Martial God Regressed to Level 2

Chapter 589

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 589

"Oh no..."

Urd sighed as she looked at the vanished clock.

"You. Were your stat values so low that I couldn't activate my authority?"

"Seems that way."

"This is quite unexpected... Your stats. Their performance is quite high compared to their numerical values."


As she tried to summon the clock again,

But with her stats adjusted, she couldn't even summon a single clock.

The stat adjustment in the Tower of Martial Gods essentially sealed her most powerful weapon.

'Is this what they call a windfall?'

Urd, who had impatiently activated the still inactive Tower of Martial Gods on BattleTube and rushed in,

Only to end up unable to use her authority and likely become fodder for leveling up.

While this outcome was welcome, Seong Jihan couldn't be entirely happy about it.

'...Just how big is the stat difference between me and Urd?'

Seong Jihan's stat values were significantly weaker than the challenger's.

He had expected some gap, but not to the extent that Urd couldn't even summon her light clocks.

'Still, if our stats are the same now, she must have some ability.'

With the light clocks not working, what abilities could Urd use now?

To check this, Seong Jihan summoned Blue and Red.

And as he lightly slashed with the sword,


Urd's body in the distance seemed to split in half, but then,

"My, how cruel. Attacking a helpless opponent without warning."


She regenerated instantly.

"I see the elf's regeneration still works."

"Yes. Some physical abilities remain, it seems."


As Urd leapt swiftly towards Seong Jihan,

'She's slow.'

With a single flash of Blue and Red,


Urd's body was instantly split into dozens of pieces.

And red flames began to spread through the gaps in her wounds.

The Red's flames quickly consumed Urd's body, but,

"Except for this fire."

Pat. Pat.

Having regenerated to her original form in no time, she lightly patted out the flames burning on her body.

"Aren't you going to use your authority?"

"I don't feel the need to."

"You're really stingy with using Blue. Seriously."

Seeing Urd pouting, Seong Jihan's eyes grew cold.

Urd was trying to gain information about Stat Blue somehow.

There was no need to use Blue to fight her now.

Especially in a situation like this where only her regeneration remained, there was even less reason to reveal Blue.


'She doesn't seem particularly interested in Stat Red. Does she already have some information?'

[...It seems so. She put out the fire too easily.]

As the Red Administrator answered thus, Seong Jihan asked him just in case.

'By the way, can't we change the settings now? The defeat penalty for the Tower of Martial Gods. Make it death outright.'

[Once the tower is created, it's impossible to change midway. Besides, even if the penalty was 'death', I can't guarantee a being of that level would actually die here.]

'I see.'

It would be best if she just died in the Tower of Martial Gods.

Things didn't work out that easily in this world, it seemed.

'For now, let's try to eliminate her while making the most use of Red.'

Having decided this, Seong Jihan moved Blue and Red and,


Urd's body began to be slashed and burned repeatedly.

Pat. Pat.

But each time, Urd lightly patted out the fire.

"When you use it, the firepower is quite strong indeed."

She smiled brightly as she restored her charred body.

"But that ability alone isn't enough to take down even the current me."

Red alone wasn't enough.

So he should hurry up and use his other abilities to try and kill her.

Urd provoked Seong Jihan like this, but,

[Level increases by 1.]


What actually caught Seong Jihan's attention was the message that appeared before his eyes.

'My level is increasing here?'

Urd, whose abilities far surpassed his own.

Her level must be incomparably higher too.

So just burning her body a bit like this increased his level?

'If that's the case... I should keep going, right?'

This kind of leveling event was absolutely not to be missed.

Seong Jihan maintained his expression and,


He intensified the flames on Blue and Red.

* * *

30 minutes later.

-Wow, she really lives tenaciously ㅡㅡ;

-That elf... Is she the one we saw when Seong Jihan returned?

-Seems like it, Why are her stats so overwhelmingly higher?

-Still, it's fortunate Seong Jihan benefits from the adjustment... Their abilities are similar now but she keeps reviving like a zombie.

-If she were a zombie, she'd be ashes by now... This regeneration is insane.

The viewers watching Seong Jihan's BattleTube were getting sick of seeing Urd constantly regenerating.

No matter how many times her body was split and burned, she instantly returned to normal.

What would happen in a fight without adjustments if she was this strong with adjusted stats?

As human viewers were feeling anxious watching her,

-The Tower of Martial Gods is lit up but I can't enter... Is it just me?

-I can't enter either, I wanted to try going in.

-Why do you want to go in? Can you beat the Blue Administrator?

-With 100% adjustment it seems doable...

-??? You still think that after watching this monster fight until now?

-Well, the race is still human, right? If stats are equal then...

Some alien viewers watching Seong Jihan and Urd's fight were having vain delusions.


[Level increases by 1.]

'Urd has given me 30 levels.'

Seong Jihan struggled to suppress a smile as he saw the level up messages appearing at one-minute intervals.

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]

When she first activated the Tower of Martial Gods and rushed in, he wondered how to drive out this troublesome opponent.

Now she was continuously burning and becoming fodder for his level ups.

'If this keeps up, the purpose of creating the Tower of Martial Gods will be achieved right away.'

If only she could hold out a bit longer.

Seong Jihan tried to maintain a serious expression while earnestly hoping Urd would continue to endure, but,

Swish swish swish...

Unfortunately, from Urd's burning and regenerating body,

Purple mist began to rise.

And then, void began to burst forth from within it.

"...Oh my. Once eternity is adjusted, this is my limit it seems."

Urd's eyes grew cold as she watched her body being engulfed by the void.

"Blue Administrator... Did you anticipate this far?"

What anticipation?

He was simply enjoying the leveling event.

Seong Jihan raised the corners of his mouth.

"Huh. You looked down on Red, but you only lasted 30 minutes? Weaker than expected."


"Am I wrong?"

Couldn't she have endured a bit longer if she was not weak?

He inwardly hoped for this, but,

"As someone who can't turn back time now, that's an accurate observation."


Urd's body was being completely consumed by the void.

"Equal stats were a much bigger penalty than I thought..."

With only her mouth remaining,

She moved her lips one last time.

"Next time, I absolutely won't show such a disgraceful display."


The overflowing void swallowed even her last remaining mouth, and,

[Player 'Urd' has died.]

[The battle ends.]

Urd disappeared, having self-destructed like that.

[Level increases by 30.]

And in the system message that followed,

His level had increased by 30 more.

'So Urd alone gave me a total of 60 levels...'

She rushed in impulsively on her own and left after giving generously.


[You have defeated an 'administrator-level being' in the Tower of Martial Gods.]

[You have satisfied the 'special upgrade condition' for the Tower of Martial Gods.]

[The Tower of Martial Gods will greatly expand and be newly upgraded.]

Unlike when capturing human life prisoners, with Urd's defeat, the Tower of Martial Gods also underwent a complete transformation.


A massive vibration shook all of Namsan, and the size of the blue tower began to grow to more than twice its original size.

[The Tower of Martial Gods is expanded to 20 floors.]

[On empty floors, phantoms of beings subdued by the Martial God will appear randomly.]

Phantoms of subdued beings appearing...

'Then could Urd possibly pop up on the lower floors of the tower?'

If so, no challengers would be able to reach the top floor.

'No. Maybe because the challengers' stats are so low, Urd might quickly be devoured by the void...'

Urd, who just now lasted only 30 minutes before being consumed by the void.

If she were to compete with equal stats against an even weaker player than Seong Jihan,

Her eternity value might become much lower and she might be devoured by the void even faster.

'I'll have to check later.'

As Seong Jihan was thinking about the phantom function created through the special upgrade,


[The invitation function through BattleTube is activated.]

A function that couldn't be used until just now was unlocked by subduing Urd.

'She's a complete blessing this time. That woman.'

Rushing in rashly only to self-destruct gloriously,

Not only did she give Seong Jihan 60 levels, but also opened up so many functions of the Tower of Martial Gods.

Seong Jihan smiled as he examined the invitation function, but,

[Additional participation costs will be incurred based on the distance between the tower's location and the challenger.]

[To measure the exact location, please add the coordinates of the planet where the Tower of Martial Gods is currently located.]

[Coordinate information will be disclosed when challengers pay the costs.]

'Add Earth's coordinates?'

He frowned at the subsequent messages.

He didn't really want to disclose Earth's coordinates to aliens.

[Is there any need to hide it at this point? Your main enemies probably already know this location anyway.]

'Hmm. Still, I'm reluctant to disclose the coordinates...'

While the administrators already knew Earth's coordinates,

He didn't want to disclose all the coordinate information to unspecified alien races just to operate the Tower of Martial Gods.

It somehow felt like selling out Earth for the sake of leveling up.

[But the core of Plan A is the alien challengers. Aren't alien races essential if you want to use the Tower of Martial Gods as a continuous means of leveling up?]

'That's true, but...'

In Plan A proposed by the Red Administrator, the most necessary challengers were ultimately aliens.

Humans benefiting from the tower provided that much less experience to Seong Jihan.

[If you fail, humanity will be on the path to extinction anyway. I recommend disclosing the coordinates.]


Seong Jihan looked at the Tower of Martial Gods mark that appeared on BattleTube.

The gray tower was now half-enveloped in a pure white light after the special upgrade.

If he disclosed the coordinates here and fully activated the invitation function, would it become completely luminous?

'My level increased by 60, but leveling up is still essential.'

Now that the enormous ability gap with Urd had been revealed, the Tower of Martial Gods, which would help with leveling up, had to be operated somehow.

And alien challengers were essential in that process.

The BattleTube function had to be activated no matter what.

'...I guess I have to register the coordinates after all.'

As Seong Jihan was contemplating this,


A pure white light rose from his hand.

'Hm? This light, could it be...'

The stat 'White Light' that had remained motionless no matter how he tried to use it until now.

Of all times, now it was emitting light on its own in front of the inactive Tower of Martial Gods icon on BattleTube.

[Translator - Asura]

[Proofreader - Gun]


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