Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 198 - MCIW [07] FINALLY AWAKE

Chapter 198 - MCIW [07] FINALLY AWAKE

Perhaps it was the sound of the beeping monitor or the hurried footsteps sounding from the hallways that stirred me from a peaceful slumber. Very slowly, my eyes parted open and instantly the painted white ceiling welcomed my sight.

I pushed myself up to have a clear view of my surroundings but the sudden exertion triggered the hammering in my head and my back landed on the soft, cushion bed with force leaving me wincing from the searing pain coming from the fresh wound scattered on my arms.

Patiently, I waited for the pain to subside and when it did, I carefully eased myself from the bed until my back was leaning on the headboard. My gaze sweeps over the room for a clear, detailed view of my surroundings.

If it weren't for the hospital gown loosely hanging on my frail body and the monitor constantly beeping beside me I would not believe I'm inside the private room of a hospital.

It was that moment that my eyes were busily observing my surroundings when the door suddenly flung open and a man entered the room.

He was tall, with wide broad shoulders. He walked inside the room with an air of dignity and grace.

Our eyes instantly met. My breath hitched on my throat as a pair of inky eyes caged mine. He has the blackest shade of eyes I've ever seen reminding me of a starless sky on a cold, quiet evening.

I tried tearing my gaze off him but it was all too late, I was already spellbound by a pair?of magnetic eyes looking at me as if he could read past the door that locked my soul and unveil all it's secrets.

With a quick long stride he reached my side in less than a second.

"You're awake." He said without tearing his gaze off me.?The chill in his tone sent shivers down my spine as I fought his disconcerting gaze.

"W-who are you?" I whispered, ignoring the pounding inside my ribcage. His jaw clenched and in an instant I regretted speaking the words aloud.

"How dare you." He growled, his facial expression quickly turned into a furious scowl. This time he crossed the tiny gap?between us then captured my arms into his iron grip.

The erratic beating of my heart almost reached my ears. Fear devoured me whole, freezing me on my tracks.

He was holding me too tight and my lack of strength couldn't resist the hands that held me firmly to my place like shackles.

"Shame on you Alexandria!" He said, hissing under his breath. His hand furiously tightened its grip on my wrist. I bit my lower lip and forced the tears back in an attempt not to cry.

"Y-you're hurting me!" I gasped and fought his gaze, trying to disguise the fear with the defiant tilt of my chin.

He seemed not to hear the plea. He just continued watching me with face contorted in an ugly mask of rage. "I am your husband." He spat the words bitterly.

I blinked my eyes rapidly, slowly digesting his words. The words rang to my ears, widening my eyes in disbelief. This emotionless man who was no better than a cold statue, claims that he was my husband.


Before my lips could utter a single word, the door opened without a warning.?A tall, lean man wearing a doctor's robe entered the room. He stopped on his tracks when his gaze locked to the man holding me captive.

"Lucas! " The Doctor's gaze furrowed as it landed on the hands tightly curled on my?wrists like iron cuffs.

The man must have heard the unspoken warning, the fingers digging on my flesh loosened and my hands fell on my lap like withered leaves. The imprints of his grip were left on my skin but it was not as painful as it was unlike when he was still gripping my wrists.

My fingers gently soothed the marks on my skin until the sore eased a bit.

The Doctor strode to my direction with his lips set into a firm line. He said nothing as he approached the bed, nor did he look to the man standing close to me with an equally grim expression plastered on his face.

"How are you feeling?" The Doctor asked upon reaching my side. The scowl on his face disappeared and it was slowly replaced by a smile.


"Does your head still hurt?" His tone was soft and gentle and very unlike the way the first man treated me.

I nodded my head.

His expression softened. "You need to rest now. " He said in a soothing way a close friend would treat another. When my gaze accidentally shifted to Lucas, I caught sight of the deep frown carved on his forehead. He was flustered.

Surprisingly, no protests emerged from my lips as the Doctor helped me lie down on the bed while Lucas watched.

"Your husband—Mr. Lucas Nicholas and I needed to talk for a moment. Please excuse us Alexandria."

Both Lucas and the Doctor left and I was alone inside the room again.

Alexandria. I repeated the words quietly but it sounded alien to my ears as if the name belonged to a different woman. I just don't feel the connection. Even the word husband feels foreign to me. I can't help but wonder if this is truly my life and not someone else's.

I sighed. Pushed the ideas crowding my head and closed my eyes firmly and did what the kind doctor told me. Rest. But the moment my eyes closed, a man with dark piercing eyes and smooth sleek hair inviting my fingers to run over them disturbed my rest.

Resting seems impossible now.

I tried to think of a thousand reasons inside my head answering something I'd been longing to ask: Why did Lucas—the man who introduced himself as my husband hates me that much.

I couldn't fathom the depths of his hatred but it seeped right through my skin every time he looked at me.. Those frosty eyes of his, layered with glaciers, penetrate my soul.


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