3: Look Closely, Stupid! (3)

Just a couple of documents. Li Mingyue passed the folders to her assistant with no intention of giving Song Shiyu a look at them.

I have known Ji Xinxin and Ji Fanyin for many years. Song Shiyus voice was freezingly cold. I know how dire Xinxins condition was back then.

Refusing to bite the bait, Li Mingyue calmly replied, You must have been touched by their love story.

... Her response annoyed Song Shiyu. He lit up a cigarette and took a puff. You dont have to sound me out. If a little girl had truly helped your brother back then, she could only have been Ji Fanyin and not Ji Xinxin.

Smoking isnt allowed here, Li Mingyue reminded him.

While Song Shiyu put out the cigarette, Li Mingyue eyed the folders in her assistants hands.

Can those documents prove their identities? asked Song Shiyu. Do you intend to show them to Li Xiaoxing?

Its too late for that. Li Mingyue grabbed the folders and slammed them against Song Shiyus chest. Theres much more at stake now.

They could have easily called it off if the engagement ceremony hadnt commenced yet, but not anymore. It was like a message that had been sent for over two minutes on WeChatit couldnt be retracted anymore. 

While Li Mingyue was weighing her choices, Song Shiyus mind started churning into action too. 

If Li Xiaoxing truly cares about the little girl who saved him back then, theres a possibility that he might back down on his decision to marry Ji Xinxin and instead court Ji Fanyin. Why would I bring another strong love rival into the picture?

Besides, Ji Fanyin attended the engagement ceremony as one of the grooms guests, showing that she is acquainted with Li Xiaoxing. The chances are that she is already aware of Ji Xinxins impersonation. 

If Ji Fanyin hasnt exposed them yet, it can only mean that she doesnt intend to, at least not yet.

So, Song Shiyu began to speak up, In my view, it might not necessarily be a bad idea to let things play out as they are.

Li Mingyue stared daggers at Song Shiyu.

Its a fact that Li Xiaoxing has already fallen in love with Ji Xinxin, isn't that so? asked Song Shiyu. Rather than plunging the world into chaos by announcing the truth, wouldnt it be better to uphold the current peace and harmony? What do you think?

What a load of crap! Their conversation was interrupted by an infuriated Cheng Lin. Why should Ji Xinxin be allowed to trample all over her older sister and get things that don't belong to her? Do you know how she has oppressed that dimwit, Ji Fanyin all these years? She shouldnt even be given a dime she doesnt deserve!

Cheng Lins appearance spawned a headache for Li Mingyue. What brings you here?

Excuse me. Another voice piped up behind Cheng Lin. You all trailed out of the banquet hall one after another. Im not blind.

It was Bai Zhou.

He closed the door behind him and said, There shouldnt be anyone else after me.

The group looked at each other silently. No one was taking the initiative to start the conversation. 

Song Shiyu began looking through the medical records while Li Mingyue gestured for her assistant to keep a lookout for them. However, the remaining two, Bai Zhou and Cheng Lin, appeared to have reached an argument after a quick exchange of glances. 

You can discuss all you want, but Ill be revealing the truth. Cheng Lin crossed her arms domineeringly. I had to put up with this for so many years and I am sick of it. Ill tell Li Xiaoxing he is blind for recognising the wrong person. Whether he wants to continue this shit or not is none of my business. Its his choice.

Bai Zhou looked at Cheng Lin.

What? Cheng Lin asked impatiently.

Oddly enough, Bai Zhou was even angrier than her. Does Ji Fanyin condone your use of vulgarities?

Cheng Lin: ?

Forget it. That just means she cares more about me than you. Bai Zhou swiftly found an excuse.


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