Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 760

Chapter 760

Matan’s Shooter 760

‘To trust… and shoot……’

Leeha mumbled.

Even after coming home, sergeant Kim’s words wouldn’t leave Leeha’s mind. He had intended to seek advice, return home, and immediately log into Middle Earth to subdue the White Reaper before December 31st!

That was Leeha’s basic plan. However, after hearing Sergeant Kim’s words, he couldn’t bring himself to log into Middle Earth. Leeha felt betrayed by everything he had believed in.

‘He didn’t say those things during training. The words I heard at the NCO School were different.’

A typical sniper doesn’t engage in solo play. Unlike Leeha’s movements in Middle Earth, snipers and spotters move together in pairs or sometimes in a group of three in real life.

Isn’t the sniper the one who reads the wind and distance, trusts the spotter, adjusts the scope clicks based on their information, sets the zero point towards the target, and fires?

Leeha excelled in both fields. Yet, he couldn’t recall hearing the words Sergeant Kim had spoken today in any training he had received before.

‘Rather, I remember hearing these kinds of words elsewhere.’

He had heard them in Middle Earth. Miss Elizabeth, the predecessor of 『Accuracy』. Wasn’t it one of the most absurd remarks Leeha had heard when he learned the curve shot from her?

‘To trust and shoot… But I never expected to hear that from Sergeant Kim.’

Leeha tossed and turned on his bed. Trust and shoot didn’t simply mean to shoot wherever his heart desired. It was a statement grounded in certainty.

Snipers belong to a global community, one species. It means their thoughts align as well. Especially for snipers at the top of their game. So, if you believe, you’ll know where the enemy will shoot from.

The moment you see the enemy, observe them, you become your own target. Do you understand?

No, what do you mean by that… It means to shoot yourself! It’s not that easy in the world!

“Haah…‥ It’s not easy at all. Shooting myself? Thinking the same thing?”

The higher the sniper, the more their thoughts and actions seem to align. They may have known it in their head, but applying it and pulling the trigger is never an easy task.

When a sniper faces an enemy, do they shoot with the belief that there will be one there?

The moment they shoot, their position is compromised. If there’s no enemy at that spot, they’ll be the one to die. Isn’t that a gamble with their life?

For those who learned that sniping is not about gambling, being told to believe and shoot held the opposite meaning.

“What’s the difference between shooting after betting on odd or even and shooting after some belief, sergeant!?”

Leeha blamed himself for being tongue-tied. He should have asked then, even if it meant getting scolded by Sergeant Kim. However, he didn’t. Completely overwhelmed by Sergeant Kim’s momentum and with his mind in chaos, he couldn’t gather his thoughts.

The White Reaper? A splendid person indeed. Still a great figure in the world of snipers, but he is nothing more than a specter of the past. Since that day, the rules and principles of engagement between snipers have evolved significantly.

Yes? And you are the best among all who completed that training, a 『Modern Sniper』. And guess what, you learned it from me, the most outstanding instructor in the history of the army!

You will never succumb to 『Ghosts of the Past』! Wait, a moment ago I said the White Reaper wouldn’t stand a chance against you—well, not now. But if you pull yourself together… you won’t, Leeha.

Leeha touched his chest. With that statement, sergeant Kim made a fist and gently pressed Leeha’s chest. Despite the lack of force in the action, it felt heavy and painful.

“Phew, anyway… since Sergeant Kim is not in his right mind.”

Wanting to know what had happened while he was on deployment, Leeha had no choice but to get up and head home, as he had been lying in bed replaying those words in his mind.

“To challenge, you must fully understand the meaning… Ugh, I’m going crazy. Feels like going out for something and coming back with something stuck to you. It’s already the evening of December 30th, and I need to solve it by the end of the year—”

Leeha’s body sprung up as if on a spring. Using the strong recoil to rise, he grabbed the calendar. Today is December 30th, and it’s already around 6 p.m. So, it means that December 30th is ending soon. Then, what about tomorrow?

“Oh, oh! Tomorrow is December 31st? What? Why?”

Today being December 30th, it was only natural for tomorrow to be December 31st. He was so bewildered that he didn’t even know who or what he was questioning.

“Tomorrow is Ram Hwayeon’s day! Oh, darn it! Now of all times!”

Hurriedly, he rushed to turn on his computer. But wasn’t it just a few days ago that reservations for decent restaurants were already fully booked?

“No, no. Please, buddha, God, anyone!”

Muttering nonsensical words, he desperately dialed the phone numbers of famous eateries, hoping to secure at least one reservation, but life isn’t that easy.

Even after repeatedly calling until his smartphone battery ran out, there was no success. Now, at a point where there seemed to be no place available except for tiny establishments, it was already past 9 p.m. on December 30th. The crisis loomed.

He decided to believe in the last resort.

Kijung: Wh-What…what is it that I want? Did you think all wishes can come true by wishing?

Leeha: Stop, just stop. Don’t you know any good places nearby?

Kijung: Oh, come on. Asking me for good dating spots, huh? Aren’t you the social butterfly? You’re in the Business Department! There should be plenty of students around! Don’t you have friends?

Quickly responding to Leeha’s agitated voice, he said nothing more, leaving both of them hurt.

Leeha: Oh… I see…sorry.

How many real friends did Leeha have if all he did was play Middle Earth Online? Inside the game, it might be different, but outside, there was hardly any difference between him and Leeha.

Kijung: If we go to that fancy grill place, will Ram Hwayeon be upset?”

Leeha: Maybe she’ll send an assassin or something as a joke. Argh, what do I do?!”

Kijung: I don’t know. It’s your thing, so figure it out yourself. If it doesn’t work out, how about Auntie’s restaurant? Her cooking is great! And it’s a chance to pay a visit! I dropped by during the grand opening, and it was neat inside.

Leeha: What? You crazy! Are you seriously suggesting that?”

Reacting with a start, he shouted furiously. What kind of recommendation was it to suggest his friend’s mother’s restaurant?

But soon, Leeha’s voice turned serious.

Kijung: Why? Seeing how Ram Hwayeon wants to spend the year-end together, she must have feelings for you, right? Then it’s a chance to introduce her to Auntie as well! It’s a good idea! You never know how things work out, right?

Leeha: Don’t…don’t try to persuade me… I warned you not to convince me.

Kijung: No, really! Think about it! Hyung, do you have Ram Hwayeon’s number? Send her a text! Who knows, she might actually be looking forward to it? How many good places to eat are there in Seoul anyway? Hong Kong probably has more delicious options! Ram Hwayeon might be secretly hoping to meet Hyung’s acquaintances! Huh? That’s probably not it, right?

Leeha was at a loss for words. As the thought that it was absurd crossed his mind, it also made sense, which made him lower his head with a sigh.

Leeha: This is ridiculous! It’s ridiculous!

He then shook his head.

Leeha: Noisy! I almost tripped over.

If he continued like this, he would end up in an embarrassing situation. Clearing his throat, he continued, “There’s no way! I don’t know any good places to eat! Then I’ll just call it off!”

Kijung: Wait! Hyung! What time tomorrow and where!?

Kijung’s voice came through the phone, but he hung up.

Leeha: Kijung, making unnecessary comments! Just going to eat, what’s all this about!

He paced around the room.

Like a frantic puppy, he spun around in place, but his thoughts were still in disarray, and time continued to pass.

‘What should I do? A commoner experience? Should I just go around with that? It’s okay, if things don’t work out, I know a few local eateries too! When did Ram Hwayeon ever try pig bulgogi! Hehe! Let it be as it will be! Or should I order a spicy jjang dish! Try Korean spiciness!’

His wavering thoughts began to erupt in a haphazard manner.

With his thoughts still not organized, he welcomed the morning of December 31st.

“Hoo-oo-oo-oo…~… Hoo-oo-oo-oo.”

He stood in front of the departure gate, taking deep breaths. Five minutes left until arrival time.

Considering Ram Hwayeon’s time management strategy and the private jet of the Ram Long Group, she would come out without a single mistake.

“Besides, this time she’s coming without Ram Hwajung, right? No bodyguards! Does that mean she’s coming alone? Or maybe just with a few bodyguards?”

He was more nervous than he thought.

What particularly showed the difference from when she visited Korea on a group level was the presence of the press. None of the journalists from the political and business circles were here, demonstrating how much Ram Hwayeon’s visit to Korea was being kept secret.

“Maybe there won’t even be bodyguards… If… if an accident happens…”

He recalled the chairman of the Ram Long Group he met in Hong Kong. If something were to happen to Ram Hwayeon in Korea, Leeha was confident that he would be in big trouble.

“Maybe I should’ve called Kijung instead. Ugh, this is driving me crazy!”

His throbbing heart was making quite a noise. He fidgeted with the picket he was holding.

Since he couldn’t make a reservation at a good restaurant as Ram Hwayeon preferred, his strategy was to score points in a different way! He spent the night creating a fancy picket called 『Welcome Ram Hwayeon』 by fumbling around with nonexistent materials! But he couldn’t bear to use it! It was embarrassing – he felt shy… and self-conscious…

‘Let’s write it in Chinese characters so people can’t recognize it!’ he chuckled to himself, but then realized that all Chinese foreigners might recognize it.

“Rather than doing that, it’s better to hide… Oh no, time’s up!”


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The time Ram Hwayeon mentioned was approaching, and the departure gate began to open alarmingly. Quickly hiding the picket behind his back, he hurried through the gate. Since she was coming on a private jet, he predicted that no one other than Ram Hwayeon and her bodyguards would disembark. But the reality?


Asian people were coming out of the departure gate, but they weren’t related to the Ram Long Group; they were ordinary individuals.

“What? Why? The time is… correct, right? Oh! Maybe the arrival time of the private jet and another plane were the same?”

Wasn’t it unlikely that only one plane would land at Incheon International Airport? Leeha decided to wait for Ram Hwayeon again, reflecting on their own short-sightedness.

However, as more than ten or twenty people passed by, there was no one who seemed to be related to the Ram Rong group. Leeha found themselves scrutinizing those in suits, wondering if they were bodyguards, but Ram Hwayeon was nowhere near them.

“It’s been… quite some time, hasn’t it?”

Leeha chuckled while looking at the wristwatch. It was then that a voice came from behind them.

“What time is it?”

“9:08… Ugh!”

Startled, Leeha turned around. The voice of the woman who suddenly asked about the time was very familiar.

“Oof! Why are you screaming like that!?”

“Wha-what?! When did you—when did you come out?”

“Even after seeing us coming out, you stood there dumbfounded, and still couldn’t recognize us?! Seriously, couldn’t recognize us?”

“It’s not th-that—my mind—”


“-Cheog! Ram Hwajung?”

Leeha felt the woman’s arm wrapping around their waist. The reason Leeha didn’t recognize the sisters was that their hair color was not the usual mix of red or blue, but instead a solid black. The two sisters, with their dyed black hair and sunglasses, were dragging their suitcases. Most importantly, there was no sign of any bodyguards with them.


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“What’s going on?”

“I’m on vacation until January 1st. Let’s go. Is the car waiting? Where’s the hotel?”

“Wait, hold on! What—what are you talking about?”

Seeing Leeha, who was so flustered that formal language slipped out involuntarily, ran Hwayeon furrowed her brows.

“For the vacation. You said you’ll take responsibility until December 31st?”

“No, that respon—wait. That responsibi-”

Walking toward the exit of the airport, ran Hwayeon cut off Leeha, who was struggling to speak properly.

“What are you doing? Not coming?”

“O, oppa.”

With Ram Hwayeon urging in front and Ram Hwajung clinging to Leeha’s side, how should Leeha even begin to process this situation! He couldn’t help but look back and forth between the two women, unable to close his mouth.


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