Omega Summoner

Chapter 2196: Against a Chaotic Greater God IV

Chapter 2196: Against a Chaotic Greater God IV

"Great job! How long can you hold this on for?!" Levin Cloud asked.

"Two minutes at most. Even mythical tier barriers are almost infective against the full-on assault of a greater god when they are hell bent in killing you." Peridot stated as she

maintained her concentration on the barriers.

"I will help you! Protection of Nature! I choose the barrier surrounding us." Levin Cloud chanted as he empowered the barriers that protected them from the chaotic dark claws but also noticed that his mana suddenly dropped to the red zone.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"If I did not stop myself then I would have fainted! I was only able to strengthen the barriers for a short while, but it ate up all my divine energy and almost my entire mana. I bought at least one minute at most." Levin Cloud stated.

Adrian seeing his friends struggle finally made a decision. He went out of the protective area of the barrier which made two of the claws aim for him. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi thought that Adrian lost his mind as he is also a target for him. He knew that the demon has the Orb of Order in his personal pocket space. He also knows that killing Adrian would also release the Orb of Order as it is an item that cannot be own or kept by someone dead.

"I would have wanted to study your body as demons always fascinated me, but I must kill you for my plan to go into fruition." The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi thought as two of his chaotic dark claws are about to crush Adrian into meat paste.

"Let us see what will happen if this entire area is flooded with nether energy." Adrian thought as he is actually willing to overuse his body's energies.

"Nether Blast!" Adrian stated as he suddenly covered himself with his mirrors while also creating numerous mirrors around him.

He even created a mirror that transported Frey back to the protected area as he did not want her to be killed by what he is about to do. The nether energy in the area suddenly got riled up which also made the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi flinch. The dangerous energy that he was a bit wary of suddenly started to go wild. This only happens when one cannot properly control it or the one that produced it has gone mad.

"You! You would sacrifice the stability of the dimension for your victory!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi shouted as what Adrian is about to do will punch a hole in reality.

"Thanks to a certain someone that destroyed a dragon vein, punching a hole in reality here will not create consequences. The only reason why demons are holding back is due to the fact that running wild will destroy the dragon veins that create the world barrier. With no working dragon vein, I can exceed what I can output. So... Thank you for that!" Adrian stated as he curled himself into a ball and his body suddenly glowed in an eerie light.

"No!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi shouted as the six chaotic dark claws reached out towards Adrian, but they were too late.

Even if the claws pierced Adrian's body, he did not shout in pain as he has already let go of the control of his body. Adrian's entire body glowed in a powerful bright light as he also absorbed every but of nether energy in the surroundings. With a smile on his face, Adrian's body exploded in a powerful burst of nether energy that destroyed not only the chaotic dark hands but also the area around him.

The powerful explosion even shook the barrier that protected Levin Cloud, Peridot, and Frey. The explosion was so powerful that it erased the enhancement that Levin Cloud did. When the smoke finally cleared, the darkness that surrounded them could be seen to have patches of light seeping through as Adrian did a great deal of damage on the Greater God Amatsu- Mikaboshi. They could even see the Ryujin that were outside casting powerful elemental spells to destroy the barrier.

Adrian's soulbounds could not be seen though as they were sealed when he died. The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi could be seen groaning in pain as nether energy suddenly started to creep up into his body. He could only shed off the areas infected by them as attempting to absorb it would risk weakening him. Still, the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi emitted a laugh as the sacrificial bomb that Adrian did was not enough to defeat him.

"Such useless sacrifice! I am still here, and you are dead." The Greater God Amatsu- Mikaboshi stated as he looked around if the Orb of Order dropped.

"Where is it?! Where is the Orb of Order?!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi stated as numerous eyes suddenly manifested on the darkness, but he could not see the Orb of Order.

"What is he looking for?" Frey asked as she recovered some of her mana from a potion while Levin Cloud healed her.

"I think it might be an item that Equinox gave me earlier. I thought that he was giving me something nonchalantly, but I think he must have given me something incredibly important." Levin Cloud stated as he gulped. He just took the item and placed it inside his inventory like Adrian told him without any questions.

"You! One of you must have it!" The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi stated as all of the eyes that appeared suddenly focused on all of them.

The Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi angrily created smaller chaotic dark claws and used them to destroy the barrier protecting them. The claws did not pierce through the barrier though as the best it could do is scratch it. All of them noticed this and already came to the conclusion that Adrian's body explosion did more damage than what the Greater God Amatsu-Mikaboshi is telling them. They could even see patches of its body where light is seeping through which means that he was healing slowly.


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