Marvel With Zanpakutou

Chapter 642: Convergence Of People

Chapter 642: Convergence Of People

"Everyone, go out."

Chen's voice was very hoarse, as if she was enduring some kind of pain.

The others looked at each other. They knew that the vice-captain did not want to be disturbed, so they left the room in turn, leaving only the vice-captain Chen and the person she led.

"It is indeed their Spiritual Power."

Peter's eyes were dim and his mood was extremely heavy. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's Constantine and Barton's Spiritual Power, but the murderer. I don't think it's the two of them."

"Where's the evidence?"

Chen said coldly, "Take out your evidence and prove that they are not the murderers."


Peter was immediately speechless.

Chen's gray eyes gradually became murderous. She said coldly, "Since there is no evidence, then the murderer is them!"


Peter's face was bitter and he could not refute.

Yes, where is the evidence?

He kept saying that the murderer was not them, but he could not bring out any evidence.

Looking at the only clue of the entire crime scene, there was only Constantine and Barton left Spiritual Power. In addition, there was no other Spiritual Power, which could prove that there was a third person here.

And the most important thing was that the cause of Aizen's death.

The huge hole in the chest was caused by some kind of toxic substance, which led to Captain Aizen's death.

In the past, when Soul Society was training in Lod's underground space, Peter had seen the special training program of Hawkeye Barton by chance. After he became a soul hunter, one of his abilities was to create biological poison, which could also cause this kind of injury.

Everything seemed to be pointed at them.

Did John Constantine, and Hawkeye Barton really kill a captain?

Peter felt that his brain was a little confused.

For a time, he could not think. Now even he himself was not sure whether it was Constantine and Barton. The two of them attacked Captain Aizen.

"What else do you want to say?"

Chen's eyes were surging with killing intent, and her voice was cold like the cold wind.

"I... I am not sure."

Peter squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, his fingers deeply inserted into the roots of his hair. His eyes were blank as he said, "But my intuition tells me that the murderer must not be them."

After he said this, he felt that he had no confidence. Anyone could tell that there was a hint of heart in it - hollow.

"You can leave now."

Chen took a deep look at him and said slowly, "I don't ask for your help to find them, but I only ask you not to interfere. Otherwise, even if you are my savior, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Yes. I'm sorry."

Peter's eyes dimmed. He could not betray his companions, nor could he face this girl. The guilt was like a big hand, clenching his heart tightly, making him unable to breathe.

"You can go."

Chen understood the boy's choice. She closed her eyes in grief and felt a strong sense of disappointment in her heart.

Under the girl's disappointed eyes, Peter stumbled and ran out in a daze.

His mind was now in a mess, as if there were people chasing him from behind, and he fled in panic.




Peter hid in a certain room and waited until night. After the patrols were reduced a little, he carefully ran out.

He did not forget his mission. There was only one day left before Mr. Stark was sentenced to death, so he had to seize the time to find other scattered companions.

With the previous two experiences, Peter was very cautious this time.

He used his flexible body to avoid those patrolling death god. Then he used the special detection device in his hand to try to find if there was any signal from others within a few kilometers.

In the process of moving, he found two signal sources.

And these two signal sources were less than a kilometer away from his current position. It could be said that they were very close.

Peter was happy in his heart. He shouted that he was really lucky and quickly ran in the direction of the signal source.

Although he was delayed for a while in order to avoid patrolling death god, fortunately, the signal source did not move, which proved that they were still safe at the moment, which made Peter more relieved.

Soon, he arrived at the location of the signal source.

A big black flag fluttering on the flagpole, with golden words depicting the Daffodil pattern, and the number '10' in the hexagonal prism box, undoubtedly proved that this was the encampment of 10th Division.

According to the previous information, the duty of 10th Division is to patrol Seireitei.

Death god of the patrols outside is a member of this Division, which is probably equivalent to the current police.

They actually dared to hide here. The two of them were really bold.

However, after thinking about it, it was not that he could not accept it. After all, according to an ancient saying in the east, the most dangerous place was the safest place.

Those death god who patrolled outside every day would never think that the two travelers they wanted to catch were hiding in their old nest.

Peter pursed his cracked lips, looked at the gap between the patrols, and drilled in. Following the location of the signal source, he arrived at the abandoned training ground at the back of the camp.

In the hazy night, two figures walked towards him.

Peter looked closely. It turned out to be Natasha and Professor Banner. His tense muscles relaxed slightly, and he suddenly felt like crying.

"You weren't followed, were you?" Natasha asked directly as soon as they met, not giving Peter a chance to speak.

"No. No!" Peter shook his head vigorously and quickly promised, "I deliberately took a few laps and changed my clothes. Then I sneaked here. No one followed me."

"That's good." Natasha let out a sigh of relief, but then she frowned again. "Why are you here alone? I remember that when we were separated, didn't Rogers stay with you?"

"Captain Rogers, he..."

Peter looked bitter. After pausing for half a second, he said sadly, "In order to protect me from leaving, he stopped a captain alone. I wonder if he is still alive."

"Even Captain Rogers..."

Banner sighed bitterly and shook his head. "I wonder how the others are doing."

"Constantine and Barton seem to have killed a captain." Peter quickly told them everything he had seen today, hoping that the two of them could give some suggestions. "Do you think that they really did it?"

"How is that possible?"

Natasha crossed her arms in front of her chest and sneered, "There must be someone deliberately framing us."

"Nana is right. This is framing." Banner nodded and patted Peter on the shoulder. "In fact, the reason is very simple. It's just that you are too flustered, so you can't see the problem."

Peter was stunned and asked hurriedly, "Where is the problem?"

"There are problems everywhere, and everything is too coincidental."

Natasha's eyes sank and slowly said, "With the strength of the two of them, let alone killing a captain, even defeating Frank is difficult. How can it be possible to do this?"

"Yes, they just met Aizen. Aizen was not on guard against them, just inviting them to his own team building, just to be attacked again. When they left, they left their own Spiritual Power." Banner smiled and said, "Now do you still think that all of this is a coincidence?"

"Someone is framing us!"

Peter's heart trembled, and he suddenly realized: "In other words, the person who killed Aizen is actually in Seireitei?"

"The only one who can kill a captain is the other captain." Natasha lifted her hair and said seriously, "Things are getting more and more serious. I feel like we are involved in a conspiracy."

"There are people who use us as cover." Banner bit his lips and said.

Just as the three of them were talking, a figure walked over.

Under the night.

The newcomer had a silver messy short hair, which was Ichimaru Gin, the captain of 3rd Division.

"It seems that my luck is good ---"

Ichimaru Gin squinted his eyes, the corner of his mouth raised a smile, and said: "I actually ran into three invaders again."


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